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Moscow State University (MGU)

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The most significant of the Vysotny Zaniyes and the largest is MGU - Moskovski Gosudarsvenniye Universityet - Moscow State University named after MV Lomonsov. This grandiose symmetrical complex consists of a 36-storey tower, 240 meters high, is situated up on Sparrow Hills (formerly Lenin Hills) on the south side of river Moscow .  

On top of the central tower stands a 58 meter spire that is crowned by a  five-pointed star encircled with ears of corn made of yellow grass with a diameter of 9 meters.  The tower is also home to the largest clock, barometer and thermometer in the world.

The silhouette of MGU can be spotted from a great distance at various points of the city.  Closer up its layered structure richly adorned with numerous sculptures is clearly discernible.  

The symmetrical composition emphasises a vast square of gardens, avenues, fountains and trees stretching out in front of the main building.  The trees are wrapped up for winter to protect them from the frost.  The tree-lined avenues with busts of famous Russian scientists lead down to a viewing platform where tourists can enjoy the splendid

panorama of the city alongside newly-weds celebrating with "champanskoye".

In front of the main entrance to the University are figures of  students and a monument to Lomonsov that was to have completed the central tower instead of the spire.

The University building itself covers 167 hectares and stands 75 meters above the level of the river Moscow to the south west of the city. Dominating the skyline it is the heart and main focal point of Sparrow Hills.  It was here that the market gardens for the village of Vorobyev (Sparrow) once stood.  Through the course of a few years the whole area was transformed with the construction of the university campus on the 320 hectare site.

Inside the central tower - Sector "A" is situated the rectory, university administration and social functions alongside a number of faculties, libraries, auditoriums, laboratories and reading rooms.  There is also a museum, palace of culture, theatre and a sports complex.
If you were to lay out in a line the 67 lift-shafts of the building, a 4-mile long tunnel would be formed.

Overall the main building contains 5 canteens, a numerous buffets, shops and kiosks providing both students and staff with all essential provisions and consumer goods..  There is a section that provides a panoply of services - clothes and shoe repairs, photography studio, hairdressers and a postal section that receives and distributes letters, telegrams and faxes.

For those active students, there is no need to venture beyond the confines of the campus as there is  a great number of sporting societies that engage in training and competitions in the stadium, sports grounds, tennis courts, base-ball stadium and athletics blocks.  There is also a swimming pool and sports hall in the main building.

The side wings house the halls of residence with 5,000-6,000 student rooms in one sector with the professors and lecturing staff housed separately in 184 apartments that vary in size from 2 - 4 bedrooms.