
* UPDATE * * From Judi & Rob * * UPDATE *

We want you all to know how much we appreciate the wonderful response to tours for the FBI and Bureau of Engraving and that we have leads to follow-up on both! We actually DID the Bureau of Engraving on Aug. 19th and enjoyed it very much! Thanks so much to all who have responded!

Also, we'd like you all to know how deeply we appreicate all of your prayers, letters, e-mails, calls and good wishes. We are overwhelmed by everyone's kindness. I have a favorite saying on my kitchen window ledge that I view daily that simply states "One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others". I hope our friends and family know that this particular secret of life has been felt by me on a daily basis and I am humbled by your kindness. I am in awe of the strength I felt emanating from other human beings - some known to me and some not. Scott's success was a joint effort - Scott, the doctors, our family, our friends (known and unknown) and God. Bless you all.


Scotty at the Park
April 14, 2002


May 7, 2002

Miz Melli has finally gotten my Skate Party pictures together! She's moanin' and groanin' cuz her pictures didn't turn out too great... But you'll get the general idea! Come on!
Skate Party



WOW! It's the 8th of April and this is the first time this month I've updated! That must mean things have been going pretty well! And it does -- they have! Tomorrow Scott goes back to the hospital though for the 5 day chemo treatment. I thought this was a bummer, but Scott told me no, it's okay -- because NOW he has his new PDA - and Uncle Jef is going to bring him some games for it! Sooooooo... that'll be fun! But HEY SCOTT! Ya gotta WORK too Buddy! Ya know? Ya killed the darn BEAST, but now ya gotta dig that MOAT to keep all his relatives from gettin' near ya!!!

And don't forget to watch yer back-side!


Scott's been home from the hospital for several days now. His last stay was not a very good one. Judy said it was one of the hardest yet. With cancer, the disease doesn't make you nearly as sick as the cure! But... he's home, and by the time I saw him he was looking GOOD! Derek spent Sunday with him, and I met them up at the park - we have a new wheelchair accessible playground & Scotty wanted to check it out! It's going to be a little longer though before he can really do anything on it. And by then, he won't need the wheelchair! LOL! Anyway... I posted a few picks of him up there. Enjoy! Oh yea! Almost forgot! Scott's hair is starting to grow back -- and it's coming in REAL dark! Looks like it's going to be Judi's color! How 'bout that?


HELP! We need some LOTS of prayers! Scotty has been back in the hospital since Thursday, fighting a fever. They've taken lots of cultures, but thankfully, nothing has grown, so they're pretty sure there's no infection. But, today his fever jumped to 104 and he is a siiiiick little guy! They have him on 4 types of antibiotics to try to kill WHATEVER may be there, but mainly it is believed that it's just because his blood counts are so low. His counts are due to start climbing again tomorrow, and Judi feels that once that happens Scott will be fine... but in the meantime, PRAYERS please! (the main thing is to keep any infection away from the prosthesis) Scott has invited his whOle 7th grade class to a Skate Party at the roller rink on Thursday -- and he really needs to get WELL so he can be there! We all know this is a major rollercoaster ride and with chemo patients, things change sO very quickly -- going from good to bad to good again in matters of hours. But it's still kinda scarey to see him like this -- so add a few prayers for Judi too, to give her the strength she needs.

GOOD NEWS! Scott is doing much better today! His counts are up and he's feeling a lot better! As a matter of fact, his counts are UP high enough for him to come HOME! But he may be staying to get his next round of chemo... they're waiting for latest blood counts to see if it's high enough for that. Soooo.... Looks like Scott will be home either tomorrow, or Thursday! The roller skating party is ON! YAY!


      LET's SKATE!!!
(the party's on!) See ya there! 7:30 - 9:30


HOLY COW! I can't believe it's been two weeks since I updated here! Time is flying! I apologize... Scott has been doing pretty well since he got out of the hospital last -- the skate party DID happen, and he's gone fishin' a few times, got to see Spiderman this past weekend, and had his first water therapy yesterday! He liked that a LOT and didn't want to leave when his session was done! (this is a GOOD thing!) Of course, the chemo continues, and with it the rise and fall of the Scott-ish Blood Counts. His counts are actually dropping now, so let's say some prayers that he gets through it this time without fevers, chills, infections and an additional hospitalization! Hang in there Scotty!!! We're still all behind you!


Only 4 more rounds of chemo to go!!! YAY oh yAy!!! Just 8 more weeks! Scott is continuing to do real well, though the chemo seems to be getting rougher. In his UP times, he's doing great! He's continuing the water therapy -- and REALLY enjoying it! It gives him sO much more freedom of movement than he's had for all these months. He can walk and the other day they had him bouncing on a ball, and kicking in the water... just playful, fun stuff!!! He is also now allowed to bend his leg past 90 degrees -- he can actually go all the way to 60 degrees now! AND he does not have to wear the brace except when he's out of the house. Sooooo... progress is being made! Scotty, you are doing a SUPER job buddy! Keep it up!

