| Last Name | First Name | Remarks |
| Featherstone | William |
| Fraser | Alexander |
| Gardner | Abraham |
| Garret | Joshua |
| Gray | John |
| Harrison | Ephraim |
| Harrison | Robert |
| Henderson | Nathaniel |
| Henderson | Sherrard |
| Henderson | Tyree |
| Herring | William |
| Hood | William | Of Cane Creek, Waxhaws |
| Howard | Peter |
| Hudson | Lodwick |
| Hudson | Rush |
| Hulon | Thomas |
| Hulon | Edward |
| Johnston | James | Of Bear Creek, Waxhaws |
| Johnston | Richard | Of Bear Creek, Waxhaws |
| Johnston | William |
| King | George |
| Leeson | James |
| Mathews | John |
| Mathews | James |
| Mays | William |
| McCullagh | James |
| McKee | William |
| McKinney | Joseph |
| Metheney | John |
| Miars | Christopher |
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