Experiencing Diversity
Ruth Sanford
Our quest began in 1984 at a
person-centered workshop in Mexico City at the Universidad Iberoamericano. Carl
Rogers and I had been invited to participate on a panel composed of
practitioners in a wide range of therapies all the way from Freudian analysis
to Neo-Freudian to behaviorist and one or two others. Carl Rogers and I
represented the humanistic approach or, more specifically, the person-centered
approach (evolved from client - centered therapy) applied to groups as well as
individuals.* Various members of the panel had discussed among themselves at
some length the value they placed on the fee which they charged and there was
some shoptalk among the analysts and others. When we had finished the
presentations, a Mexican woman social worker in Mexico City stood up and made
an impassioned plea which ended in a question, "I have heard all this
about the various therapies and fees. I would like to know what are you doing
to take care of the needs of the thousands of people who cannot afford private
There was a pause. Then she
addressed her question to me. I was taken completely by surprise and for what
seemed like a long moment I could not find words. Then, as nearly as I can
describe it, I heard a voice in my mind saying, "Elitism. We must go
beyond elitism." I then told of the common practice among client-centered
or person-centered therapists to determine the fee by reaching a decision about
the fee with the client as partner in the decision. I know many person-centered
therapists who did not turn a client away because of inability to pay. I also
referred to the fact that in our workshops we had found that many of the
participants responded either at the workshop or later with expressions like
"You have changed my life," or "It had a lasting effect on me
and I am keeping in touch with others whom I met at the workshop." I also
referred to the fact that many times one half hour demonstration therapy
session between Carl and a volunteer client was sufficiently powerful to call
forth a comment such as "it changed my life."
The idea of departing from the
usual or traditional pattern of person-centered workshops evolved rather slowly
during the summer of 1993.I think I became aware that for the most part the
participants in person – centered workshops were white, middle class
professionals or students with a sprinkling of others who were seeking an
opportunity for personal growth. At the beginning we had considered an
experiential workshop acquainting newcomers with the concepts of the
person-centered approach. We had also considered a learning experience or
training program in the New York area. The third possibility of a diversity
workshop came to the fore in August of 1993. The need for going beyond elitism
came up at the end of the 1992 ADPCA meeting in Redwood City, California where
the need for more outreach to various minority groups was discussed. We decided
that those who had expressed interest at the ADPCA conference and others who
had experience in person-centered group work, both within and outside the New
York City area, should be included in the planning. Three persons from
Kutztown, Pennsylvania and six from the New York-Long Island area were present
at the August and September meetings. In October, two persons from the
Massachusetts and Connecticut area were added.
Initially in June, the intent
was to set a date for the workshop in November, but as our objective became
clearer, we realized that more time was needed - probably late spring or early
summer would be realistic. It became clear that a long preparation period made
heavy demands on the time of members of the planning group. At this point
attendance at the monthly meetings fluctuated. Individuals determined they were
making the choice of staying in the planning group or withdrawing because they
were unable to make the commitment. In a real sense the planning group was self
selected; no one person was in charge. The process was time consuming.
One objective was to bring
together a group of genuinely interested persons who themselves represented
diversity of background. We decided to meet one Sunday each month at a central
meeting place almost equidistant from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. We also
felt the need to meet for one two-day period to know each other better in
depth. We had to feel our way because no one of our group had ever deliberately
set out to bring together the highest degree of diversity possible. It was a
process of exploration and discovery.
The learnings from the
Experiencing Diversity workshops 1994-1998 we have selected to illustrate are:
Dissension in the planning
group is mirrored in the workshop.
Harmony in the planning group
is mirrored in the workshop.
Make it clear you want to hear
each person.
The importance of commitment
in the planning group.
The deeper the exchange, the
greater the binding.
