1. LFCA TC Meaford Boundaries. Members and their sponsored guests are only entitled to conduct club recognized activities within the Geographic boundaries of LFCA TC Meaford except where safety, military or conservation purposes have deemed certain areas are OUT OF BOUNDS. Although this statement is deemed to be reciprocal, guests will be expected to pay a daily "user" fee, when using facilities within the bounds of the other geographic areas. The Executive will set this fee.
  2. For purposes of control and resource management, LFCA TC Meaford is divided into eight areas. The map at Annex A depicts the PROHIBITED SHOOTING areas and for safety purposes the DANGER and UNEXPLODED BOMB areas:

  1. a PROHIBITED SHOOTING AREA is an area where shooting is not permitted at any time. These areas are generally areas in which building or works are found or in which training activity restricts recreational activity. These areas are shown on the maps at Annex A;
  2. an UNEXPLODED BOMB AREA is an area where no activity of any kind is permitted. These areas are signed accordingly. This area corresponds to the Artillery Impact Area; and
  3. a DANGER AREA is an area where shooting, fishing and other sporting activities are permitted but only when that area is not physically occupied by troops under training and the activity does not conflict with that training.


  1. Hunting of all types is prohibited on the Meaford Range except for approved hunts. The Commanding Officer LFCA TC Meaford and/or MNR Ontario may only authorize these hunts. In these cases special instructions will be issued under the authority of the Commanding Officer LFCA TC Meaford.
  2. Fires shall not be built without Range Control approval. Fires must be fully extinguished after use and not left unattended. Care must be taken to properly dispose of cigarette butts, pipe ashes and matches at all times.
  3. No member shall touch, pickup, disturb or remove any item or animal, whether it be natural or man made, within the LFCA TC Meaford boundary without the appropriate authorization (Club President/Base Ops O/Range Control). This includes any unexploded ordinance or military type item. Members are to report any unusual or unidentified objects/items to Range Control ASAP.
  4. Trees, fences and signs on DND property are not to be removed, broken or damaged. Trees may be cut with permission of Range Control LFCA TC Meaford when their use is for authorized Club projects.
  5. Access. All members must be in possession of their Club membership card to participate in Club activities and to gain access to LFCA TC Meaford Boundaries. Members are expected to challenge any person met within these boundaries they do not recognize as being club members. Names of non-members (without a proper pass) shall be reported to Range Control or Base Military Police. All members, including their guests must report to and sign-in and out at Range Control (building M-201) prior to entering and departing the Base proper. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule.
  6. Upon entering, the members will present their membership card, sign themselves and their guest(s) in by name, pay guest fees as required, and secure a pass. This pass will be displayed on the vehicle dashboard. Persons found outside of the approved/indicated areas will be required to forfeit the pass and leave the area. Disciplinary administrative action will follow.
  7. Members making use of the facilities at Vail's Point shall not proceed beyond the designated boat launching, picnic and camping areas.
  8. Members proceeding to Mountain Lake from Vail's Point must have received prior approval from Range Control, use the authorized roads and shall restrict themselves to the dock and authorized areas while at Mountain Lake. The shoreline of Mountain Lake is OUT OF BOUNDS in other than authorized and marked areas.

    ACCESS AND USE (Facilities)

    1. Access to the clubhouse is controlled by an access code. This code is given to all authorized members. Any member acquiring access to the club is responsible for the lock up and security. The access code is changed annually (Nov) or as necessary.
    2. All members are authorized to use club facilities. In some cases a minor fee may be charged. The executive will determined this fee.
    3. In concert with LFCA TC Meaford Commanding Officer, consistent with Military Regulations and subject to the availability of the Club facilities, the President or Vice Presidents may approve any application from outside agencies either military or non-military for the use of Club facilities. The terms of usage and fees are determined and published by the Executive.
    4. Notices shall not be posted on the Notice Board without the approval of the Secretary. The Secretary shall ensure the Notice Board is maintained in an orderly manner and that the notices thereon are current.




    1. The Club generally operates from the clubhouse as it contains the majority of the DA items. The maintenance of clubhouse and these items are the responsibility of the maintenance chairman.
    2. The club has other facilities where they conduct activities. Camping and picnic facilities at Vail's Point and picnic facilities at Mountain Lake.

    Vail's Point

    • BBQ sites
    • 26 campsites
    • 40 vehicle parking area
    • Boat Launch
    • Fishing - Rainbow/Coho

    Mountain Lake

    • Bass/Pickerel/Perch/Parking Area/Outboards permitted.
    • Picnic Area
    • Boat Launch
    • 1 – club owned row boat

    Property records shall be established and maintained by the Club Administrator showing particulars of all furniture and effects belonging to the Club (DA). An annual verification of the inventory will be conducted