The three flags of 1918
Flag 1

Flag 2

Flag 3

The Naval Flag

The Merchant Flag

Quotes of Famous People Involved in the Revolution

"How can you make a revolution without executions?" an outraged Lenin in October on hearing that the Soviet had abolished the death penalty."

"I think, though the Bolsheviks have few positive sides , the disbandment of the Constituent Assembly is truly to their credit. This one should consider their positive asset." Kolchak, white dictator of Siberia.

"I am an opponent of the Bolsheviks. I consider them enemies of my country. I know that they will bring the greatest suffering upon the people .... But if I were asked whether I regretted the revolution, I would say no. And whatever my personal fate - if I were asked whether I'd live through the revolution again, I would say yes." Andrei Shingarev, former KADET minister from his prison diary.

"The Bolsheviks slavishly imitated speech and gesture of the French Jacobins, just as the Jacobins in turn had imitated the heroes of ancient Rome. But they forgot that the French Revolution itself was drowned in bloody defeat precisely because of its terrorism." Stienberg, Sovnarkom Minister of Justice

"Civil war in the streets of Petrograd-The head of the new government asks the army and navy to fight on"(Daily Mirror March 16, 1917

"The events leading to the revolution began a week ago with a street demonstration of working me who left work as a protest against the shortage of bread. For the first two days mounted patrols kept the crowds moving without resorting to violence. When ordered to fire on the people, and they refused, police were substituted and a battle occurred between them and the troops. Regiment after regiment joined the revolters and seized the arsenals and other strategic points."(Daily Mail March 17,1917)

"The weakness associated with the Emperor Nicholas, his unscrupulous entourage of designing councillors, and the scandals of the Rasputin era - all these combined to destroy respect for his majesty and affection for his family."(Morning Post March 19, 1917)

"Revolutions are like avalanches, and it is not always easy to fix the point at which the movement of such stupendous masses will be arrested. The gravest disaster which could befall Russia and the whole cause of human freedom at this moment would be if the control of the nation were to pass form the hands of the moderate Constitutionalists into those of the Extremists... Happily we have every ground for confidence that the moderate men will hold their own ..."(The Globe March 17 1917)