Background music is Just Communication

Welcome to my Perfect Soldier harem. Heero Yuy is by far my favorite anime character. I have a huge art gallery, fanfiction, fanart, and many other Gundam Wing related stuff. So enjoy your stay. Feed back would be great!
I can also sometimes be reached on IRC in the #Gundam channel on (port 6667). For those who don't have an IRC program, you can get in using java from

This site contains pictures that may offend some of you (i.e. yaoi). For those of you who don't know what yaoi is, it's male x male relations. If you don't agree with this type of stuff or are offended by it, don't e-mail me, I've warned you. For the rest of you, sit back and enjoy my site. Arigatou.

  A little bit of info on the Perfect Soldier.

  Art gallery!!!! Pictures of Hee-chan (yay!)

  Second Art gallery Heero and other pilots. !!warning!! contains yaoi pics

  Third Art gallery Group pictures

  fourth Art gallery Heero and other pilots. most of the pics are yaoi.


  miscelanious stuff animated gifs, stuff I adopted, midis and other stuff

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I'm an official bishounen trainer^-^

I caught Heero! I caught Heero!

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