Silverhawk's Graphics

I'm glad you still love me.

Silverhawk's Graphics

It's so easy to love someone when a
relationship is just begining because
both people are always looking their best,
saying their best, acting their best
But those days have come and gone for us
and you still love.
Youve seen me at my absolute worst,
both physical and emotionally,
and loved me in spite of it.
Youve been supportive when I felt good
about everything in my life and even more
so when my self esteem was low.
Youve shared in the celebrations of my
achievements and helped me deal with my
anger and disappointment when everything
seemed to fall apart
Youve been at my side when Ive felt proud
and strong, and youve held me close and
listened when I needed a good cry.
Weve been through so much since we first fell in love...
and still you love me.
Jo Jo
© 2001


Silverhawk's Graphics

"We are all related"


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Silverhawk's Graphics

Graphics by Silverhawk's Graphics

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