Paris, Ìarch 25th 1999. - The famous Austrian writer Peter Handke, who lives in France, sent today to the world public and media a letter:


The whole planet of Earth's name is Yugoslavia

"Thank you NATO. Thanks to a great small writers, from Garcia Marques to Guenter Grass, from Kenzaburo Oe to subcommander Marcos, for things they didn`t write.

Thanks to the Pope and Vatican for his white celestial silence.

Great step for mankind! For all those on our planet who didn`t transform into marssian and other green butchers, yet, their homeland, beginning from march 24th 1999., is Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, Yugoslavia. `The Mars attacks`, and with the beginning of marssian attacks, the whole Earth`s name is Yugoslavia.` `Mars attacks`, and during the marssian attacks Helsinki, Madrid, Algerie, Dar es Salaam (the house of peace), Jerusalem, Jeriho, Baghdad, even London, Paris, Berlin and Washington will be the part of Yugoslavia.`

Handke dated as `from morning noise of air force airport Villacouble near Paris`

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