Blue Grey Formal Range |
Custom made skins that are available to everyone. Please feel free to join and look around.
Please note
Feel free to use and recolour any files in this group but these clothes take me hours so please give me credit if you resubmit
my clothing on any other website. Also, if you feel like sharing in return feel free to add your own creations to the group.
The same rules apply to anyone elses submissons, it's there work so they should recieve the credit.
The photos show my clothes creations only, any makeup, hair, skin tone or facial features are not mine and therefore are not
available from this site. All clothes are based upon the the official items from The Sims 2 website.
Latest Additions - Blue Grey Formal Range
Cosmetics and genetics all by Jay, SimEdition/Sim2Edition
Shorts, Maxis. Top, Sarah, Sims2Clothing, for SimEdition.
Sims 2 clothing is affiliated with SimsEdition/Sims2Edition
A great site with a lot of custom files for both Sims 1 and 2. Includes great new Sims 2 hair styles, cosmetis, glasses, peircings,
glasses and clothes. I will be using a lot of Jay's cosmetics and genetics (giving her full credit of course) on the pictures
of clothing in this group, these are available to download for free from the SimEdition/Sim2Edition website. Just click on
the logo above to take a look at the site.