Virgen de Guadalupe and Juan Diego |
Ramon as Juan Diego and Alma as the Virgen de Guadalupe |
The float during the percession |
This picture is what it looked like during the percession |
These are the church children |
These children are ready for the percession of the Virgen de Guadalupe |
The Virgen de Guadalupe in the play |
Maria played the Virgen de Guadalupe in the church play |
These are the offering dancers for the service |
From left to right: Erica, Javier, Mati, Miguel, Bruce, Ramon, Marleen |
These are the alter helpers |
From left to right: Rosa, Ana, Pedro, Juan, and Miguel |
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The Father and Decon at the night of the service |
Father Carlos and Deacon Salvador at the service that night |
Statue of Virgen de Guadalu for the percession |
This statue was carried by Church members for the whole percession |
Juan Diego in the play |
Noe played Juan Diego in the church play |
This is the offering dance |
This is the group offering a dance to the Virgen de Guadalupe |
Alter during the service |
This is the alter during the service filled with roses |