City Life For Immigrants

     Your team has a special assignment.  Every team member needs to
work together and each person will have a special task.  The first thing
to do is discuss and assign roles to each team member.  Since there are 
four members in each team, each person should have a different role.  
All team members are responsible for the final product.  The visual your
team will create will be displayed in class and graded as a team activity. 
Depending on the time needed, the activity may last two days.

     1.  Take one minute to choose a role and write down the role on the index card provided.
          A)  recorder -  Keeps a written record of ideas brainstormed by
                    (This will be handed in.)
          B)  timekeeper- Keeps teammates on task.  Tells team the time
                    remaining for the activity. *Five minutes before class 
                      ends groups will end.*
          C)  coordinator-  Involves each team member.  Helps team compromise
                      when making decisions.  Leads the discussion.  
          D)  spokesperson-  Presents and explains the visual to the class.

     Your team will create a visual that shows how city life affected 
immigrants using the information from the Jacob Riis website!  Please be
sure to use information from your notes while using the website and team
discussions.  It is imperative to cite any information that is not your own!! 
      Take  special notice to how people treated immigrants.  Remember to include the positives AND the negatives of being an immigrant in the city.  Discuss with your team what you will create from the choices below.   First BRAINSTORM ideas on paper!!

     2.  Make a visual.
          A)  Create a chart or diagram
          B)  Create a cartoon(s) with a script 
     3.  Use P.E.R.S.I.A. as a guideline.  

          You are not restricted to these topics.  Please be creative!

     4.  Present the visual to the class.
          Within the last 5 to 8 minutes of class each group will explain
            their visual!

More Helpful Class Information and Links

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A Picture of a Tenement House!:

Susan Tufts
Southington, CT 06489
United States