What I’ve experienced with
Experiencing Diversity workshops also holds true for large and small groups. I
find that the learnings from the Experiencing Diversity workshops are
compatible with those from all PCA groups both large and small. [see the
chapter in this volume "My Experience of the Development of Small and
Large Group Work in the PCA"]
In contrast to Experiencing
Diversity 1998 our experience in 1997 demonstrated the effect that disharmony
in the staff resulted in such disharmony in the group that some participants
did not return in 1998
because they felt unsafe and
others left with heavy hearts and many conflicts unresolved.
A staff member’s suggestion
that we meet less often but for longer weekend meetings rather than more single
day meetings was vital to the harmony and unity of the staff in 1998. That we
were able to overcome the one bump in the road of a deep and joyful meeting was
due in large part to the harmony achieved at the staff meetings throughout the
year. More details about this can be found in the section discussing "Make
It Clear You Want To Hear Each Person".
The work on the beautiful
collage and brochure done all the colors of the rainbow gave the planning group
a momentum it never lost. The statement "celebrate differences" along
with similarities in the Experiencing Diversity 5 brochure set a tone for the
In two workshops, one with
Carl and one by myself, I have experienced consciously saying something that
changed the direction of the meeting.
One in Moscow had been a
violent one where facilitators were confronted with doing something after much
vituperation. People had been screaming at each other and our repeated appeals
for participants to speak one at a time because we wanted to hear each one were
ignored. At the end of the evening session the facilitators agreed to ask the
participants to sit silently for five minutes, not to speak to each other as
they left, and to return the following morning at nine o’clock. Next day the
participants began listening to one other and the atmosphere became
increasingly positive.
In the closing session of
Experiencing Diversity 5 (1998) to everyone’s surprise one member of the staff
suddenly exploded in such anger that newcomers were feeling threatened. They
had been promised that this was a place where they could feel safe. One by one
members of the group familiar with the PCA, not newcomers, expressed their
feelings: of being "terrorized by you", "in your words I heard
the rage of my father when I was a child", "I see you as a man filled
with rage", "maybe it’s the little boy in you who didn’t get hugged
enough by his mother".
I could hear that the younger,
less experienced people were closing up, afraid to speak. They were young
people, some of them from backgrounds of deprivation and the fear and anger of
the adults who had invited them to "a safe place to be yourself" was
evident. At this point I as one of the facilitators was on the verge of tears
myself. I felt it would be impossible to settle all those differences in the
last hour. So I expressed my strong feeling, "I would like the persons
involved to come together at the close of the workshop to work out their differences
and that we turn our attention to those who had felt attacked. I had hoped we
could turn our attention in the last hour to those who had been afraid to
speak, to those who had felt unsafe." We took time to acknowledge the many
strong and positive contributions of the person who had exploded. Then the
unsafe ones spoke and the meeting closed on a very rich and upward note. We
ended in close concentric circles singing Kumbaya with workshop variants for
refrains where the last was "See you here again next year!"
Much of that night and the
following morning the facilitative staff involved and worked out their
differences. The person who had exploded said I had done the right thing when I
said I wanted to hear the silent ones. Then during final farewells I reached
for my bag. Another member of the staff said, "That’s my bag." I
said, "I guess we have to sort out our own baggage, don’t we?" We
laughed and ended on a note of harmony.
After this workshop at least
six groups of people (from
Canada, Michigan, Chicago,
Arizona, California, and Connecticut) felt strongly energized to return home
and start their own Experiencing Diversity workshops in their neighborhoods.
There was a general feeling
expressed that this was the richest Experiencing Diversity workshop of the five
One of the staff members who
had been strongest in attracting young people to the workshop expressed more
strongly than ever before her dedication to continue doing so.
Using the principle that the
participants or clients are the authority on the experience I quote a letter
from a participant "The Experiencing Diversity Workshop was a very
positively moving experience for me from the warm invitation, to the most
incredible representation of feelings and ideas expressed across the lifespan,
across ethnicity and race, across economic and social classes, across
philosophical and political lines."
There were many doers on the
planning staff, dedicated enough to execute large tasks steadily and well from
the brochure to fund raising, recruiting, accounting, housing arrangements, or
The deepest exploration of
celebrating differences occurred on the second day of Experiencing Diversity
1998 when several African American participants shared in depth the pain and
disappointment they had suffered
in finding their place in the
life and culture of the US. So intense was the involvement that the group
continued with it all afternoon through the time allotted for free activities.
