Rabbit's Toys
The nova delivery


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A never ending work in progress

Honey, I'm home and look what followed me home!!!!
Looks alot better than a Flamingo in front yard I think !

The interior
Just as stripped as the rest of the car including the hack job on the once 12 point cage.

Slightly stripped you think? Notice how the strut bars are cut just behind the coil overs.

Alot of work ahead of me.
I couldn't believe someone would take a car of this calibur and tear it all apart like they did.

The cage is back in and fixing the strut bars was a real pain in the rear.

Here is a picture looking in from the rear of the car just after putting the cage back in.

A few pics of the cage install.

I don't think I did to bad for a first timer on the cage install.

Finally rolling again.
After about a month of steady evening work it is looking like a car again.

My car a cover car.WOW.
I had no clue of this when I got the car.

It's Nova Time!!!!!
actually I think it means I need to make time to work on the nova.