San Juan Diego
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These are pictures taken on December 12,2003 the pictures were from the percession to the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe and also the service that went on that night.

Virgen de Guadalupe and Juan Diego
Ramon as Juan Diego and Alma as the Virgen de Guadalupe

The float during the percession
This picture is what it looked like during the percession

These are the church children
These children are ready for the percession of the Virgen de Guadalupe

The Virgen de Guadalupe in the play
Maria played the Virgen de Guadalupe in the church play

These are the offering dancers for the service
From left to right: Erica, Javier, Mati, Miguel, Bruce, Ramon, Marleen

These are the alter helpers
From left to right: Rosa, Ana, Pedro, Juan, and Miguel

The Father and Decon at the night of the service
Father Carlos and Deacon Salvador at the service that night

Statue of Virgen de Guadalu for the percession
This statue was carried by Church members for the whole percession

Juan Diego in the play
Noe played Juan Diego in the church play

This is the offering dance
This is the group offering a dance to the Virgen de Guadalupe

Alter during the service
This is the alter during the service filled with roses