Close binding was evident.
of Our Diverse Staff Speak For Themselves.
A - This is a story of my
experiencing diversity growing up in a beautiful small town in Virginia surrounded
by mountains where everyone lived all over no matter what their race or
economic status and where everyone interacted with each other even before the
days of school integration. We were a Black family of four boys and four girls.
My mother was a school teacher who stopped teaching when her children were born
and my father was a coal miner who had also been a baseball player and railroad
man after growing up on a farm.
Diversity started for me soon
after birth. I was born on June 9th and my next door neighbor, Buddy, who is a
Caucasian male was born June 21st. He had a female first cousin who was born a
couple of months before us in April. We all played together and since then
mixed with the other kids on the street. Being in such proximity, whenever
their family had problems we worried about them, and when ever there was
sickness in our family they were there for us. When my mother needed a cup of
sugar, it was over to Buddy's house I would go.
Whenever my mother made us
stay in the yard, Buddy would be at the fence playing through [it] and over it.
Since the entire town had
similar situations, when we were old enough to venture out into the community,
we met new friends and continued to play together. When the city established a
Little League, it too was integrated and we were on the same team or we played
against each other. My two brothers and I were chosen for the Green team
because the manager of that team worked at the same place as my father so even
though he did not know us, he felt he was getting good players because of who
my father was to him. We were good players because my father had played semi -
pro baseball and taught us to play.
This led to us getting to know
kids all over town. So we were at each other’s houses all of the time. Wherever
[we were when] the 12 o’clock whistle blew is where we had lunch. My parents
were caring and kind people who made friends with anyone and everyone so I was
often accepted by people I may have not known but who knew my parents.
As wonderful as these
experiences were there were injustices that happened. The school system was
segregated. The local labor pool did not include us. The only professional jobs
that were available to Blacks were teachers, ministers and barbers. We had some
of the best teachers in the county but the subjects covered in our schools were
the basics. Music and art were subjects I pursued after leaving there. I
learned to swim in recent years. Most of us moved on to obtain professional
jobs. When integration of the school did occur, many of our teachers became
Chairman of the Department. Yet the relationships formed as kids still are
strong and meaningful.
When a group of Ku Klux
Klansmen organized a march through the town in recent years, the townsfolk were
against it. They could not prevent them from getting a permit to march, so the
march took place. What they did do was schedule a rally at the park at a later
time inviting all of the towns people to show unity with a celebration having
speakers throughout the community share what the community meant to them. My
Aunt Sadie was a major speaker.
I live diversity because I
have learned from early on that there are very few things that need separate us
and there are many things that we can share to build an even richer community.
B - The idea of diversity
among people came to me early in life, when as a teen during the 1940's I began
to believe that I was in some way different from my peers. I felt estranged
from them, and I experienced feelings of negative self-worth as I discovered
that it was socially unacceptable for me to act on the natural feelings within
my being.
Later as a college student, I
began to conclude that I was a gay man; however in those days, such a person
was advised to "get over it," or somehow to get a "cure."
Much of the current thinking encouraged me to find a good woman, marry her, and
settle into a "normal" marriage and family life; somehow the
"unnatural" feelings would then disappear, and life would unfold in
the socially-acceptable, normal manner.
Several years after college, I
married, and made a commitment to myself and to my wife that I would stay
married. This marriage has lasted more than forty years, has offered both of us
many riches from a deep and exciting relationship, has produced two now-grown
children, and on the surface is a normal American marriage. My secret, however,
is that I didn't "get over it,' or get a "cure." I continue to
be clearly aware that I am a gay man who has masqueraded as a straight man
throughout most of the important activities of my life, including graduate
school, and a profession as a college professor.
