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Over at "Ryan's Hope" everything came to a stop to celebrate their 100th show. . . It's the youngest of the dramas but possibly the most enthusiastic!

An invitation to a party for the 100th performance of "Ryan's Hope" was something I looked forward to. Those of you who have been reading Day TV will understand why. "Ryan's Hope" and DAY TV started at about the same time. It is the one show that I am totally familiar with because I've been watching it form the beginning.

Most of the celebrations for shows turn out to be a party for the 24th year the show has been in existence. Naturally those parties are really very nice and it is fun for me to see the people I have been watching every day. Still I have to admit I wasn't in on the opening segment, and so many of you readers were. I have to work to think who each one is playing, etc. There have been hundreds of changes of casts and many different plots and I am delving into that but it will take a long time.

From the moment I walked into the large room where "Ryan's Hope" was celebrating, I felt as if l I knew all of the stars intimately. I was an out and out fan. I soon discovered that when they're on the show I love some of them and hate some of them . . . at the party . . . I liked everybody. They are a fun group of actors, They probably aren't all that thrilled to meet! the press, but you would never~know it from meeting .them. :They are outgoing and friendly and charming.

As those of you who watch the show know, it is set in New York and around New York. One family owns a bar and has a son running for office, a son who is a doctor and a lovely daughter who has fallen for a newspaperman who makes trouble for her brother. Thc brother running for office has fallen out of love with his wife and she plots daily how to keep him. He has fallen in love with another girl who is a lawyer and helps with his campaign. The rest of the other two families are all doctors working in a nearby hospital. The three families all know each other and a lot is going on besides the daily drama inside the hospital.

The first actors I talked to were Michael Levin and Ron Hale and Hannibal Penney, Jr. Mike's the newspaperman and Ron is the son of a doctor, his sister is a doctor and so is he. He's a bit of a villain and he told me he just loves the role. I asked Why and he said it is much more interesting playing a fellow who does mean and devilish things than to be the race guy. He should know because he's been on "Search for Tomorrow" and "Love is a Many Splendored Thing," Recently he also played one of the Watergate burglars in the film "All The President's Men."

Ron is outgoing and full of life and open and friendly and takes you by surprise, if you are thinking of him in his role on the show. He and Hannibal and Michael kidded a lot, each other and themselves. Michael Levin said he likes working on Ryan's Hope. He's done mostly theatre before this and finds this kind of acting a challenge.

Most of the staff on the show was at the party and all are very friendly and seem close to the actors too. There's a great feeling of camaraderie amongst them all.

Kate Mulgrew came sailing right my way announcing loud and clear that she wanted to go to Montego Bay. She intended to go. She WAS GOING. I heard her tell another editor that now that she has fallen in love with a marvelous man, she's determined to go off to some romantic spot and just enjoy how wonderful life is.

However, the way she was protesting too much leads me to believe that she may find it hard getting away from her work on the show. She was in marvelous spirits and lots of fun to talk to.

Earl Hindman came up in the middle of her tirade and said, "You're a very taking person." She carried on like a mad woman, beating herself on the chest until I thought she would actually be full of bruises. She insisted she was cut to the quick at the accusation because she is "a very giving person.'' She said he had it all wrong. He tried to say that everyone is part-taker and part-giver . . . but she would have none of that. Eventually they agreed they were both very giving people,

I noticed that though she liked sailing around the room pretending: to rabble rouse . . . she was the one who insisted on having Justin Deas' little girl front and center when photographers wanted to rake her picture with him. She made the child a part of the show and was obviously aware that a party for adults is not always fun for a child. She is aware of people and cares about how they are treated. On the surface, she blusters. Quietly, she does nice things.

Malcolm Groome is fabulous. He's handsome, young and full of enjoyment in acting, meeting people, etc. I suspect he is just interested in everything about life in general. Malcolm said he would love to give us an interview for our next issue, so watch for it!

He was on TV that night in a play "The Silence." I watched it and thought the show was always more interesting when he and Richard Thomas were on together. There should have been more of him. He's very good.

I noticed Ilene Kristen was all over talking to everybody and generally having fun. Her boy friend wasn't there but there was usually someone at her side. Later she went off and put on a curly black wig and cavorted around, thrilled at her new look. It was just for fun! I asked if she wore a wig on the streets to keep from being recognized. The answer was no. She just felt like it.

I could go on, but you get the picture. John Gabriel and his wife usually have their arms around each other. Bernard Barrow's wife is a lovely, happy lady, She's a former actress. Helen Gallagher is enjoying her first daytime drama. She's a legend in the theatre and as a dancer, etc, and a very nice person who obviously likes her co-stars and they liked her.

The' big disappointment of the evening was that the party didn't place in Ryan's Bar, which is one of the main sets used every day. Since we were all so familiar with it, that was the first question each person asked. However it turned out that if they had used the set for the party, they would have to have paid everybody ,involved including cameramen, etc. This way, it was just in an office in the building and no rental had to be paid for that.

After all, this wasn't the 1st year's anniversary merely a small party to celebrate the fact that they got the show on the air and it is going well.

This is a fine group of actors, by the way and and the writing is really true' to life. The acting is superb . . . no false note from any of the actors. They are really talented Here's hoping they'll all be around to celebrate for many years, if they want to. Nancy Addison is beautiful in person and on the show. So is Kate Mulgrew. None of the girls was wearing make up. They were casual and relaxed and having fun themselves . . .which makes for the best kind of party, doesn't it?

© 1975 Lopez Publications Inc. [Day TV, Volume 33, No. 9 - February 1976]

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