Mercy & Mayhem
**from July 2004 issue of Guideposts, The Up Side....
"The giant oak is just an acorn that held its ground."
-author and youth speaker MARK GILROY**
Welcome to Mercy and Mayhem! My name's Elizabeth and I'm a Scorpio. I was born and raised in Phoenix, Az, but now I live in South Carolina. I am currently working full time while going to school part time to get an Associates in graphic arts. I love to read and write, and now that I'm older, I'm totally ok with being a nerd. I love living in SC, but I miss my family in AZ. All I want out of life is a career in possibly advertising, a loving and faithful husband, two or three children, a house with a wraparound porch, a summer house on the beach, and a couple of dogs. Oh, and I'd also love to publish one or two good books and some poetry. I love life (usually) and I'm a very optimistic person (most of the time).
I love working on my webpage. There’s just something about searching for the perfect background, the perfect color for the font, and the perfect picture with which to decorate. I’m also fickle, though, so I’m constantly changing things around, sometimes very subtle, other times not so much. As you'll soon figure out, I love water (what do you expect, I’m from Phoenix?!). I love to write, and have a decent collection of poetry. Sometimes I can go for years and not write a word, or I’ll start something, but can’t make it into anything good. Then, one day, I’ll just be doing whatever it is I’m doing and an entire flood of words will drown out all other thoughts in my brain. It’s pretty weird, and doesn’t make any sense if you’ve never experienced it before. But, in the words of a minor character in Barfly, “Dat’s just da nature of da way tings woiks.”
But, I digress... my point is, check back every now and again, for this site is in a constant state of flux. Oh, and sign the guestbook before signing out! See ya later.

These are other pages created by me...check them out!!!
Peek-A-Boo Pics
pictures of a few family members and myself.
pages of inspiration, some religious, some not.
poems written by me, not to be used by any one else!!!

I really like blue. Although black is my favorite color, I love putting various shades of blue together. I went for a job interview for a hotel restaurant once, and you know one of the questions they asked me was what my favorite color was and why. What was that all about?!?! Well, I told them black. That was quite some time ago and I really have no recollection of what reason I gave them, but I didn't get the job. Hmmm.
Absolute Background Textures
This is a wonderful site, full of great backgrounds, and for the dumb (like me), an option to upload to your website. Most of my backgrounds came from here!
Astro64th's Nintendo Gallery
This is my cousin, Josh's, site... a lot of video game stuff here, plus stuff about him. He seems to have a talent for writing.
This is my cousin, Tony's, site... a lot of Chinese martial arts stuff here, plus stuff about him, and a photo album, other stuff... he's got a major talent for this computer stuff. Without him, this webpage would not exist! Thanks Tony!!!
Here are some of my favorite places to get free computer wallpaper:
Just the Best Junk
Desktop Pictures of Stuff
Visual Paradox
Viable Software Alternatives
Digital Dreaming
These are my favorite places to get e-cards:
MSN Greeting Cards
Free Greeting Cards - The Perfect Greeting
Flavia Moviecards
Online Greetings – Humor – Jokes –
Sign My Guestbook
View My Guestbook
This site was last updated on May 20, 2005. Thank you for visiting, please come back again!