Life was not that smooth,
however. Before I was married, I was "found out" and fired from my
first professional job out of college, for reasons having nothing to do with my
professional work. Later, in my work as a personnel manager, I was refused a
security clearance by the U.S. Air Force, where my "secret" again was
discovered, and I was subsequently terminated from that position. Still later,
after graduate school, I was not granted tenure in an important position as a
faculty member of a well known university - the place for a universe of thought
to flourish. It was clear to me that I had been "out" to too many
people at that university. Still another university attempted to fire me, and a
federal judge ordered the university to reinstate me. I left that university,
for the climate was extremely oppressive with homophobia among the
For the last thirteen years, I
have mentioned nothing about my sexual orientation at the Catholic college
where I teach, and have been given outstanding praise for the work I have done.
It appears that hiding one's self pays off in our society. I am among a
fortunate few, for many others of "difference" cannot hide who they
are, for their identity as members of targeted groups is obvious merely by
looking at their physical features.
I know about discrimination. I
know about difference. I know about oppression, and living a life in hiding. I
know about the negative consequences that can arise out of authentically
declaring the truth about self.
With the understanding of my
own personal experience, I became interested in others who may have experienced
"difference" from the American norm of white, heterosexual, middle-class,
male place of privilege. Such people might include persons of African or
Hispanic heritages, Native American heritage, women, people who are poor and
lacking in education, those who are homosexual, aging, or those disenfranchised
by physical or mental disability. After discussing some of these issues with my
colleagues, I decided to join them in organizing and facilitating a workshop in
diversity-an opportunity for encouraging persons from these diverse backgrounds
to come together to share in their experiences coping with
"difference." And so our first annual workshop entitled
"Experiencing Diversity" was born in 1994. These same colleagues and
I have continued in our diversity work since that date, having facilitated four
such workshops, with planning underway for our fifth one in October of 1998.
These workshops are organized around a person-centered way of being, espoused
and researched by the late Carl R. Rogers.
C - My neighborhood was pretty
homogeneous. There were two principal populations, Italian and Irish,
reflecting the city. Even over time we were homogeneous. I played a lot of ball
games as my father had before me in the same neighborhood. My ancestors were
largely English and Irish with a little Dutch. Although my family was of moderate
income I had the privilege of attending a private school. I never doubted that
both of my parents loved and supported me.
It was not till I was college
age that I was aware of differences. And I embraced them. I was a unifier. I
wanted to unite Math and Poetry, Science and Humanities. I’m a little more
relaxed about these distinctions now. The differences I was interested in were
academic, cultural. The cultural differences had to be exotic. I conceived the
grand scheme of uniting or finding what was common in China, Japan, India,
Islam, and the West.
In later years I got to visit
these cultures. I would complete a computer contract and take off. The scheme
remained unrealized, but it was a good dream that led to my learning a lot and
having many wonderful experiences.
But the local seemed banal, to
lack the excitement of the exotic, and all those years I had little to do with
the richness and diversity right around me.
D - I feel that I contributed
to the diversity within the facilitating staff by my age and by my limitation
of legal blindness which for me means two percent vision in each eye. I grew up
in an environment that was not aware of minority groups. However, as I have
been thinking about it just now, my hometown had a mix of North Europeans,
which included a large Swedish population and a smaller Italian population. I
never met a person of color until I went to New York City as an adult except
for two African American women who made presentations as guests of
missionaries. Most of my best friends were Swedish and I realized that there
was a class differentiation. The Italians were largely craftsmen, gardeners and
nonprofessionals. I was definitely limited in my view of the world!
As I work more intensively
with groups, including our facilitating staff, I have learned that I am in
another kind of minority. My family was poor. My father drank too much. We
moved 8 times in my first 16 years. Technically I was an only child, but
despite our poverty our house was open to relatives and friends who needed a
haven in times of hardship. When, at the age of six, we moved to a farm I had
time, with my mother’s encouragement, to make friends with nature. Both
parents, from my earliest recollection, reassured me of their love and caring
for me. It saddens me greatly to find that very few people whom I know have
received this kind of reassurance from both parents. In that respect I have
discovered that I am part of another kind of minority.
