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The First Episode: The Mystery

As Marlena came down the stairs of her penthouse, she heard a knock on the door. It was around mid-night so she was reluctant to open the door. Who could it be she wondered. She slowly went over to the door and asked Who's there? She heard a voice say, Roman. It didn't sound like him, but she opened anyways thinking maybe he was sick or something. When she opened she saw a tall man standing there with a gun. She went to shut the door, but he pushed it open. She started to run up the steps, but he was clearly faster then her and quickly grabed her.

"Don't scream or I will shoot you!" he whisperd. "Now, we're gonna go someplace where no one will EVER find you! You will be mine forever!"

He ran out of the penthouse with Marlena.

The Next Morning

Carrie, Eric, Meg, Sarah, and Casey are at the Java Web. Meg and Casey are talking and this is making Sarah jealous. Eric notices that Sarah doesn't look like she is having a great time. He pulls her out of the group a moment and asks her whats wrong.

"Nothing!" She says.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me, your clearly upset about something. Now what don't you talk to me about it?" Eric asks.

"I told you there's nothing bothering me, and if there was I would be sure to tell my best friend." She smiles at him and walks back over to the group.

Eric: (Thinking to himself) I wish she would relalize that I am so much better than the stupid lifeguard who spends all his time with Meg then Sarah!

He walks back over to the group and sits down.

Scene moves to John who was away last night on business. He enters the penhouse and senses something is wrong.

"Marlena!" he screams up the steps.

No Answer.

"Marlena, I'm home!"

Still no answer.

John: (Talking to himself) Thats odd. She said she would be home when I got back and she new I was coming back today. Something is wrong. He starts to look around. And sees that one of her lamps are on the floor broken. He calls the police.....

Part 2 of Espisode 1

As Marlena starts to wake up in the fluffy and very comfortable bed, she senses someone is watching her.

Marlena: (whispering) John, is that you?

She looks up too see that it isn't John, she goes to scream but everything suddenly goes blank.

Scene moves to John, Abe, Roman, and some other police man standing in the living room of the penthouse.

Abe: There are defintly signs of a kidnapping of some sort. Maybe even a struggle.

John: (Nervous and worried) There's only one person that could be behind this kidnapping and thats STEFANO DIMERA! He's done it many of times before and I'm sure he did it again!

Roman: This is the last time he will ever hurt my family again.....

Scene moves to Meg, she is now at Ben's. Waiting for him to come home. After waiting a few mins she hears the door open. Meg: (Turning around very excited) Ben, I've missed you.... Oh, Maria. Sorry I thought you were Ben.

Maria: That's ok.

Meg: What can I do for you?

Maria: I came here to see Ben, but I guess he's not here... I'll just come back later.

Meg: You don't have to, you can stay.

Maria: (Looking like she is about to cry) No! I better not.

She runs out the room and Meg wonders whats wrong.

Scene moves to Amy, Brad, and Sami at the beach. There sitting on a picnic basket. Of course Brad is eating!

Amy: Brad your such a PIG!

Sami: Eww! Close your mouth.... We can't forget the reason why I asked you both to meet me here. To discuss our plans.

Brad: Yeah we know, how your gonna get back Austin and how Amy's going to get Sean. You two never quit, do you? Neither one of them like you. They both hate you acually.

Sami and Amy: Shut up Brad!

Sami and Amy get up so they can talk privatly. When they come back to where Brad is. They tell him there plan.

Stay Tunned for Part 3 and the last part of Epsisode 1

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All content on this page was not copyed from someone else's site. It is orginal. Unless it is said otherwise. I am no way affiliated with NBC, Corday Productions, or Days of our Lives. Please do not sue me. This page was made for fun purposes only. All graphics were made by me. Please do not take any graphics off this page without my permission. Thanxs!

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