This list is adoption searches relating to PA where listed people have okayed that their info be passed on to other lists.Please feel free to copy and pass on to other lists you are on. Print it out and keep it with you while you web-surf and check registries- maybe you can help somone get a match!
The searches are in date order.
11-12-1938 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in:PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: MCGEE HOSPITAL Birth Name: CATHERINE BLUME Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adopted 12-05-41 to Winthrop and Leah Leeds, Forest Hills, PA. NO other info at this point. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 02-04-1943 @ I am: daughter of ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: LACKAWANNA, ERIE COUNTY, NY Delivered by: Hospital born in: OUR LADY OF VICTORY/ FATHER BAKER'S Birth Name: ARLENE ??? Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: GENESEE COUNTY, NY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship; Brief other relevant info: BMom and BDad not married, from PA, Catholic, PolishBMom had 2 sisters, 2 brothers, born Jan or Feb 1920 (+/- 1) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-06-1943 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: MECHANICSBURG, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: SEIDLE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: EDNA THERESA NEFF Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: DAUPHIN COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: MARY JANE NEFF (possible mother's name), LESTER NEFF (probably father's name) Brief other relevant info: Lester Neff (deceased August/September 1943) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-18-1945 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH SIBS (#?FEMALES/#?MALES) Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA, Allegheny Co. Delivered by: Hospital born in: ROSELIA FOUNDLING AND MATERNITY HOSPITAL Birth Name: MARY ELIZABETH MEEHAN Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LAWRENCE COUNTY, New Castle, Pa Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Helen E. Meehan (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: BM - Helen E. Meehan, DOB 09/26/13, Oil City, PA, lives in Erie, PA, never married.------So far I have found two birth brothers. Both were born in Cleveland, OH at St. Anne's Hospital and discharged to St. Joseph's Home in Erie, PA shortly after birth. They were adopted through Catholic Charities to families in PA. their birth names and dates are: Stephen Michael Meehan, DOB 05/10/53, and Charles Robert Meehan, DOB 07/27/54.------- Brief other relevant info - Helen also gave up infants in Lackawanna, NY at OLV/Father Baker's before 1945. One possibly in 1943. She told us she gave one the name Edward Meehan at birth. She also told us that one had the adopted name, Ricky Heinz (spelling?), and that he was adopted by a wealthy family associated with the Heinz Company. She said that Ricky came to see her one time in Erie and that his wife had been killed in a bombing oversees. She claims that he got involved in drugs and died (?). She also mentioned an "Ambassador" connected to the family.-----Helen also gave birth to two other female infants at Roselia in Pittsburgh, PA, born after 1945 and prior to 1953. She also has a son, Jim Hemme, Born 05/06/56. He was raised by his birth father (now deceased) and currently lives in Erie, PA with Helen.----------------- YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-31-1945 @ I am: birth NIECE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-03-1946 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH. PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: SALVATION ARMY HOME AND HOSPITAL Birth Name: GLORIA JEAN TURRA Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ARMSTRONG COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: possibly LEANNA HOUSE Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Bmom was from the Vandergrift area of Pa., Amom told me she was around 15 at the time. I don't know her first name, by the names SILVIO and SEVERINA TURRA, could possibly be either bgrandparents or great grandparents, both deceased. I remember the names LEANNA HOUSE possibly a social worker), and MR. CLAYPOOLE (no idea who or what he was). Turra is Italian and definitely Catholic. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-12-1947 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: MOTHER/SIBLINGS Sex: MALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ST. JOSEPHS HOSPITAL Birth Name: JAMES YOUNG Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: MARGARET MARKEY (birth mother), PETER COSTILLO?? (fathers name) Brief other relevant info: . YES, SEND TO OTHER LISTS. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-15-1949 through 12-20-1949 @ I am: SIBLING In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: WILKINSBURG, PA Delivered by: DR. VONSEDEN Hospital born in: COLUMBIA HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: CHARLES & ALICE JACOBS (birth parents names) Brief other relevant info: He may have been a preemie as we were born only 9 months apar. We were handed to our aparents by our bparents no middlemen. I have found our bfamily & can get whatever other info may be needed to verify a match if I don't already know it. There are pictures on my site of me, my bmom, bdad & bsisters. