2000 Articles
(SPANISH) JAN. 1, 2000
(This Interview was sent to me by a friend who lives in Maracaibo,Venezuela and I translated it into English. some words are too crazy to translate verbatim and I use normal english words.)
Today I had the Priviledge to Interview a very sexy man, His Name is Roy Dupuis, and all who watch the T.V. show La Femme Nikita on the WB network Know who this Handsome Green eyed Man is. he portrays the cold and unnerving Michael and he does a wonderful job.
We met him at a small quiet restaurant in Chinatown.
Roy walked in unhurriedly toward us and sat down looking like the most delectable meal in town.
QP: Good Morning Roy, Thank you for accepting this Interview.
RD: You're Welcome, glad to speak to Latin America.
QP: Roy How is work going?
RD: Work is going great!
QP: We know you will be Portraying Michael again this season, any scoop you can give us?
RD: We have to wait and see what develops.
QP: Ok, Roy we have experienced the Convention here in Toronto a couple of weeks ago, can you tell us why you have never gone?
RD: I am normally not in town for the conventions I try to spend as much time at home as possible.
QP: we heard that you were selling your home is this true?
RD: No the house for sale is my father's country home.
QP: Roy there are many rumors going around the con and other sources about your new single status can you tell us, is this true?
RD: Yes I am no longer Dating my Girlfriend.
QP: Why is this?
RD: Many reasons.
QP: Like? come on tell us something for the fans.
RD: We simply Broke up that is all.
QP: Did this happen during the summer?
RD: No it happened before, I was still filming Nikita.
QP: Are you Dating anyone new?
RD: (smiles) In a way, it is still too new to talk about it.
QP: We have heard you used to drink and party alot, do you still do it?
RD: I stopped in early 1996, Completely. The excess and lack of moderation ended up making me miserable. I have also been in therapy for years.
QP: Have you found new clarity in your life since you stopped?
RD: Yes, clarity and lucidity, I see the world differently now, I used to spend my life looking at the world through the bottom of the bottle, now I see it with new perspective and emotion.
QP: What major changes have happened in your life since you stopped drinking?
RD: I fell in love, bought a farm and returned to the simple life.
QP: Roy, what precipitated all these transformations?
RD: I started to feel empty, My choice for complete sobriety had been influenced by my reading, by events, by my ex-girlfriend, by my parents and by the situation I found myself in.
QP: Is going from a state of oblivion to one of clarity a painful process?
RD: To kill something of yourself is always painful. When I moved from the town to the country it was to go to my first home of my own. My immature, instinctual side is in check now, but taking the leap from operating on this basic level to becoming a more aware human being is a melancholy experience.
QP: How do you enjoy yourself these days?
RD: A good cup of coffee, spending time at home, fixing the place, talking to my friends.
QP: Do you spend time with your friends?
RD: Not as much as I wish, work keeps me busy 9 months out of the year in Toronto and on weekends I fly back to Montreal.
QP: Is your home your hideaway?
RD: Being an actor, I found that I needed something concrete to manipulate and fashion at my own will and see the results right away. The house is like that for me.
QP: You seem like a very intense and aware person. When you're on your land, in your house, what do you think about?
RD: I like to look at stars, and I like to read about philosophers, and then I think about the house.
QP: You must be very clear-headed now.
RD: Sometimes yes. A little bit more than I was. That's for sure.
QP: Are you a poetic, romantic kind of guy?
RD: I have that side, yes. I like grand things and I like small things too. It depends on how I feel.
QP: Roy one last question; What does the future hold for "La femme Nikita" ?
RD: I live for the moment. I don't think about tomorrow.
QP: OK Thank you Roy for taking time with us.
RD: Thank you
We watch Roy stand and walk out, a girl asks him for an autograph and smiling he gives it, He walks to his car and leaves. He goes back to the set, he was grand to allow this interview because he is overwhelmed with too much work.
** Total Film ** Magazine Jan. 2000