The church-related college
which I attended presented only two occasions to
meet a person of African
descent. They were invited as guests of missionaries. I did well enough
academically, became a student assistant to the Professor of English Language
and Literature and participated in many extracurricular activities. I was one
of four members of our class who were warned they would be dismissed if we
persisted in being "too liberal in our reading". Two of the four were
dismissed. I was one of the two reprimanded and warned by the administration.
My mother offered to help me find another college in case of my dismissal and
supported me in standing for what I believed.
I did graduate work at
Columbia Teachers college and met and married there the wonderful man I married
and with whom I spent 49 years of married life, which ended with his death in
1989. Last year our daughter Mei Mei received her doctorate in anthropology and
E - I emigrated to the US when
I was 7 years old from Scotland. I have early thoughts of being different from
the children at my school because I was not American. My parents spoke with
accents. My name is a foreign one, so many people mispronounced it. I feel that
this set me apart from others.
By the time I reached high
school I knew I was gay. I was having a relationship at this time with someone
20 years older than myself. I did not tell anyone about this because I knew I
would have to face discriminatory remarks.
I felt separate. I feel that
my parents knew I was gay but did not speak to me about it. There was a young
Black woman that I ate lunch with everyday. Many students called her nigger and
I was the gay nigger lover. I did not think I was different, I knew I was
I went to college and was
openly gay. I took my chances on being proud of who and what I was. I tried to
commit suicide, junior year, because I could not endure the taunts. I came home
for a semester and then went back the next year to graduate. Gay or not!! I
graduated with a BA in sociology. After graduation I did "come out"
to my parents and they asked me to leave the house. I did so ending up in
Syracuse, NY where I met my second lover. We moved to Indiana and spent 7 years
there. At this time I was drinking heavily; no wonder he left me. I was in the
battle of self medicating myself.
My father died suddenly and I
moved back to NY where my drinking escalated. During this time I made 3
attempts on my life and thought that suicide was the only route for a person
like me to take. I was not aware that I had a choice to live. I was destined to
die, alone, scared, and isolated.
At this time I hooked up with
a person-centered therapist who took me to hospital after hospital for more
intensive treatment for alcoholism. This person, for the first time, listened
to me, listened to my concerns and what a shambles my life was truly in. At one
point I called and said "This time, I’m really going to do it. There’s
nothing anyone can do. I called to say goodbye" At this point the
therapist’s reply was "If you go ahead and end your life, I shall be very
sad. I care for you and I’ll miss you. But it’s your life. You have the right
to do whatever you choose with it. And I’ll not think the less of you" I
hung up. The next morning I called and said "I decided that if someone
trusted me that much, I must have something in me worth living for."
After three years of
searching, I was put on lithium and diagnosed manic-depressive. I really did
not know what that meant. But I stayed on my medication and went to this helpful
therapist for therapy, also becoming a member of a group.
Going on lithium, talking to a
person centered therapist and trying to face what my problems really were,
rather than having someone tell me what my problems were saved my life. And I
am able to write this today. I was free in therapy to express my feelings about
any topic that I wanted, not what the therapist wanted. This was very new for
me. I had to make up my own mind about a lot of things. No one had ever
listened to me before and the idea that they listened to me and that I made the
choices about what was going to happen was an exceptional experience. It was
short of miraculous!! I started to trust myself and the decisions I had made
for myself. I started to have patience with myself, instead of throwing in the
towel. I learned if there was one way I could not solve a problem, perhaps
there was another way I could solve it. I had support, for the first time in my
I stopped drinking and came to
realize I was an alcoholic. I have not had a drink in 18 years now. I then met
my present partner and we have been together for 18 years, having built a life
on trust and understanding. I have spent most of the work time in rehabilitative
work with Latinos. I am Spanish speaking and I listened to what their concerns
At present I am going to
graduate school full-time to become a patient advocate. I am earning a Master's
degree in Medical Humanities.
I have spent the better half
of my life listening to myself and others because a person-centered therapist
took the time to listen to me.
