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Little Book Store
You can buy these books from
by clicking the book images below. The first three books are my own, the
rest books I've read and recommend. Or you can search amazon.com for any
You can also recommend a book via email! |
Plugging my own books
I co-authored these. I think they're good. Go figure. Buy them through
these links, please. |
OS Programming for Dummies
My latest book (with Liz O'Hara) is published by IDG Books. It is a
complete reference of
Palm programming,
using both CodeWarrior
and the free GNU
tools. |
![CORBA For Dummies](corba.gif) |
For Dummies
My first For Dummies book (with Liz O'Hara) is published by
IDG Books. Currently #8 in the top 30 best selling CORBA books at
You can discuss
this book on its very own deja-news discussion group. |
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Building Applications with FaceSpan and AppleScript
I've co-authored (with Liz O'Hara) a book on Macintosh Scripting with
FaceSpan and AppleScript (AppleScript Applications) Published by Academic
Press Professional. |
Programming Books
I use these books. They're excellent. |
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Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
(Addison-Wesley Professional Computing) by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm,
Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides
I wrote an article
for MacTech Magazine which explores
the concepts discussed in this book. The book is very readable, and contains
a wealth of object oriented wisdom. |
What People Are Buying
These are the top books you people are buying via my bookstore. If you'd
like to supply a review of a book you recommend, just e-mail
it to me. |
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Java Tutorial Continued:
The Rest of the Jdk (Java Series)
by Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath, Alison Huml, Tutorial Team |
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Squandered Computer:
Evaluating the Business Alignment of Information Technologies
by Paul A. Strassmann |
Life Changing Books
I'm a busy guy... you probably are busy too. These books are worth the
time and effort. They'll teach you how to be successful in life, not just
in business. |
Things First:
To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy
by Stephen R. Covey
Here's a great story from
the book: (pages 88-89)
This associate of Covey's
had attended a seminar where the instructor gave the class a quiz.
He reached under the counter he was lecturing behind and took out a wide-mouth
gallon jar. He set it on the counter next to a platter with some
fist-sized rocks on it. "How many of these rocks do you think we can get
into this jar?" he asked. After the class guessed, he began to put
the rocks into the jar. When he had gotten as many rocks into the
jar as he could he asked, "Is the jar full?" The class looked at the jar
and said, "Yes." Then he said, "Ahh!" He reached under the
table and pulled out a bucket of gravel and began to pour it in on top
of the rocks in the jar. The gravel filled in the spaces around the
big rocks. Once more he said, "Is the jar full?" By this time
the class was on to him and said, "Probably not." "Good!" he replied.
And then he reached under the counter again and brought out a bucket of
sand. He started dumping the sand in and it went in all the little
spaces left by the rocks and the gravel. "Is the jar full?" he asked
again. "No!!" the class roared. "Right!" and he took out a
pitcher of water and began to pour it into the jar. He got about
a quart of water in the jar. "Well here's the big question," he said,
"What's the point?" One student at the seminar said, "There are gaps
in your schedule and if you work at it you can always fit more into your
life." "No," said the instructor. "The point is this: If
you hadn't put these big rocks in first, you never would have gotten them
In other words, do the big
stuff first. |
Power Of Ethical Management:
by Norman Vincent Peale (Contributor), Kenneth H. Blanchard |