Extreme hu Iso |
An ECM is an Electronic Counter Measure, used by the satellite company to (they think) shut us down, but (we think) keeps this hobby challenging.I was also sent both patchcord and power supply with this product to ensure i could easily start using it. |
ECM's usually send the access card's processor into an infinite loop, making it unprogrammable. |
Note that the ISO7816 spec is actually defined in 3 parts.This is only a guide and is only intended to aid newbies and "Others" who never knew the answers to some questions that would aid them in their Quest in this Hobby.Most "ordinary" smartcards are programmed with the software on the factory - however, PIC cards can be programmed at home using a PIC programmer, and not just once but many times.Instead of soldering the chip to the PCB, you can solder a socket there. |