I have been involved with the
"Experiencing-Diversity" work for about 5 years. I have such respect
for this work and the people who do this type of work. During this time I have
wrestled with cancer, and Parkinson's disease. I have had the support of my
person-centered family to help me through the rough times. My friends on the
Diversity staff have been invaluable, not in just giving me strength and
courage, but I know they will listen to me.
These experiences I bring to
the Diversity Staff and hope that my diversity will touch someone else in a
good way. I feel I am alive because of this work and I have no shame as to my
sexual preference. I am open about that too and prefer to live my life this
way. I like the idea that I am accepted for what I am, not for what I am not.
The Diversity staff has
allowed me to explore myself and others and their Diversity. It enables me to
find out what there is about myself I can improve on and maybe help someone
help me when I do not understand their Diversity.
The chance to have a place to
express differences and try and explore these differences in a non threatening
way has made all the difference in my life. It has allowed me to create a
climate where others can find ways to change their lives.
F - As far back as I can
remember [my family history] all my grand parents were born in Spain two from
Galicia and the others Las Islas Canarias. My grandmother met my grandfather
(mothers side) in Cuba where she was brought to "save her reputation"
as a married man was courting back home. She never saw her mother or 14
brothers and sisters again. Her father sailed to do business in Cuba once a
year where he took her.
My dad's family made it to
Cuba via Mexico and he was the 21st child conceived by my grandparents. My
mother grew up in poverty of which she is ashamed and determined not to be
poor, excelled in school. She worked at a private school to help pay for tuition
and finally ten days before leaving Cuba to go to the United States got her
Doctoral degree in Physics and Math - not common for her time, given that she
became a single mother at 33 when my father died. I was born in Cuba somewhere
in there 5 years before we left our Island. I grew up in Miami, Florida where I
lived with my mother and brother for a couple of years until we were able to
get my grandmother and aunt out of Cuba. I remember my mother being concerned
about people not renting to us because we were Cubans, or worse yet, because
she had children.
But while a part of me has
completely "assimilated" to the "American Culture", the
melting pot culture, another part of me is as Cuban as they come. I feel I have
benefited tremendously from growing up with both cultures where I can choose
the best of both worlds. I am now a 43 year old woman who acknowledged I was a
lesbian in my early twenties and have survived my own homophobia. After almost
entering the convent in the fall of 1975 I attended and graduated from Florida
State University. I have worked in human services for over 20 years. I have
also been deeply affected and inspired by the many persons with disabilities
that have touched my life during my 25 years plus of professional work. In 1993
I moved to New Britain, Connecticut where I discovered a vibrant though
sometimes hostile community. For the first time, while I made a commitment to
never forget people with disabilities I began to work with the
"community" particularly those who are disenfranchised through
poverty, language, color, sexuality etc. This town and this work catapulted me
into connecting with this wonderful Experiencing Diversity group as I became a
citizen of the United States in 1995 and where I purchased a home and ran for City
Council in New Britain in 1997. I lost by 200 votes. It was an eye-opening and
interesting experience. I believe that people like myself who accept, celebrate
and defend diversity need to be sitting at the table where the decisions that
affect peoples’ lives are made. However, the process of getting there is
tainted and difficult to tolerate.
G - My family name is Maria
Milagros Ramos, but my friends call me
Milly. I was bom 12-15-78, in
Humacao, Puerto Rico, but was raised in Maunabo, Puerto Rico.
My mother's name is Maria
Teresa Melendez, she was bom and raised in Maunabo, Puerto Rico. She was bom
10- 1 6-52. She is a very religious person, and attends a Pentecostal church.
My father's name is Antonio
Ramos, he also was bom and raised in Maunabo, Puerto Rico. He was bom I- 12-48.
My father and mother got a
divorce when I was six-years-old. The reason they got divorced was because my
father is an alcoholic, and every time he drank he became violent.
I enjoyed the time I spent in
Puerto Rico. It was beautiful. We lived at my grandmother's house next to the
beach. My father used to take my brother Luisito and me, on walks along the
beach, I used to love those moments.
