Stoney Creek Supernatural
About SCS
Haunted Places
Fallen Spirits
A & E
Freaky Links
Contact SCS


Saturday March 8, 2025 03:44AM

Welcome to Stoney Creek Supernatural. Here at SCS, I like to take a different group of close friends out with me each and every time. We are all from Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada and all share a common interest, the unknown. Most of us have known eachother for quite some time now, some more than others. We try to visit as many "haunted places" as we can throughout all of Southern Ontario (mainly in the Hamilton-Wenthworth, Halton and Niagara regions). I have been doing this sort of thing on a regular basis for well over 5 years now and I am growing to love it more and more each and every time!!!

If anyone has a fear or love for the supernatural, this site is definately for you (skeptics always welcome). Here at SCS I would like to share my supernatural experiences with the rest of the world. Even if you do not believe in any of this sort of stuff, I'm sure this site will still be very interesting and entertaining for you. This site is PERFECT for anyone who lives in Southern Ontario, mostly in the Hamilton, Halton and Niagara areas. Enjoy surfing around the site and please feel free to check out the links page as well for even more supernatural occurances. Also, DON'T be affraid to go out on your own 'ghost hunts', they are actually quite fun...Enjoy!!!

What's New?

Thursday, July 20/06 -

  • Ok so for that whole major update thing coming very soon, well i have decided just to keep things the way they are. So i will just be continuing to update this site like i also have been. Whenever i upload stuff or change something on this site i will let you all know about it right here. For now, I have updated the Fallen Spirits page and the Movie pages in the A&E section. So still keep checking back frequently for daily updates. Thanks again!!!

Tuesday, July 04/06 -

  • Major update coming very soon, within the next couple days or so. Until then, I have added a new 2nd page to the Freaky links section. Keep checking back frequently for daily updates. Enjoy!!!

News Archive

Latest Updates:
07.20.06 - Fallen Spirits:
             New pic & info.
07.20.06 - A & E:
             Updated movie info.
07.04.06 - Freaky Links:
             Added new links page.

Last updated on 3/9/2009, 4:44:48 PM


Visitors Since: July. 10, 2003

Site Created & Maintained By: Adrian D.