 ~Flag Day is Celebrated on June 14th Each Year~
Properly Display Our Flag
There is a right way and a wrong way to display the flag. The American flag should be held in the highest of regards.
It represents our nation and the many people who gave their lives for our country and our flag. Here are the basics on displaying
the American flag:
- The flag is normally flown from sunrise to sunset.
- In the morning, raise the flag briskly. At sunset, lower it slowly. Always, raise and lower it ceremoniously.
- The flag should not be flown at night without a light on it.
- The flag should not be flown in the rain or inclement weather.
- After a tragedy or death, the flag is flown at half staff for 30 days. It's called "half staff" on land ,and "half
mast" on a ship.
- When flown vertically on a pole, the stars and blue field , or "union", is at the top and at the end of the pole
(away from your house).
- The American flag is always flown at the top of the pole. Your state flag and other flags fly below it.
- The union is always on top. When displayed in print, the stars and blue field are always on the left.
- Never let your flag touch the ground, never...period.
- Fold your flag when storing. Don't just stuff it in a drawer or box.
- When your flag is old and has seen better days, it is time to retire it. Old flags should be burned or
buried. Please do not throw it in the trash.
Did you Know? There is a very special ceremony for retiring the flag by burning it. It is a ceremony everyone should
see.Your local Boy Scout group knows the proper ceremony and performs it on a regular basis. If you have an old flag, give
it to them. And, attend the ceremony.
The National Flag Day Foundation
History Of Flag Day
The History of the Flag
Francis Scott Key
Betsy Ross
How to Fold the Flag
The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America's birthday, but the idea of an annual
day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged
for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary
of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as 'Flag Birthday'. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public
addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as 'Flag Birthday',
or 'Flag Day'.
Flag Day Word Search Puzzle
Flag Trivia
Flag Day is the birthday of the United States flag. It became a holiday in New York State in 1897. In the next few years
other states joined New York. But it was not until 1916 that President Woodrow Wilson established Flag Day by national proclamation.
Betsy Ross was a seamstress who made clothes
for George Washington. In June, 1776, Washington approached her to make the country's first flag and the rest is history.
Francis Scott Key Inspired by the British
bombardment of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key penned the lyrics to our national anthem as he witnessed the event as British
rockets whizzed in the air while our American Flag flew in the breeze
Did you Know? If you like to study flags,
then you are a Vexillologist!
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