When I was seven my mom came
to the United States, to fight for custody of my sister, Bernice who came here
(U.S.A.) to spend time with relatives of ours. While she was staying here, her
father took her to live with him. When my mother realized that it was going to
take a while for her to gain custody, she sent for us to come live with her
here. Ever since then we have been living in the United States. It was a big
change for me because I left behind my father, grandmother, other family and
friends and my beautiful Island.
Since I was a little girl I
had a hard time going to school. Fourth and fifth grade I barely went to
school. In Junior High School I tried to attend more, but I wasn't successful.
Through all that time I went through a lot of emotional problems and
depressions. I didn't often leave my house, I didn't want, to. The Department
of Social Services wanted to take me away from my family because I didn't
attend school. It was very scary and depressing. When I finally reached High
School I got good help from a counselor named Carla. She helped me a lot. I
found out with this counselor that I have some kind of social phobia, which was
helpful to know. Because of Carla I met a lot of wonderful people, that helped
me improve my live and she also was the one who invited me to the Diversity
Since then a lot of good
things have happened to me. I don't have social phobia, I work, I am an
Experiencing Diversity staff member, I do volunteer work, my grandmother is
living over here (U.S.A.) now, my father stopped
drinking alcohol for a couple
of years now, and my brother Luisito and I have gone to visit him in Puerto
Rico. I have the BEST mother, I could tell her anything, my brother Luisito is
my best friend, my sister could be a pain but a good one, I have four beautiful
nephews, I have very GOOD friends, and best of all I have God, that always
helps me. There is one thing that I am still working on and that is school, I
am getting better but not good enough. I want to continue my education because
I want to work in the field of social services.
Summary of Learnings From
Our Experiencing Diversity Workshops
This list of learnings gleaned
from the experience-identified by one member of the group may be helpful to
future planning groups who are interested in planning an "experiencing
diversity" workshop. We hope the learnings of other planning group
members, participants, and later workshops will be added to it.
If we wanted to experience
diversity we needed to have a diverse staff.
We needed to have time for a
diverse staff to come together as a group which valued and appreciated each
other. We found we needed not a few weeks but a year to achieve this feeling of
It was important that we try
to apply the person - centered approach in our own thinking, in our own way and
ways of being together rather than trying to do a workshop that taught about
the person-centered approach. One member of the planning group said he had
experienced a sense of belonging for which he had been longing all his life.
Personal contacts and personal
distribution of materials were more effective than mass mailings. Mailings were
more effective if accompanied by a personal letter.
Rather than setting a
rockbottom conference fee for those who could pay, it was agreed that it was
better for participants to invest a reasonable amount and at the same time
recognize the value of the facilitation offered. In order to ensure the
availability of scholarships we have made efforts to raise funds by appealing
to prominent members and institutions of the communities in which staff members
live and by writing grant proposals. Thus far we have been able to offer
scholarships wherever needed and to provide seed money for the following year.
The fee remained substantially lower than most workshops of this nature. All
members of the planning group volunteered their services. We needed to put
together enough by means of registration, grants, and contributions to provide
"scholarships without a stigma" for those who could not pay the fee.
The financial arrangements of each participant were held in confidence. That we
did this proved to be a key to the general feeling of belonging that was
important to the success of the workshop.
We also discovered that it is
important to include as members of the planning group persons who are in daily
contact with groups who we are trying to reach via such organizations as
colleges or universities, social service centers working with minority-groups,
municipal community agencies, rehabilitation programs, gay and lesbian groups,
unemployment services, and so forth.
In order to build a genuine
sense of community among the planning group, we discovered the need to
emphasize from the beginning the importance of commitment, to attend meetings
at agreed upon times over a period of approximately a year. We lost
considerable time when members of the group who had been absent at a previous
meeting asked to be brought up-to-date. We also lost time because individual
members came late or had to leave early.
The decision not to hold the
workshop on a university campus or to be sponsored by a university or religious
organization seems in retrospect to have been a wise decision. Some members of
minority groups are intimidated, "put off," by such an association.
