Ron's Obvious Banner

This is not Ron

not ron either

    Perfunctory Disclaimer: This page has been, and always will be, your friend. Pardon me but I meant to say it will always be "UNDER CONSTRUCTION". Please excuse any "Star Trek, Rush (the band), etc, references you may find here.

Notice: Any drummers out there that would like to play progressive rock like we do? (listen to the downloads and get a feel for what it is we do)
Send me an e-mail, pronto! You will (probably) not regret it...unless you do.

First things third

    Thanks for comin' over. This page is constructed solely for the purpose of self promotion. 


    Essentially a great rock in space, "Ron Obvious" is a  band composed of two primary constituents: myself and the fellow pictured above (I thought I told you his name isn't "RON"). We have a guitar player who calls himself "Kevin" and a guy (myself) that plays bass named "Jeff". We both play drums and keys to a (much) lesser extent. We use drum machines when recording.  We mostly play what used to be loosely categorized as "progressive" rock. 

The Story

    You see, back in 1980 or so, A few high school buddies and myself decided to do the "band" thing. We were all members of the choir, orchestra, or band. We had piano/vocal, sax/piano/vocal, drums, guitar, and bass. I think we called ourselves "Odyssey". I remember jamming on AC/DC and working on originals (I know it sounds like strange instrumentation for AC/DC but you just don't really know any better when you're 14 or 15).  Sometime in 1981 or 1982 the latter 3 instrumentalists began meeting separately to jam more frequently on a somewhat different musical  continuum (CONTINUUM is a "power trio" composed of Kev, Chris, and Jeff). Prior to that time we we're listening to Boston, Pink Floyd, etc...(actually one of the guys was into "The Outlaws" ?!? but I don't want to embarass anyone here). Then in 1981 we sorta took a turn. With the release of "Permanent Waves" by "Rush" I discovered something I had not heard before. Being a big "KISS" fan at the time I was amazed by the intro guitar lick to "The Spirit of Radio". I was immediately drawn to the much more sophisticated compositions that "Rush" served up. The instrumentation was more complex and really changed my musical sensibilities.  These guys could really play their instruments. Previously it had been pretty easy to figure out the bass and guitar parts from various albums. These guys presented a musical challenge that few others can. I suspect the other two fella's have similar recollections. 

    After graduating and heading to college (all of us in different directions)  it became more difficult to meet regularly. This was further compounded by entry into spousal relationships by two of the members. This is not a complaint ! When you're in that boyfriend/girlfriend mode not much else matters.

    Anyhow, Kev and I still get together (albeit infrequently) to dabble in musical phonemes. "Ron Obvious" is the product we have to sell.

Ron Obvious is cool, buddy

Some Answers

Why this page ?      Why not ?  I sure couldn't have done this 10 years ago.

The Name ?           The band name is a reference to a Monty Python character. It sort of fits our off-center sense of humour. Which is ?  Take an illogical premise and take it to illogical extremes. If I can find a link to the "Ron Obvious" transcript I'll put it here.

Recordings ?         Any/all songs were recorded on 4-track cassette. Most songs were written and recorded within a single 8 hour period (not really very impressive when you've heard some of the results). With the very limited funds to run this little venture you may discern a certain lack of high fidelity. Not an excuse, just a fact.

Influences ?            Rush, Yes, blah blah blah. That's not really very important, is it ?  Download  Sardonicus and make up your own mind. You can also give a listen to Other Times which is actually a CONTINUUM composition. These 2 files are "zipped" mp3's.

Haven't had enough yet? You can click here to go to Kev's webpage.

This picture of Jimes Muldoon is of no particular importance here.

You can click here to contact me.

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(C)1999 Ron Obvious productions. All right reserved. Unauthorized duplication happens.