Access card Smart I would rank this puppy up there with the Mongoose and the shanty cause those are both fast as lightning.To us thei usually means the serial number has been added to the blacklist (746) Possible data corruption - receiver fault (751) Access card needs to be changed out (752) Card not compatible - This is the new one..only shows with the new 5th generation RCA recievers.There is a program for a single-PIC card that decodes 9 Videocrypt 2 channels. Looped 745
Cmd82 Bin
Unlooper Fuze
Satellite Hu card
Tiers Cmd82
SMD offer a cheaper manufacturing process for large series, but is less well suited for hobbyists.Instead of replacing the actual written cam id on the card as cloning does, the spoofing method, Instead gives the ird a different cam id when it is asked for.SO, HOW CAN I TELL IF I HAVE AN H or HU CARD? Test Support Unlooping Retailer Avr Ontario Gta 732

Utv 745 Package arrived approximately one week after I was told it was shipped. Rca 711 Clone ISO7816-1 defines the physical characteristics of the card (susceptibility to X-rays, UV radiation, static discharge, magnetic fields, etc., minimum bendability before breakage, and so forth).At issue is a 30-day period the Commission gave the companies to come up with revisions for their merger proposal.The unit itself is combo unit that has the ability to be used as either an H or Hu unlooper/loader mode with the flick of a switch or can used as a straight iso programmer as well.As the price of unloopers has come down, most people choose to own their own unlooper, rather that send the card out to an unlooping service.