i m ag e s  ]

What's this?! Can you believe it?! It's a Sailormoon image gallery! Hehee...it was getting a little big, so I have a seperate section for it now. (And it's in a sub-directory! You know how you have to include a thumbnail AND the image itself. -_-; Lots of tedious work...ssoooo much uploading!) Just so you know, I didn't scan in or draw any of the images used for graphics on my site, unless otherwise specified. I got all these from various other galleries, all of which should be listed in the credits section, or in the travel guide.

But all the graphics used on my page, though, have be personally edited by me, with my beautiful Paint Shop Pro(I love PSP!). I spent hours and hours trying to edit them so that they would look somewhat different. In other words: Please don't take them! ^_^ Instead, you can take the images featured here:

--page 1----page 2----page 3--

You don't have to link back to me or anything, that is, unless you want to...it would be nice. ^_^ I don't have too many right now...but It'll increse as my page expands. (Gee...what a pretty plain page for an index...Oh well, if you want some color, click on the links to the gallery...) 

--back to other stuff--
--back to A Thousand Words--

Now why did I include my email? I don't usually do that. o_0 I guess I'm feeling a little odd today...(Teehee...does it show? ^.^)