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-20-1949 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: CHESTER, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: CHESTER HOSPITAL now Crozier Chester Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: ELMER JOSEPH KENDUS (stayed with bmom) AGNES THOMAS (adopted out), ANNA MARY THOMAS (me), ALBERT LEWIS THOMAS (adopted out), ANNA MARIE THOMAS (adopted out), RITA MARY THOMAS (adopted with me as a package known as Kathleen Mary), WINIFRED THOMAS (adopted out), RITA MARIE THOMAS (stayed with bmom but I have been in touch with her since September), and unknown info on a baby adopted out but born in 1958 or 59 and may have been born under "Vandergrift". Brief other relevant info: Bmom was French Canadian and Italian, Bdad was Dutch and German YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-28-1950 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL Birth Name: IRENE MARIE MCDONALD Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Mother was 31 at time of my birth. I possibly have 3 half sibs. Male: born 1944, female: born 1946, on B/M side. and 1 half sib.on B/F side. DOB. & gender not known of the B/F child. B/F worked as chef, & dated B/M for 3mos. (she worked in kitchen where B/F worked, and was separated from her husband since 1946). After finding out of pregnancy, he told her he was a married man & left,never to be found. A/NAME: IRENE MARIE BUONO YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-27-1951 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: DUNMORE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ?ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, Scranton, Pa. Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adopted to NJ. released to my Aparents on August 12th, 1951. The adoption was done through the hospital and finalized in Pennsylvania on October 8, 1952. My amended BC number is 122144-51. My Bmother was 20 years old, so she was born in 1931 and my Bfather was 28, so he was born in 1923. He was married but not to my Bmother. She wasn't married. There is very little information about my Bfather in my records. I have written and they are doing a search for my Bmother right now. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 09-01-1952 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: DERBY, CT Delivered by: Hospital born in: GRIFFIN HOSPITAL, CT Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LACKAWANNA COUNTY Agency: ST. JOSEPH'S (Scranton, PA) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: JEAN CATHERINE MALINSKI (birth name) Brief other relevant info: adopted toQueens, NY, Birthmother from Scranton, PA area, prox 65 years old now, did not name birth father, birthmother located by St. Josephs, refused contact- I wish to research family without contact. I do not believe any birth family members are on-line. finalized in: LACKAWANNA, PA. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-18-1952 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: WAYNESBORO, (Frankin County) Delivered by: Hospital born in: WAYNESBORO HOSPITAL Birth Name: BABY SUSAN Birth Weight: I have and can be used to verify match. Birth Length: I have and can be used to verify match. County adoption finalized in: WICOMICO COUNTY, MD Agency: Maryland Department of Social Services (then known as MARYLAND WELFARE BOARD) both Washington County and Wicomico County offices Caseworker: MRS. MESSICK (deaceased) Law Firm/Attornies: CHARLES J. POTTS (deceased) Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: "Mom, I have your thumbprints!" YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 08-26-1952 @ I am: BIRTH SIB In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH. PA Delivered by: R.L. DAPARMA, M.D. Hospital born in: ROSELIA FOUNDLING Birth Name: JAMES COYLE Birth Weight: 6 POUNDS, 12 OUNCES Birth Length: 19 INCHES County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: CATHOLIC CHARITIES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: DORIS M. COYLE (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-21-1953 @ 2:10am I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: PATRICIA MARIE ZINNI Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: DELAWARE COUNTY (media) Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: MARY MARGARET ZINNI (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: mothers age was 21 at time of birth YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-24-1953 @ I am: friend of ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: MALE City/State born in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: MICHAEL EDWARD VALENTICH Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: WESTMORELAND COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: VALENTICH (birth mother's last name) Brief other relevant info: Born: Allegheny County, PA.; A/NAME: Mark Elliot Freeman; Adoption Finalized: 11-15-54; ? Bmom was nursing student at time of my birth.; ? Bdad was football player. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-27-1953 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Unknown - possibly CLEVELAND OH Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Reply to Betty at this e-mail address. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-31-1953 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER & BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: southwest PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL AND HOME FOR UNWED MOTHERS Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: around May 1, 1953 Baptized: St. Clement's on May 4, 1953; A/PARENTS: Edward and Marie Fagan; A/SISTER: Rosemarie, (adopted 8 years earlier); lived first 3 years at 69th and Upland., Moved to Swarthmore, PA 1956.; Have dark reddish brown hair (well, used to), curly hair, short stature, tan easily and darkly, Have sent a request to Joy O'Neil but hear that she is still not at work. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-25-1954 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ERIE COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-??-1955 or 01-??-1956 @ I am: friend helping BROTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: JO ELLEN Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ?PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: EVA YOUNT (birth mother), ANTHONY (TONY) LOMBARD (birth father), JACOBS WATERS (birth sib) Brief other relevant info: Selma Cohen A/mother, Philadelphia police officer A/father YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-11-1955 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: DR. FRANK FONTANA Hospital born in: MCKEESPORT HOSPITAL Birth Name: JACQUELYN ANNTRETYAK Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: EDWARD P. ZEMPRELLI Known Names and their relationship: CHARLOTTE SHIELDS TRETYAK (birthmother), birthfather listed ) VICTOR TRETYAK listed in hospital records as BF( husband at time) Brief other relevant info: Birth mother INFO: DOB-1931(born in Pittsburgh, Pa; B father info: DOB-1922-was repairman for P.Dongen Furnace Co.(born in McKeesport, Pa),. Last known/listed address of BM(1955), 319 Foster Road East, McKeesport, Pa. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 09-04-1957 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: MALE City/State born in: WEST CHESTER, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: CHESTER COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: John Michael Flood (A/NAME) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-12-1957 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: RIDLEY PARK, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: TAYLOR HOSPITAL Birth Name: SHEILA THOMPSON Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: MONTGOMERY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-11-1958 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: WILLLAMSPORT, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Raised in PIKE COUNTY. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-25-1958 @ I am: SIBLING In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: BELLEFONTE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: ??? RIDER Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: ?CHILDRENS SERVICES OF CENTRE COUNTY Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-04-1959 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA. Delivered by: Hospital born in: CHESTNUT HILL HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Norristown, Pa. Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-05-1959 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: ?MALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption filnalized in: A-parents lived in Somerdale, NJ at time of my birth. Unknown if adoption was finalized there. Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Unknown if adoption was finalized in Philadelphia or where my A-parents lived at time of my birth. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-09-1959 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: HAMOT OR ST. VINCENT Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: CRAWFORD COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adopted to Ann and Lee Moss in Crawford county YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 09-19-1959 @ I am: SIBLING In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ZOAR HOME (possibly Sewickly) Delivered by: Hospital born in: ZOAR HOME Birth Name: BRENDA SUE Birth Weight: 7lbs. 2oz. Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: possibly Pittsburgh (Alleghany County) Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-20-1959 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: DR. F. ARCH Hospital born in: ST JOSEPH HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: LILA JEAN HORNE (Birthmother), ROBERT L. DANIELS (Birthfather) Brief other relevant info: BMom and BDad were married 9 months after birth and have been married for nearly 40 years. He has two full siblings (Sisters) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-25-1960 @ I am: friend of ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: JOSEPH DAVID CARL SWENSON Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: CAROLINE SWENSON (b mother maiden) of Philadelphia, Pa Brief other relevant info: St Vincent's Home for Unwed mother's (Phila) before and after birth YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 04-01-1961 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: UPLAND, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: CHESTER HOSPITAL Birth Name: ROSS Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: DELAWARE COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 02-04-1961 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: HAMOT HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adotion finalized in: ERIE COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known names and their realtionships: Brief other relevant info: B-Mom 24 (Irish decent possible born in Canada) B-Dad 29 not married to B-Mom. Yes send to other lists 04-19-1961 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: WILLIAMSPORT, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BUCKS COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Stevens (birthmother) Brief other relevant info: Adopted to Southampton, Bucks County Pa. Foster mother gave me name of Priscilla Ann Carpenter. Bmom was 13 at time of my birth. Bdad was 16. Bgrandparents were in the real estate business in Williamsport. Buncle was a member of