2002 Post Polio Symposium
Attendees Comments

Wow!  What a successful seminar;  you must be so pleased with the turnout!  There were several Scripps therapists there,.  I know they learned a lot about PPS, I certainly did.  Each of the guests had something different to contribute & the order of presentation allowed each to flow into the next.  I have 10 pages of notes!  Thanks for all your hard work! , 
Jan Kolarov, Physical Therapist, Scripps Home Health Care

A note of thanks to you and your husband, Steve, for all of the time and trouble that it took to put on such a well received and well attended symposium on our shared malady.  I learned quite a bit

Of the four presenters, the two that I benefited most from were Dr.Whitton and Dr. Perlman.  As Dr. Whitton explained the method by which the Polio virus could hide in the cells and remain dormant for many years before reactivating, I listened intently, looking for a reason for the months of "Why me?" and "How could this have happened?" questions to myself.  His presentation was basic for the untrained listener, yet it was deep enough for all of us to learn something from.  And Dr. Perlman ... she is a fountain of information. I feel that we are sorely lacking someone with  expertise in the San Diego area.  I think it's sad to have seen so many people gather together today, all sharing their PPS pain and having no medical support in the San Diego area upon which to draw knowledge and assistance.  Luckily you care enough to bring it to the attention of the public, and I do think the physicians in attendance today were impressed with the throngs of attendees lining up at the door hoping to get a chance to share in the available information.
Gladys Swensrud

I just wanted to thank you for all of the work you did to put on the symposium on Sunday. I was overwhelmed at the number of us and so glad to realize that these symptoms are not "all in my head" as has been suggested by doctors who have never seen a polio patient. Thanks again.
Marilyn Loba

I want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts to put that project together. It was so informative. I really learned a lot.  Thank you again.
Joanna Jacobs

"High" is what I am! THE Conference had over 350 people attending, and there was standing room only! Some folks sat on stairs, others on chairs outside the Conference room. 

Steve and Mary Clare Schlesinger put together a most successful conference, with key people who not only had a lot to say, but who tried to say it all in words we could understand.  Drs. Whitton & Pfaff did an excellent job, which had to be hard since their topics were the most difficult to "translate" for non scientists. Drs. Perlman and Gawne had an easier time, because we are more familiar with their subject matter. 

All in all, I'm disappointed to have to say, we probably will not be around when advances made in embryonic development will help disease. I doubt if our governmental folks will allow some of the advanced testing which must be done before human beings will benefit. I suggest we voice our opinions with our votes. Lets hope the National Institute of Health continues to be funded for R & D.  We do have a voice, to let our political folks know what we value and want. As always, we must be thinkers and doers, advocating the best possible health choices for ourselves.
Eileen Revere

Email postpolio@cox.net

San Diego Post Polio

2002 Symposium