Anson Hotel Fire

1868 - July Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Anson County:

It is ordered by the Court for the information of those who succeed us and the living present alike that the following be made a part of the records of this Court:
On Thursday morning, April 2, 1868, between twelve and one o’clock, a fire occurred in the town breaking out near the store house of J. R. Hargrave, then unoccupied except as a depot for some cotton, which rapidly extended to the store houses occupied by Morton’s Brewery and the Anson Hotel, destroying them; thence communicating northward burning the store houses of S.W. Cole, A. E. Bennett and Jesse Edwards, involving the Court House, the entire records of the Superior Court, the most part of those of the County and Equity Courts, and the line of buildings extending thence eastward to and including the jail and kitchen, where by great efforts and the blessings of Our Heavenly Father, it was stopped. About 32 buildings were destroyed. In consequence of the loss of the Court House, the Court met at the Baptist Church within the corporate lands of the Town of Wadesborough.

I transcribed the above account from original court records (at NC Archives) of Anson some time ago. Myrtle Bridges

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