the Hollywood Symphony Orchestra (we believe that was Hollywood, CA, but could be Hollywood, PA). Current Name: Carol Susan Garden Fly YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-21-1961 @ I am: SIBLING In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: SELLERSVILLE Delivered by: DR. SCHAEFFER (deceased) Hospital born in: GRANDVIEW HOSPITAL Birth Name: NANCY ANN JONES (JR) Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BUCKS COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: CHARLES E. JONES SR. (birth father), NANCY ANN [PARMOUR ?SPELLING] JONES (birth mother), CHARLES EMIL JONES JR. (birth brother), Brief other relevant info: Nancy Ann & Charles Emil were placed in "Foster Care" thru what is now Children & Youth Svcs of Bucks Co, PA Children were placed together with the same family for Foster Care. Both believe to be toddlers or older . She wore leg braces. Were relinquished at the same time hopefully adopted together. Relinquished by Dad who is surviving WITH cancer. Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-25-1961 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: MONTIFIORE HOSPITAL Birth Name: DURICK Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Other relevant info: Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-01-1962 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: NORRISTOWN PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: SACRED HEART HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: MONTGOMERY COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adoption handled by attorney I have a birthmark on my right upper leg in the shape of a jellybean. I have brown eyes, light brown hair and medium complexion. My Afathers sister picked me up in from the hospital on July 5th and took me over to the attorneys office. My Aunt said she had met my birthmom and that she was all alone in her room. My Aunt went down to the gift shop and bought her some magazines, she was very thankful and very pleasant. My Aunt seems to believe my birthfather may have been in the service and possibly from Washington. That is all I know. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 02-06-1962 @ I am: sister of ADOPTEE In Search of: SIBLING Sex: MALE City/State born in: ALLENTOWN, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ALLENTOWN OSTEOPATHIC HOSPITAL Birth Name: possibly named WILLIAM Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BUCKS COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info; Possibly raised in the Buck county area. Possibly Quakertown. YES, send to other lists. Email Address: 04-14-1962 @ I am: SIBLING In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PERKASIE, PA Delivered by: DR. SCHAEFFER (deceased) Hospital born in: GRANDVIEW HOSPITAL Birth Name: CHARLES EMIL JONES JR. Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BUCKS COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: CHARLES E. JONES SR. (birth father), NANCY ANN [PARMOUR ?SPELLING] JONES (birth mother), NANCY ANN JONES (JR) (birth sister), Brief other relevant info: Charles Emil & Nancy Ann were placed in "Foster Care" thru what is now Children & Youth Svcs of Bucks Co., PA Children were placed together with the same family for Foster Care. Both believe to be toddlers or older . She wore leg braces. Were relinquished at the same time hopefully adopted together. Relinquished by Dad who is surviving WITH cancer. Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-19-1962 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: NEW KENSINGTON, PA Delivered by: DR. SAM ANTOONE Hospital born in: CITIZENS GENERAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: WESTMORELAND COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: MR. ROBERT MCVEY Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: BM 21, divorced, later remarried, later divorced. BF first husband (divorced at the time) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 02-19-1962 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH SIBLING Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: HAMOT HOSPITAL Birth Name: STEPHANIE DAWN UBER Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ERIE COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: SUZANNA JANE UBER (mother's name), but agency said that was not her last name. Father, unlisted. Other relevant info: SEEKING BROTHER two years older than I. Birth mother was age 19, born in Sharon Pennsylvania. Was divorced and left area immediately after my birth. Father was 26, and a diabetic since age 11. YES, send to other lists E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-12-1963 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: possibly in or near ?PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: CATHOLIC CHARITIES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-15-1963 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY Delivered by: Hospital born in: ATLANTIC CITY MEDICAL CENTER Birth Name: JENNIFER LEE FARLEY Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BUCKS COUNTY, PA Agency: WELCOME HOUSE (Bucks County) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: MARY JUNE FARLEY (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: I was a medical student in Washington, D.C. when I conceived. Jennifer is biracial (I am white, father was black). Adoptive father was teacher in a private school. Aparents had several other adopted children and one of their own. Mixed racial family, with children from Asia etc. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address:
