Shooting Star by BANG!

~*Like a shooting star Across a midnight sky Wherever you are You're gonna see me fly Like a shooting star Across the midnight sky Wherever you are You're gonna see me fly Across the midnight sky Where were you to hold my hand? Do the things that we had planned Yes I need you by my side When things go crazy I just need to know you care Guaranteed that you'll be there When I wake up in the night Will you be my guiding light? I don't care how far I'll take a plane tonight Just tell me where you are and everythings gonna be alright Like a shooting star Across the midnight sky I'm gonna fly Just to be with you tonight Like a shooting star Across the midnight sky I'm gonna fly Just to be with you tonight!*~

Friday, November 02, 2001

I FORGOT!!! I got S'mores yesterday!!! And my sister got Mountain Dew for her party (which I was not aware of until yesterday) so I have Dew and S'mores! Sweet Nectar and Ambrosia!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:38 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Bling Bling all in your face!

Translation: I wore my bling bling pants that Cynthia mentioned in her blog. I also got a new shirt. Yeah! I got my husband's newest CD too. I like that song "drowning" even if it does sound a little hickish. I was listening to my CD last night and I made the comment that I had never heard the whole song, then I remembered that they sang it at the concert and I went chibi for about five minutes squealing about my husband and how sexy he is in person.

Anyhoo, I need some major sleepage. 'Night! zzzZZZZzzZZzzzzzZZzzZZzz*snortgurgle*ZZZzzzzzZzzZZZZzzzzZZZZ

Song of the Moment: Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
"Am I original?
Am I the only one?
Am I sexual?" HELL YEAH!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:31 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Wednesday, October 31, 2001

My mom just raided all the first grade parties. You should see all the costumes! They're so cute! I miss elementary school...
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 3:09 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I want CANDY!!!!! Ooh, Reese's bites. They're supposed to be for my sister but....

Song of the Moment: More Than That by Backstreet Boys
My husband! and his bandmates
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:49 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Cynthia! I have your photoshoppy, but I forgot to give it to you! I'm smorry!(smult talk) I'll give it to you tonight (if your mom said yes) or tomorrow.

Hi Jenny!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:40 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

It's Halloween!!! *does a happy dance in her Quistis outfit*

I love Halloween! It's the only day of the year (besides Expo) when weirdos like me can dress up like the people they wish they were. Not to mention, you get candy.

Well, my costume wasn't the crowd-stopper it was a Expo (except when I bend over and everyone in the area can see down my shirt >.<). No one recognized me right off. I got asked if I was a hooker by one chick and one guy did know who I was after I mentioned Final Fantasy VIII.

Him: Who are you supposed to be?
Me: *scoffs* Don't you play Final Fantasy VIII?
Him: Oh yeah! You're Quistis! (pronounced "kwistis" instead of "kistis")

So, all in all, I was unrecognized. Such is the life of a Cosplayer outside Expo. At least I wasn't the only one. Cynthia was dressed as Emi from DDR (which I might add is a KICK-ASS costume) and no one knew who she was either, aside from me and Jenny. I still love Halloween though.^_^
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:35 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Tuesday, October 30, 2001

I still didn't see the new Backstreet Boys video.

OoooooOoOOOOooooo...Tomorrow is Halloween! Get to dress up and no one thinks I'm weird (well, any weirder than everyone else...)
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:25 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Sorry I haven't blogged yet, but I've been trying to figure out how to work that photoshop thingy. I finally figured it out. If you wanna see my handywork, click here. I think it looks pretty good.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:23 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Monday, October 29, 2001

Finally! Get to Go HOME!!!!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 7:38 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I wanna go HOME!!!!!! We've been here since 4:30! I'm tired!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 7:34 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I actually finished my english homework while watching music videos. It actually turned out pretty interesting for a four paragraph scene. I think my room has mystical powers that allow for creative ideas, because I'm not a creative person unless I'm in my room.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 7:00 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Cynthia....are you still on?
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 6:56 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I'm back!!

I went home, fully intent on watching music videos until I saw the new Backstreet Boys video. So, I'm channelin' around and I think "Maybe they'll play it on Much Music." Of course, being the blonde that I am, I think "No they won't." But just in case, I decide to check. On the way to Much Music I get side-tracked by Pop-Up Videos (curs-ed things). After VH1 goes to a commercial, I remember my original intent and change to Much Music. I bet you can't guess what was on. Give up? The new Backstreet Boys video! Of course, it was almost over, so I only saw like the last minute of it, all the while cursing myself for not turning the damn channel. So after the video goes off, I decide to watch Much Music until I see it again. Do they play it again? Come on, you know the answer to this one. That's right! They don't play it again. My last chance is to watch VideoFlow at 9:30 tonight. Wish me luck.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 5:27 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Mmm, candy apple of goodness... Now it's officially Halloween time!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:03 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

It's cold in here....*teeth chattering*. Almost time to go home, must remember to do English homework. I like the little elipses things (spell check kudasai). See, I learned something in English...I think.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 2:02 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Oooh! Wednesday is Halloween! I get to wear my Quisty-chan costume again!!! YEAH!!!!! Of course, I'm gonna be one of the only seniors dressed up but...
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:09 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Still bored.... Maybe I'll play alchemy on msn games. That sounds fun....
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:08 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

I'm bored. Actually this is the first time in two weeks that I haven't had anything to do on the computer. Hmmm...wish I had some S'mores... and some Dew. Oooo, Dew at home, but no S'mores. Oh! New phrase for all of those out there who worship me like the Goddess I am (hahahahahah): Okey Dokie Pokey Bob. Cherish it, use it and let everyone know that you're down with the new slang in cali.
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 1:00 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...

Thank you for the postcard and the sound byte Jen!

Curses!! The new Backstreet Boys video is premiering today on MTV and I'm not home to see it!!!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!! Mayhap Heather saw it?? Probably not, since she had to go to "the Rock" today. WAIIIIIII!!!!!!!!;_;

Oh, on a happier note, Cynthia is supposed to bring me photoshoppy thingy tomorrow! Yeah!
    ranted by , Legendary Super Candyce - 12:01 PM

One by one, the penguins steal my sanity...
