A variation of the Incredibly Short Fic stories was a small blurb-like entry I called A NoRomo In Hell. Thematically similar to ISF in that it's short, the title is significantly different to put this story in a completely different heading. Here it is, along with it's follow-up, written by Kipler. Be intrigued. I dare you!!!

WARNING: No COPYRIGHT restrictions were written along with these stories. As such, this means anyone working on this story series is DOOMED AS DOOMED CAN BE! NOOOO! Oh, well, off to work.

NEW: A NoRomo In Hell


Location: Hell

Time: 5:23 p.m. EST Thursday

"No." The NoRomo continued shaking his head even as the demon hit the rewind button to the VCR player. "Don't show it to me again. I just won't believe that Scully got knocked up by Mulder."

The demon chortled as demons were wont to do, replaying the scene once again on the 200-foot- widescreen television screen.

The NoRomo's scream of "They're just friends" was drowned out forevermore.

The end?


From: Kipler (kipler@aol.com)

Subject: Re: NEW: A NoRomo In Hell II (extremely short) Newsgroups: alt.tv.x-files.creative

View this article only Date: 2000/05/28

"She doesn't say she had sex with Mulder," the Noromo said.

"Why the hell would she be SMILING if she'd been impregnated by some alien force or, worse still, CSM?!" asked the Shippers.

Then a silence.

-- Kipler





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