07-16-1963 @ 12:05 a.m. I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: POTTSVILLE/MINNERSVILLE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: GOOD SAMARTIAN HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, PA Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: JOHN J. CURRAN/ IOLA DOLIN Known Names and their relationship: BREWSTER (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: A/name: George Lewis Ferguson YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-16-1963 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Child may have been born with a "CLUBBED FOOT"; unconfirmed YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-12-1964 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: MALE City/State born in: CHELTANHAM, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ROLLING HILLS HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: MONTGOMERY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-15-1964 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER & BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: HUNTINGDON COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: CAROLINE JANE TURNER (birth mother), ROSE TURNER (birth maternal grandmother), HENRY (birth father) Brief other relevant info: I was born with a club foot. Corrected with surgery in 1965. BMom and BMGrandparents were Methodist, BFather was Catholic, BMom married man from Ohio YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 09-21-1964 @ I am: BIRTH SIBLING In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: WILMINGTON, DELAWARE Delivered by: Hospital born in: DELAWARE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: ROSA KATHERINE FETTWEIS Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: LUTHERAN CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES Caseworker: MILDRED JOHNSON Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: SUSAN ANN FETTWEIS (birth mother), LARRY GEORGE PULLEN (birth father) Brief other relevant info: Bmom stayed at Florence Critendon Home in Wilmington, DE Adoption early Nov 1964 thru Mildred Johnson (case worker) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-22-1964 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: BRISTOL, PA. Delivered by: Hospital born in: LOWER BUCKS COUNTY HOSPITAL Birth Name: BABY GIRL ______S. Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LOWER BUCKS COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Parents may have been married. A Dr. Schwartz signed the release form from hospital. The Name was torn out on the reads Baby Girl ______s. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 02-03-1965 through 02-05-1965 @ I am: BIRTHMOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: TEMPLE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: LUTHERAN CHILDRENS BUREAU IN PHILADELPHIA Caseworker: SISTER MILDRED JOHNSON Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-10-1965 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: CHELTENHAM/ELKINKS PARK, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ROLLING HILLS HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: MONTGOMERY COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: THOMAS HAMILTON/ JACK BRAIN/ALEXENDER DISANTI AND IOLA DOLIN (upper Darby Lawyers) Known Names and their relationship: ?GREER (possible bmother's last name), Brief other relevant info: Finalized: 02-03-1966, B-mother possible move to Arizonia or California after giving birth. A/NAME: Lynda Ann Ferguson YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-14-1965 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: BOOTH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: CAMDEN, NJ on April 3, 1969 Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: BAIRD (father's surname), SMITH (mother's maiden name), HICKEY (father's sister's married name), SMALL (maternal grandfather's surname), THORNE (mother's 2nd married name) Brief other relevant info: I located my birthmother & her family including 2 half sisters & 1 half brother on April 12, 1999. We are now in contact. I have also spoken to a Great Aunt & Uncle & an Uncle. I have found out that my father & paternal grandmother died back in the 1980's. My father had a sister who married a man by the name of Al (short for alfred etc...?) Hickey. They last lived in Northfield, NJ. Al Hickey was a photographer. My father also had a brother whose name is unknown. My father's family was originally from Germantown (a neighborhood located in Philiadelphia) Pa. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-31-1965 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ROSELIA HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ELK COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY (Elk County) Caseworker: LAURA B. SPROUL Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: I was placed in foster care until April of '65, when my adoptive parents took me home. I was told that my birth parents were an older married man and an underage teenage girl approx. 16-17 yrs. old. Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-06-1966 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ELLWOOD, PA (outskirts of New Castle) Delivered by: DR. SUMNER Hospital born in: MARY EVANS MATERNITY HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-24-1966 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ?PITTSBURGH, PA Birth Name: ?JOHN PATRICK (possible birth name) Birth Weight: 5 lbs 7 oz. Birth Length: 18 inches County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICE (allegheny county) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: TOBIAS AND VIOLA (atty's) 5/21/1968 Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Hospital is possibly the Pittsburgh area. Placed in boarding home 6-22-66. Proceeding No. 349 of 1967 YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-14-1967 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: HAMOT HOSPITAL Birth Name: BABY GIRL GAGLIARDI Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ELK COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN'S SERVICES (Elk Co.) