Greene County Court Response to Adoption Search Inquiry

3-5-99 Response from H. Terry Grimes, Court of Common Pleas

Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Waynesburg, PA 15370

In response to your letter of 2-15-99, I respond as follows:

1. In order to obtain non-identifying information, a petition must be filed with the Clerk of Orphans' Court who is Shirley Stockdale, Green County Courthouse, Waynesburg, PA 15370.

2. In the event the birth parents and adoptee have filed a waiver of confidentiality, upon petition, such information will be made available to the interested parties;

3. In the event that a birthparent or adoptee desire to identify the other, then a waiver of confidentiality should be sent to "Wilma Johnson, Adoption Specialist, Greene County Children & Youth Services Agency, Fort Jackson Building, Three South Washington St., Waynesburg, PA 15270, at which time the other party will be contacted with the information concerning the person wishing the contact; and

4. The cost of filing the petition can be obtained from Shirley Stockdale, Clerk of Orphans' Court, 724-852-5281

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