Tk’s Purpose In Life


As Tk lies still on the cold ground. He is not dead but he is not alive either. He still comes to me and says nobody can see me or hear me but you for you are special. Tai and Davis took off their goggles while Yolei took off her hat. Izzie, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Joe, Tai, Davis, Cody, Ken and Yolei stand around Patamon, Gatomon, and I with their heads down crying and their digimon in their arms. Tk tells me a poem and that poem is called

You Are The Purpose I Live.

Only you understand me

The way I act

The way I live

The way I feel

The way I look

You know my true self

For I live a lie to the others

Evan my brother doesn’t understand me

My parents nobody understands me

And they never will

For you are the air I breathe

For you are the life I live

For you are a fallen angel and I am hear to guide you back.

Before I was born I watched you

I will protect you for I am an endless life that is here to make sure you’re all right.

I will live until the day you die and we could live an eternity together.

For you are the purpose I live.

Nobody will see or evan know I wrote this for this is special to me that if this gets out my feelings will be shattered and I will be lost that nobody could help me except the one who told me this poem. Tk will guide me back and make every thing all right. My brother Tai or nobody except Tk and I will know this happened. For I will hide this evan from my best digimon friend, Gatomon will not find this. Until another day I write you again. Your friend Kari.

                     The End