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Bmother- approx. 27, Bfather- unknown. Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-20-1967 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: Delivered by: Hospital born in: NEW BRIGHTON HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BEAVER COUNTY Agency: CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: RUFFNER AND MOORE Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Bmother was 20 at time of birth. Bmother is of the French Nationality, Bfather is of the Italian Nationality. Bmother is protestant. After my birth, Bmother moved to Florida to be with her mother and aunt. She was employed there at a Local Supermarket. Bfather was soon to be inlisted in the service. Diane Green (named by aparents) YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: or Web Address: 12-31-1967 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: LATROBE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: STACY YOUNKIN Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adoption finalized: 01/69 YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-02-1968 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: NEW CASTLE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: JAMESON MEMORIAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LAWRENCE COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: JAMES & LEONA SPEER (B-grandparents) Brief other relevant info: B-mom born in Grove City 7/2/48 YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 06-21-1968 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION (Marvin Lundy, atty) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: MARVIN LUNDY Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: B-mom was single, 16? and catholic, B-father was a truckdriver YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-23-1968 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: PENNSYLVANIA. HOSPITAL Birth Name: JUSTIN Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA Agency: CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: JULIETTE (birth sib) Brief other relevant info: In the custody of DPW then Children's Aid Society YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-04-1969 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: PENNSYLVANIA. HOSPITAL Birth Name: JULIETTE Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA Agency: CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: JUSTIN (birth sib) Brief other relevant info: In the custody of DPW then Children's Aid Society YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-07-1969 @ 8:15 A.M. I am: BIRTHMOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: WARREN, PA Delivered by: ALBERT TURBESSI, M.D. Hospital born in: WARREN GENERAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: BABY BOY TRUBIC Birth Weight: 6 lbs. ? oz. Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: WARREN COUNTY Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-07-1969 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: NATRONA HEIGHTS, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ALLEGHENY VALLEY HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adopted Butler, PA 1971 YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-09-1969 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: JOHNSTOWN, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: CONEMAUGH VALLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: CAMBRIA COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: JUDY (birth mother first name) Brief other relevant info: Her DOB is somewhere between May 9 and July 31 She will be 51 yrs. old by July 31. She was from Tennessee and I beleive she was sent to Pa to have me. She went back to Tn after I was born. That is her last known address. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-11-1969 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: CHAMBERSBURG, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: FRANKLIN COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: MOTHER 17 dropped out of high school. Greek orthodix middle class. FATHER African-American, atheletic player. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: JRCODDINGTON@HOTMAIL.COM Web Address: 10-16-1969 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: BRISTOL/MORRISVILLE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: LOWER BUCKS COUNTY HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BUCKS COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: B-Mom 19 Hungarian/English, B-Dad 21 GermanPossibly College Students YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-18-1969 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: Sex: City/State born in: HARRISBURG, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: HARRISBURG HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: DAUPHIN COUNTY Agency: CATHOLIC CHARITIES Lebanon Co. Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Unwed mothers home: Lords House or House of Lords in Harrisburg Pa. I have a baby picture taken at birth YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-18-1969 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: JEANNETTE, PA Delivered by: DR. CRUMLISH Hospital born in: JEANNETTE HOSPITAL Birth Name: APRIL HUFF or HUFFMAN Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: WESTMORELAND COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: CAROL HUFF or HUFFMAN (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: birth name listed as April Huff (could be Huffman - vital statistics mistakenly said Huffman when I tried to obtain my original bc). Private adoption handled through Dr. Crumlish, Irwin, PA. Dr. Crumlish was known to lie in the files. She also practiced in Braddock Hospital, PA. Bmother listed as White, Catholic, 22 in file. Adoptive parents were told she was 18. Bmother last known address was in Irwin, PA. File stated she went to Buffalo, NY. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-01-1970 @ I am: adoptive mother of ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: HARRISBURG, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: ANDREW DAVID M---- Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LANCASTER COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Other details available Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 04-09-1970 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: HUNTINGDON, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: JC BLAIR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: BEAVER COUNTY, PA Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Adopted by James and Joan Michel, Currently live in Pittsburgh, PA., Jennifer Anne Michel (A/Name), I have no information regarding birth parents, siblings or relatives. I have researched information at the JC Blair Memorial Hospital and there are no records of a birth on my birth date. Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-22-1970 @ I am: BIRTHMOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: BRADDOCK, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: BRADDOCK HOSPITAL Birth Name: DAVID CHRISTOPHER Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Adoptee kept one of his birth names - David or Christopher. Brief other relevant info: Yes, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 08-27-1970 @ 10:58 a.m. I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: DR. SEMPLE SERVICE, DR. BU, DR. HA, ?DR. YANG Hospital born in: HAMOT HOSPITAL Birth Name: BABY GIRL IRWIN Birth Weight: 7 lbs. 8 ozs. Birth Length: 21 1/2" County adoption finalized in: ERIE COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN AND YOUTH (Erie) Caseworker: MRS. WARDELL Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 08-28-1970 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: BELLEFONTE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: CENTRE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (Willowbank) Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: CENTRE COUNTY Agency: CENTRE COUNTY CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES Caseworker: MISS BEAVER Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-20-1971 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH MOTHER / BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: VALLEY TOWNSHIP IN CHESTER COUNTY Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LINCROFT, NJ Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Born: Valley Township in Chester County. Aparents state: Bmom was very young, 16 or so. Aparents lived in Lincroft NJ at the time. A/name: Jay Cohen YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 03-01-1972 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: MAGEE WOMENS HOSPITAL Birth Name: MICHAEL ??? Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: A/NAME: MICHAEL YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 02-14-1972 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PHILADELPHIA Delivered by: Hospital born in: KENNEDY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Other relevant info: Birth Mother lived in NortheastPhiladelphia with her father. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-19-1972 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: TRENTON, NJ Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: BABY GIRL DURMER Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: MONTGOMERY COUNTY Agency: JEWISH CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICE (Philadelphia) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: JOAN LORRAINE DURMER SMALL (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-29-1972 @ I am: BIRTHMOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: WILLIAMSPORT, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: 7lbs. 11oz Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and relationship: Brief Other relevant info: YES, pass to other lists. KAREN697@EWA.NET 04-08-1973 @ I am: birth aunt for BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (aka: WEST PENN) Birth Name: KEVIN PATRICK ROCHE Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: CHILDREN'S HOME (pittsburgh) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: KATHLEEN MARIE ROCHE (birth mother) Brief other relevant info: Bmom 16 at birth. ?3-4 weeks old @ adoption. Aparents also adopted a girl from the same agency 3 years before Kevin. She is 3 years older than him. The Aparents were active in their Protestant church and enjoyed woodworking. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-18-1974 @ appx 4:10 PM I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: CARLISLE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: CARLISLE HOSPITAL Birth Name: BABY BOY DOLAN Birth Weight: 7 lbs 14 oz Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ?CUMBERLAND COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 12-26-1974 @ I am: BIRTHMOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: DR. JAMES STEELE Hospital born in: MILLCREEK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: 7LBS. 7OZ. Birth Length: Adoption Finalized in: ERIE COUNTY Agency: PRIVATE ADOPTION Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 04-06-1975 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: COATSVILLE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: BRANDY WINE HOSPITAL (presently "CoatsvilleHospital") Birth Name: FILINTHEBLANC Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LANCASTER COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 08-09-1975 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: JOHNSTOWN,PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. OR NO, DO NOT send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 05-09-1975 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH ,PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: WEST PENN HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ERIE, PA Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: ALICE L. USOFF (birth mother), CHARLES R. GIBBONS (birth father) Brief other relevant info: I was in Zoar Home from dec74 to May 75 gave birth then returned to my home in Franklin, Pa. i still live in Franklin, Pa. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 07-26-1975 @ I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: WEST PENN HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: ELK COUNTY Agency: CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICE IN RIDWAY, PA (ELK COUNTY) Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: I was in Zoar Home in Allison Park, PA. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 06-09-1977 @ I am: spouse of ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: TRENTON, NJ Delivered by: Hospital born in: HELENE FULD MEDICAL CENTER Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: PHILADELPHIA COUNTY Agency: JEWISH FAMILY AND CHILDREN SERVICE Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: ?David (Bdad's name) Brief other relevant info: Bmom was nineteen, born 1-8-58. Bdad was twenty-two. Both BParents are Jewish. YES, send to other lists. Email Address: 10-30-1977 @ I am: friend helping BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: ERIE, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ?HAMOT HOSPITAL Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: CATHOLIC CHARITIES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Born with RED HAIR YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 01-30-1977 @ I am: B-AUNT In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: ST. MARYS, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ANDREW KAUL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: BRIAN ALLEN HUFF Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address:
08-06-1978 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: ALLENTOWN, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: ALLENTOWN HOSPITAL Birth Name: CARRIE ANN SCHWOYER Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: LEHIGH COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: JENNI JOSAIR [spelling] Law Firm/Attornies: MALCOM GROSS Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: BMOTHER born sometime 63-65. 15 when she had me. 13 or 14 when she had my brother. Abortion at the age of 12. May have lived in Bethlehem. Bmother is a twin. Bfather may think her name is Barbara or someone in my natural family signed the petition papers in 1982. BFATHER Young both me and my brother were from the same father father took medication for syscofrantic. BARRY (possibly bfather's name) signed the papers in 81. BIRTH BROTHER: BERRY----18 months old when I came to the foster home. He may believe he was born in February of 77 or in 76. Barry lived with Bmother but came back to us for awhile when Bmother got into a car accident (that's what children and youth said). Not sure whether Barry was adopted or not. B-GRANDFATHER: From ALLENTOWN, PA. Worked at Bethlhem Steel. A/NAME: CARRIE ANN PERCIVAL YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 11-17-1978 @ I am: ADOPTEE In Search of: BIRTH FAMILY Sex: MALE City/State born in: BETHLEHEM, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: Birth Name: Birth Weight: Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: born in: Bethlehem, PA (Lehigh County) (Fountain Hill), Adoption finalized in: Topton, PA (Lutheran Home), B-Mom 21 German/Scotch, B-Dad 33 Italian. Father was supposedly a carpenter. YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 04-07-1979 @ 6:19 a.m. I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: FEMALE City/State born in: WINDBER, PA. Delivered by: DR. AGUILERA Hospital born in: WINDBER HOSPITAL Birth Name: DEANNA LYNN MOORE Birth Weight: 5 lbs. 13 ozs. Birth Length: County adoption finalized in: CAMBRIA COUNTY is where the hearing was. Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Born with flaming red hair and severely jaundiced. A/name: Tracy Muscatello YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address: 10-31-1983 @ 7:49 P.M. I am: BIRTH MOTHER In Search of: ADOPTEE Sex: MALE City/State born in: Sewickley PITTSBURGH, PA Delivered by: Hospital born in: SEWICKLEY VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL Birth Name: PETER JON RICHARDS Birth Weight: 6 lb. 1oz. Birth Length: 17 3/4" County adoption finalized in: ALLEGHENY COUNTY Agency: Caseworker: Law Firm/Attornies: Known Names and their relationship: Brief other relevant info: Born on Halloween YES, send to other lists. E-mail Address: Web Address:Info on PA Search is at the PA Adoption Search Menu. PA Search and Support Groups may be found here.