Elk (& Cameron) County Court Response to Adoption Search Inquiry

3-5-99 Response from Vernon D. Roof, President Judge, 59th Judicial District of PA, Elk & Cameron County

Elk County Courthouse P.O. Box 416 Ridgway, PA 15853 (814) 776-6144 (814) 772-7780 Fax

I am writing in response to your letter of February 15, 1999, regarding our county's policy for obtaining adopiton information. Generally, we follow the procedures outlined in the Adoption Act, 23 Pa.C.S.A. 2905 and have no specific requirements for an adopted person to obtain non-identifying information other than what is set forth in the statute. A petition must be filed with the Office of the Register and Recorder, the fee for which is currently $15.00.

With regard to waivers and the filing of waivers in the adoption record, again we have no specific provisions or policies for the same other than what is provided in the Adoption Act. Signed waivers would certainly be considered when deciding whether or not to release information. In the past two or three years, there have been less than a handful of requests for release of adoption information. Because of this, decision of this nature are made on a case by case basis.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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