Shooting Star by BANG!

~*Like a shooting star Across a midnight sky Wherever you are You're gonna see me fly Like a shooting star Across the midnight sky Wherever you are You're gonna see me fly Across the midnight sky Where were you to hold my hand? Do the things that we had planned Yes I need you by my side When things go crazy I just need to know you care Guaranteed that you'll be there When I wake up in the night Will you be my guiding light? I don't care how far I'll take a plane tonight Just tell me where you are and everythings gonna be alright Like a shooting star Across the midnight sky I'm gonna fly Just to be with you tonight Like a shooting star Across the midnight sky I'm gonna fly Just to be with you tonight!*~

Friday, September 28, 2001

Don't even ask what the Hell this is, because I DO NOT know.

I got bored so I decided to color some more of my piccys. On inspection, I determined that none of them were colorable because I scanned them too small (Cynthia scanned the Hoto pic). I then decided to draw something. That is what the result was. I don't know exactly what it was going to be, but I think it turned to be a half woman, half snake thing, I'm not sure. And don't ask why it's wearing a bikini top and a skirt, because I don't know the answer to that one either.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:00 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

you know, it's really funny when you read mine and Cynthia's blogs. If you line up the dates and read mine first then hers, it's like a little mini conversation. I think it's great.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:15 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I just looked at that address you gave me Cynthia. That's cool how you put the english on there. Keep up the good work!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:12 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

YEAH!!!!!!! Malice Shaw updated! Oh joy! I had to browse through all the Final Fantasy VIII dramas to find Eyes of the Hawk. Oh well, I found it! That's all that counts!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:10 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Uhh!!! What is wrong with I can't get in to see if Malice Shaw updated!!!!!*sobs*
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:53 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

ya know Cynthia, that Squally-Seifer thing just might work out.....

Anyhoo, Mommeh got paid today! Goin' Shoppin' Gettin' Pandah!*bows* Spendin' Benny!!!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:28 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Thursday, September 27, 2001

OOH! Mommy just brought me a candy bar! Oh joy! Not that I need it.

    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:11 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I need something to do. Oh it's almost time to go...

Song of the Moment: Kaze No Uta
AWWWWWWWWW! Cursed Fushigi Yuugi!!!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:09 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

It really sucks not having Stereo on this computer. I miss all the cool stuff in Two-Mix songs.

Song of the Moment: True Navigation
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:07 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

That song Divin' to Paradise by Two-Mix is cool! I don't think I'd heard it before.

Song of the Moment: Divin' to Paradise Duh!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:01 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Wow! I blogged a lot today! I must be making up for yesterday with no blogs.

Song of the Moment: Dub-I-Dub
"Love is cold yeah, I don't need you're love is cold yeah I don't need"
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:59 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Heather might come over tomorrow and go shopping with us! She can help me spend my Benny! She'll probably come here after school, so I'll make a happy little entry for her:

*clears throat* Heather, I would like to tell you something. Tampa's gonna lose!!! Tampa's gonna lose!!!! Minnesota's gonna kick they're asses! Ah Ha HA hA HAHAHAHAH! *clears throat again* That is all.

Song of the Moment: Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (Succession of Witches) from Final Fantasy VIII
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:56 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I just realized that we have way (emphasis on way? No why would there be?)too much time on our hands. Especially since we're supposed to be doing work when we come up with this stuff.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:52 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Yesterday Cynthia had this idea that would should make Gunnblades and fight with them. Then she said we should dress up like Seifer and Squall at Expo this year (Me being Seifer and Cynthia being Squall). I think it would be hella funny, but I don't know if i would do it. I am, however, planning on making a Gunblade (fashioned after Hyperion of course) as soon as I can. It's gonna be wicked cool!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:49 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

OOOOooooooOOOOOOO! Tomorrow is pay-day for my mommeh, which means I get the Hundred bucks she owes me! Doin' the Happy Dance! Doin' the Happy Dance!

Song of the Moment: The Buttercup Song by Morning Musume
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:42 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I'm tired and my head hurts....
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:38 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Ahh! I got a cute little emotion thingy! I've seen them all over the place, but I didn't know how to get one. And now I have one and it's so CUTE! ^_^
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:31 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I finished coloring the pic of Hotohori.

I actually finished it yesterday, but I didn't have time to blog about it. Another bit of news, apparently someone got arrested at school today. My mom was in the office waiting for me when it happened. She doesn't know who the kid was though. I'll find out soon enough I suppose.

    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:06 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Tuesday, September 25, 2001

i got so bored I decided to color a pic of Hotohori I drew like a year ago. It looks really crappy.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:48 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Oh, and I know this one: ^_~
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:41 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

As you can probably tell, I have no idea which face means what, except ^_^, ^_^/, ^_^v, and =). The others I just use if they look right to me. I need a list of all the smiley tingies and what each one means so I'm not a complete retard.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:38 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I found new bruises. There's one on my stomach, one on my back and one on the back of my hand. I also have a sharp pain in my stomach which I'm hoping is just a pulled muscle like Cynthia suggested and not a rib stabbing a vital organ.0.0
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:36 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Bored....... I can't wait until Halloween! I get to wear my costume again! I guess I could put it on and wear it around the house, but that would make me a total freak, now wouldn't it?
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:34 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Monday, September 24, 2001

Only 1:25. Blarghhh. =_=
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:25 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Alchemy on got boring. Blah.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:24 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

The archives from Time Distortion weren't that funny. I guess I haven't had enough sugar. I wanna go hoooooome! I'm tiiiiiiiired. It's nice and overcast outside though, so that's a plus.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:57 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I think I'll read some of the archives from Time Distortion...
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:31 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

On Mondays, school gets out earlier, which means I get out earlier. For some reason my mom keeps forgetting about me on mondays. I need to make her a happy little sign that proclaims:
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:28 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I was just reading my blog archives. Some of the ones from July are hella funny! I don't know what I was on, but it was good stuff. Mayhap it was sleeping in and not having any homework. That tends to make a person crazy with freedom.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:26 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Blah. Hurt. Me and my sister got in a fight last night. We weren't really mad, I was just tired of her picking on me, so I decided to stand up for myself. All in all, I think I did okay. I have a few bruises(one on my leg where I got hit with a plastic flashlight, on on my knuckles from hitting my sister, a couple on my arms and back from Chrissy hitting me.) Then my sister put my arm through a glass window. Okay, here's the story: My sister's bedroom door has a slatted window in it and we were smacking each other through it(it was opened.) My sister grabbed my arm through the window and was holding it down on one of the slats. I realized that she was going to hit my arm and it was going to break the window. I was just about to tell her that when she brought her hand down and CRACK! my arm went through the glass slat. My mom, who was in the kitchen, came running in. She saw the broken glass and wasn't too happy with us. Needless to say, Chrissy got cut worse than I did. Her hand drug down the broken glass and scraped the side of her hand. All I got was a few tiny holes and a bruise where my arm was laying across the glass. All in all, we got lucky that we didn't chop our hands off. *sigh* Little sisters, they don't think.

To Cynthia: Jenny got sunburnt, so there.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:08 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