International House in New York City for us seemed a natural. There was
considerable degree of agreement between the purpose of Experiencing Diversity
and the mission of International House. From the beginning International House
held out an invitation to international students. It seemed a perfect liason.
In 1996 after two years at International House we recognized a need to have a
conference site that would be wheelchair accessible in order to encourage
participants who are physically challenged. We decided on Hemlocks, an Easter
Seal Society conference center in Hebron, Connecticut familiar to three members
of the staff from previous conferences. It is located on 160 acres of woodland
in rural Connecticut. Many sports facilities are available, a swimming pool, a
stage, a cafeteria, and large comfortable meeting rooms with fireplaces looking
out over the lake.
The selection of a meeting
place presents a problem, the solution of which depends on each unique
situation. A large metropolitan site can be intimidating and distracting to
some potential participants, but at the same time is close to large numbers of
minority groups for whom the workshop is designed.
We worked very closely from
the beginning with those responsible for making facilities available to groups
such as ours. Understanding of our objectives by International House staff
engendered acceptance, warmth and flexibility, all of which contributed to
creating a climate in which the workshop could flourish.
We recognized the importance
of providing adequate transportation facilities. One of the major factors in
selecting a place for the group is the availability of transportation to
participants at low or no cost to wherever needed.
After considerable discussion,
we decided to use a meeting place of easy access by public transportation.
Transportation problems were minimized by the offer of members of the planning
group from Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Connecticut to bring their groups by
van or car. We made sure parking facilities nearby were available.
We also made sure inexpensive
housing or living arrangements in or near the place of meeting were available:
International House, International-House Annex, a hostel and rooms in private
We needed a weekend that
extended into a fourth day to allow time for evaluation and planning for the
facilitating staff. This also helped people who had come a long way. They could
stay over an additional night, have breakfast, and an additional day to return
to their homes. There is an advantage to establishing a given weekend of the
year as the usual time for holding the annual workshop. A legal holiday weekend
such as Columbus Day makes extension to the Monday following possible.
A meeting in a place that is
wheelchair accessible is necessary in order to attract those who are physically
I would like to underscore the
importance of developing a relationship of trust among members of the
facilitating staff so that they can take care of their own personal needs
within that community rather than carrying them over to the workshops. Then the
facilitative staff is freed to enter the workshop as facilitative participants.
Through our struggle together
to find our way in unknown territory, we came to know one another in a wide
range of experiencing, to be real and open, to accept, to trust, to appreciate
each other as we were in moments of stress as well as exhilaration, to care
more deeply about each other - to become as one in our feeling of community. It
was this spirit, this sense of community, that seemed to be "caught"
by the participants in the workshop.
A Look to the Future
I recall a beautiful Chinese
calligraphy that has a special place on my living room wall, "Within the
four seas, all men are brothers". It was written by a dear Chinese friend,
calligrapher for the Library of Congress and Chinese diplomat. Translating it
into less poetic wording, we could say, "Within the world in which we
live, we are all members of the human family". I ask myself the question,
from our own small communities around the world are we moving to realization of
the hope expressed in ancient China?
I do not recall that my
parents quarreled or fought, but I am sure that I grew up aware of their sharp
differences, and I must have felt safe because I was not frightened nor am I
frightened now of such interchanges. I may find them very painful but my
tendency is to see what I can learn from it and what I can do about it. In my
opinion this tendency did not just happen but was nourished by the realities of
my family life in my early years. Perhaps we with our differences within the
extended PCA families as they reach out in many parts of the world may do
something similar. I am sure I am not alone in this discovery, and I am sure we
have not found the only way. The PCA is the way I know best and therefore
trust. I am open to find other ways as well.
* For a discussion of some of
the history see my article "An Inquiry into the Evolution of the Client –
Centered Approach to Psychotherapy" in Zeig, J.editor (1987) The Evolution
of Psychotherapy; New York: Brunner/Mazel, and the introduction by Jeffrey Zeig
which discusses elitism.