Some families know a great deal about their roots; others know very little. This site is an attempt to record what I've
learned about our family history. In these modern times, families tend to be scattered all over the country, if not the world.
One of the goals of this web site is to help our family stay connected even though we live far apart.
As you can see we can do some really neat stuff here. These pictures you see are some actual and some samples of what
we can do. If you do not want your picture on this site or page, let me know. I have some pictures of a lot of you already.
If I do post one of you that you do not like let me know and I will take care of it. I may start posting some pretty quick.
or we could do something different. Any ideas would be of help. If you have any pictures you would like posted, let me know.
I will post them for you. I am trying to add a message board or bulletin board where you can post info for others to see.
I think it should have one.I am brand new at this so bear with me. If you see something that I could do differently let me
know. I hope you all enjoy and give me your input. Also keep checking this site it could be updated quite often.
Donald Rowe
This is a work in progress, so please contact me if you have any information that might help round
out the picture.
Grandma Manila's Children sitting from left to right Reba, Grandma Manila, Ruby. Standing left to right Rachell, Russell,
Rhoda, Ruth, Ruben, and my father Raymond at Rowe reunion 1995 Somerset, IN. ( Photo courtesy Tim and Rosie

From left is Ruth, Ruby, Grandma Manila sitting, Rachel and Reba in 1995 Rowe Reunion (Photo courtesy Tim and
Rose Koerber)

John and Manila Rowe above,and if you can make it out Reba lying on bed to left of them at age of 14. Below is Grandma
. (Photo courtesy Craig and Patty Bently)
