





Please fill out only if you have children
Unless otherwise noted, please mark the single response that most accurately reflects your opinions and behaviors of the following issues.

Except for question one, these questions assume that the person filling out the form is gender-variant. If this is not the case, please adjust the questions accordingly. (e.g., instead of, "when did your spouse find out about your gender-variance", "when did you find out about your spouse's gender-variance?")




  1. Who in your family is gender-variant?
    I am gender-variant.
    My spouse, significant-other, or ex- is gender-variant.
    My spouse and I are both gender-variant.

    Will your spouse be filling out this form as well? (We encourage it, although we don't require it.)
    Yes, my spouse will fill out the form.
    No, my spouse will not fill out the form.


  2. At what point in your relationship did your spouse or significant other (SO) find out about your gender variance?
    Before we were married.
    After we were married but before we had children.
    While the children were growing up.
    After the children were grown
    Other. Please explain.


  3. What is the current status of your relationship?
    We are married.   How many years total?  
    My spouse or significant other has passed away.
    We are separated.
    We are divorced.


  4. If you are divorced or separated, how big a role did your gender variance play in the dissolution of your relationship?
    It wasn't a factor.
    It was one of many factors.
    It was a major factor.
    It was the biggest factor
    It was the only factor.


  5. What was your spouse or SO's initial reaction to your gender variance?
    Positive, but guarded
    Other   Please describe.  


  6. How would you describe your spouse or SO's current attitude?
    Very supportive
    Supportive sometimes
    Tolerant sometimes
    Other   Please describe.  


  7. Please take a few minutes and describe more about the degree of acceptance of your gender variance exhibited by your spouse or SO, perhaps providing some examples from daily living related to his or her degree of acceptance.


  8. How many children do you have? 1 2 3 4 5 or more


    1. Starting with the oldest, at what age did your children find out?  


    2. Starting with the oldest, what are their ages now?


  10. Under what conditions did your children discover your gender variance?
    Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5
    We told him or her.
    He or she saw or discovered.
    He or she found clothing.
    He or she hacked the computer.
    Please describe.


  11. How would you describe the initial reaction of each of your children?
                         Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5
    Please describe.


  12. How would you describe the current attitude of each child?
    Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5
    Very Supportive
    Supportive sometimes
    Tolerant sometimes
    Please describe.


  13. Please take a few minutes and describe more about the degree of acceptance of your gender variance exhibited by each of your children, perhaps providing some examples from daily living related to his or her degree of acceptance.


  14. . If you told your children, what preparation was made to ease the effect or prepare the child?


  15. If you told your children, how did you go about it?


  16. What should you have done differently?


  17. Have the different levels of acceptance of your gender variance caused strains in the relationships between any family members?
    Yes  Please describe.  


  18. Have any family members seen you dressed?
    1. Your spouse/significant other?
      No   Yes    Reaction?  
    2. Your oldest child?
      No   Yes    Reaction?  
    3. Your second child?
      No   Yes    Reaction?  
    4. Your third child?
      No   Yes    Reaction?  
    5. Your fourth child?
      No   Yes    Reaction?  
    6. Your fifth child?
      No   Yes    Reaction?  


  19. Who else is aware of your gender variance?
    Some family members
    Some close friends know
    A counselor or therapist
    Some Internet acquaintances
    Everybody we know, as I am public "out"
    No one


  20. If you are maintaining your gender orientation as a secret, are you aware of any breaches of your security or confidentiality as a consequence of telling your children?
    I don't know/uncertain
    Please explain.  


  21. Surveys often focus on the negative and/or stressful aspects of someone's gender orientation. For many however, a variety of positive features exist as well. Please share your feelings about any of the positive aspects of your gender orientation concerning your children.


  22. Have there been any problems as a result of someone your children told?
    Don't know
    Please explain  


  23. Have there been any problems at school? (Children tell teachers everything)
    Don't know
    Please explain  


  24. Do your children view your "other self" as a separate person?
    Unknown/I Don't Know
    Please explain  


  25. In terms of gender variance, how would you classify yourself?
    Pre-op Transsexual
    Post op Transsexual.
    Other   Please explain  


  26. Do you observe any differences in your behavior when you are dressed according to your preferred/other gender orientation?

    Speech patterns
    Yes No

    Listening patterns
    Yes No

    Behavior Patterns
    Yes No

    Body Language
    Yes No

    Yes No

    Areas of Interest
    Yes No

    Overall Agreement
    Yes No

    Yes No


  27. Are you a member of a support group?
    Yes   Which one(s)?  


  28. Are you seeing a therapist, counselor, or mental-health professional for your gender variance?

    If yes, have you taken your family to a therapist, counselor, or mental-health professional?

      Please briefly describe.  



  29. Does your gender variance have an impact on social relationships with others?
    Yes, Negatively
    Yes, Positively
    No, generally it has no impact
    No, it never has any impact
    Please explain  


  30. Are there any other Transgendered people in your family?
    Unknown/I Don't Know
    Please Comment  


  31. Do your children differentiate between gender orientation and sexual orientation?
    Unknown/I Don't Know
    Please Comment  


  32. Have they met other transgendered people?
    Unknown/I Don't Know
    Please Comment  


  33. Do your children see your gender variance as an overall intrusion in their lives? (By intrusion, we have in mind something that comes at the expense of something else, or some other activity.)
    Yes, a serious intrusion
    Yes, as an intrusion
    Yes. However as an annoyance, not a serious intrusion
    No it is not an intrusion
    Rather than an intrusion, it is a positive feature
    Please comment  
  34. How important are the feelings of your children to you?
    Their feelings are very important
    Their feelings are somewhat important
    Their feelings are not important


  35. If you wanted to dress full time (according to your preferred gender identity), to what extent could your family accommodate this?
      Spouse or
    First Child   Second Child   Third Child   Fourth Child   Fifth Child
    Would be very comfortable with this
    Would accomidate this, but not happily
    Would tolerate this, but very unhappily
    Could not tolerate this.


  36. Would you state that the frequency of your desire to express your gender variance is generally
    About the same
    Please explain  


  37. Some Spouses and Significant Others talk about increased tension and irritability when their Spouse or SO is unable to dress according to their preferred gender orientation. To what extent is this true with you?
    I am extremely irritable when unable to dress on a regular basis.
    I am somewhat more irritable when unable to dress on a regular basis.
    I am rarely more irritable when unable to dress on a regular basis.
    I do not become more irritable when unable to dress on a regular basis.
    I do not become more irritable if unable to dress, but I do when I have no opportunity to express my cross-gendered side.
    Please explain  
  38. Have you found educational and support material helpful?
    Yes, very helpful
    Yes, somewhat helpful
    Only slightly helpful
    Not very helpful
    Not helpful at all
    I have not had access to educational or support information.
  39. If you have found educational and support material helpful, what are the type(s) of material/information? Any specific titles or authors?


  40. Most research, as well as practical life experience, suggests that it is difficult, perhaps even impossible, to change one's deepest gender/sexual orientations. If, however, science and medicine were to make such changes both possible and safe, would your family want you to change your preferred gender orientation?
    Spouse or
    Significant Other
    First Child   Second Child   Third Child   Fourth Child   Fifth Child  
    Absolutely yes.
    Probably yes
    Most likely yes
    Probably no
    Definitely no


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