Nuclear Fusion
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Section 1 - The Nuclear Fusion Reaction

Nuclear Fusion is an energy-producing process which takes place continuously within the cores  of the sun and stars. In the core of the sun and other stars around the universe the cores can reach extreme temperatures of 10-15 million degrees Celsius, Hydrogen is converted to Helium while releasing immense amounts of energy, this reaction produces enough energy to sustain life on earth. A very similar reaction takes place within nuclear bombs.  This is done by combining Tritium and Deuterium to make a larger isotope of a helium atom.  During this process extreme amounts of energy are released in a few seconds.

Here on earth different types of fusion reactions are involved. The most suitable reaction occurs between the nuclei of the two heavy forms of Hydrogen, these are known as isotopes - Deuterium (D) and Tritium (T); eventually reactions involving just Deuterium or Deuterium and Helium (3He) may be used to do the same thing as Tritium and Deuterium.

Most Suitable Fusion Reaction.

For a Deuterium and Tritium reaction temperatures of over 100 Million degrees C are needed for the fuel has changed its state from gas to PLASMA. In a plasma, the electrons have been separated from the atomic nuclei (usually called the "ions"). Plasma is found in the sun and all of the stars in the universe.  The only natural way that it is found on Earth is in lightning.  We can make plasma by putting Helium atoms under massive amounts of heat and pressure. 

Understanding plasma required major developments in physics. Plasmas are now used widely in industry,
especially for semi-conductor manufacture.

Problems with Fusion Bombs

The problem with fusion is that Deuterium and Tritium are that they are both gases and are hard to store.

Both gases have to be put under extreme pressure and high temperatures to start the fusion reaction.

Tritium is also very hard to come by and has a very short half life.  This means that it cannot be kept in a bomb without having to be replenished constantly.

How These Problems Were Solved

To solve the problem with Deuterium being hard to store they chemically combined it with Lithium which makes a solid Lithium-Deuterate compound which reacts the same except it is able to be stored very well.

To solve the temperature and pressure problem Stanislaw Ulam figured out that most of the radiation that comes out of a fission reaction was x-rays that could provide both the high temperatures and pressures that is necessary to start the fusion reaction.  This means that by sticking a fission bomb inside of a fusion bomb the problem would be solved.

The Tritium problem is solved when they noticed that neutrons from the fission reaction makes Tritium from Lithium.  Lithium-6 plus a neutron yields Tritium and Helium-4, or Lithium-7 plus a neutron yields Tritium, Helium-4 and a neutron.  This means that the Tritium would not have to be stored in the bomb but instead become usable when the chemical reaction takes place.


Deuterium is abundant as it can be extracted from all forms of water. If all the world's city were to be provided by fusion power stations, Deuterium supplies would blast for millions of years.

Tritium does not occur naturally and will be manufactured from Lithium within the

Lithium, the lightest metal, is plentiful in the earth's crust. If all the world's electricity were to be provided by fusion, known reserves would last for at least 1000 years.

Once the reaction is established, even though it occurs between Deuterium and Tritium, the consumables are Deuterium and Lithium.

Interesting facts

For example, 10 grams of Deuterium which can be extracted from 500 liters of water and 15g of Tritium produced from 30g of Lithium would produce enough fuel for the lifetime electricity needs of an average person in an industrialized country.

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