sai.jpg (4463 bytes)

Sai from the 1st episode.

sai1.jpg (23134 bytes)

Sai fighting.

sai2.jpg (24173 bytes)

Sai looking cute.

sai3.jpg (24604 bytes)

Sai playing ball.

sai4.jpg (32103 bytes)

Sai thinking in a position like Rowen. He he...:: falls on the ground kicking the air very hysterical. Then gets up seriously:: "Sorry. hehe haha"

sai5.jpg (19729 bytes)

Sai's profile.

sai6.jpg (24347 bytes)

Sai cute again.

sai7.jpg (21556 bytes)

Sai giving a thumbs up.

sai8.jpg (16158 bytes)

Chibi Sai without helmet. The ultimate of cuteness!!

sai9.jpg (97882 bytes)

Pictures of Chibi Sai.

cye.jpg (52585 bytes)

Sai in old style armor.

sai10.jpg (60936 bytes)

Sai yelling over his shoulder.

sai11.jpg (38997 bytes)

Sai with blue background

sai12.jpg (68465 bytes)

Sai dying

sai13.jpg (15952 bytes)

Sai doing a Super Wave Smasher!

sai14.jpg (6441 bytes)

Sai standing on the floating wood thing.

sai15.jpg (7661 bytes)

Sai from the first battle

sai16.jpg (16595 bytes)

Sai with no helmet on talking
sai17.jpg (48509 bytes) Sai in full armor with face mask.

Sai18.jpg (234835 bytes)

Sai seeming sad while fighting

Sai19.jpg (14172 bytes)

Sai's armor going away.
Sai20.gif (62697 bytes) Sai pointing at himself.
Sai21.jpg (36467 bytes) Sai laying in water with his armor on.
Sai22.jpg (34638 bytes) Sai startled in Torrent armor.
Sai23.jpg (15287 bytes) Sai's profile
Sai24.jpg (25541 bytes) Sai leaning against a wall

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