Scotty is still doing really well! His "3 day chemo" sessions have dropped down to just "1 day" -- that's GREAT news! And he's continuing to enjoy his water therapy. He's having some pain in his feet that's preventing him from exercising as much as he'd like, but the Doc thinks it might be one of the chemo medications that's causing that -- so that should be ending here pretty soon! *** *** Two weekends ago Scott and his Dad and Derek all went out on big Charter Boat in the Bay to go fishing. They had a beautiful day for it, and Rob & Derek caught several fish.... but pooooooor Scott didn't get a one! I thought this was incredibly saaaaaad ... but I guess every fisherman has his ups and downs -- and it just wasn't Scotty's day to CATCH! He enjoyed the boat though! *** He had a better time this past week when he went to a Bowie Baysox baseball game -- and he was invited down on to the field -- AND... he was allowed to ANNOUNCE some of the stuff!!! Holy Cow! What a TREAT that was!!! *** *** We're down to only 3 more sessions of chemo -- and litterally counting the days!!! Please continue prayers that Scott stays healthy BETWEEN treatments so he can get this over with just as soon as possible! I think he and Derek are just chompin at the bit now knowing that this thing is really almost over! Of course, the hope is that once his chemo stops, the physical therapy will roll along and we'll have our Scotty back runnin' around here pretty soon!


Ahhhhhh Summer! Ewwwwww... Summer! It's arrived... that time of year when little boys should be out "doing" ... whatever little boys do! But this one can't and life can be miserable when you watch your brothers go off and "do" what you can't! When you add on top of that, that Scott is just pretty well FED UP with this whole situation, life can get pretty ... UGLY. Judy is looking for some really "special" treats for Scott. Things that he can look forward to, to help him get through these last few chemo sessions! How can YOU help??? Well, here's the thing! Scott would like to take a tour of the Bureau of Engraving. Judi could use some help if ANYBODY has a connection. If you do, please please PLEASE e-mail her at JudiCoyle@aol.com and let her know!!!


Hoooooooey Louey! I got REAL news fer sure!!! My man Scott has up an LEFT that ol' wheelchair behind!!! YIPPPPPEEEEEEE! I'll tell ya ... physical therapy must really be paying off! He's now walking with only ONE crutch -- unless it's a really looooooooong walk! Man! What a feeling of freedom! SCOTTY! YOU'RE THE GREATEST BOY!!!! I am ~~HaPpY DaNcIn'~~ and turnin' cartwheels for ya! You GO boy! Okay... back to the news... Scotty is also going to be going away to a Cancer Camp in August! He's very much looking forward to this! I know it's going to be the experience of a LIFETIME for him! I've seen shows about them on television -- and they are wonderful!!! Scott only has 2 more rounds of chemo to go -- a one day, and a 5 day! We're starting kinda early -- but please pray that when they do the "scans" after all his chemo, that they are clean, clean, CLEAN!!!

Also... Judi wants to thank everyone who offered up help on the FBI thing! They have that one all worked out! Now... they could still use some help with the Bureau of Engraving... AND if you have any connections that could get him in to observe shooting practice for a SWAT team or something like that ... and also a tour of the CIA, please notify Judi! Her email addy is still up above!


DRAT! Scott's back in the hospital today. Running a high fever. Prayers please, for a rapid recovery.


Geeeez! When it rains it pours! Scott HAD come home from the hospital... he got home on the 3rd and celebrated his 13th birthday on the 6th! Yep indeed! He's a TEENAGER now -- holy cow! Look out! (guess it's official now - Rob & Judi are OLD!) hehehe... But, our dear one is NOT starting out his teenage years the way we would hope. He's back IN the hospital tonight -- actually as of LAST night -- and he's in ICU. His foot had started swelling, and by the time they got him to the hospital he got very lethargic, and then he fell asleep and they couldn't wake him up! Sooooo... to ICU we go! He HAS woken up now, and at this point they are feeling pretty sure it's a viral infection of some sort -- but have not yet figured it out! They have ruled out some stuff ... and this evening they will be doing a spinal tap to rule out meningitis. (I sure hope they DO rule that one out!!!) But they haven't yet addressed the issue of ?why? his foot is swelling. So... gather round friends. Let's get some prayers going for our dear boy. He needs us now. And stay tuned... I will try to keep you posted.


YAY! As usual, the prayers have helped!!! Scott is OUT of ICU, and Rob reports he's doing MUCH better! Still no clue as to what the mystery infection is -- but it's NOT meningitis - the spinal fluid was clear! Whatever it is, it's responding to one of the antibiotics he's on, and so he's on his way to recovery once again. This will set back his next chemo treatment for about another week though -- so let's all pray he can just STAY healthy to get through this one and that LAST one... and then he'll be GOOD TO GO!!!


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Today Scott is back at the hospital -- for the LAAAAAAAAST round of chemo!!!! YIPEEEE! This is a 5 day treatment, but then he is DONE! Finis! Complete! No mo' No mo' No mo'! After this one his hair can grow back, he can go to Cancer CAMP, and.... he can go back to SCHOOL this Fall!!!! Now, how many kids are looking forward to THAT? Well, Scott IS!!! His physical therapy is progressing nicely - and he sometimes walks without the aide of even a crutch now! Please keep him in your prayers that all of his final tests go smoothly and the results are GOOD! This kid deserves to get on with his life now! :)


It PAINS me to relay this news today. Scotty did NOT make it to Cancer Camp. *pout* He was 10 miles from there when his fever spiked, and they had to turn around and come back to Camp Children's Hospital. *bigger pout* So, now he is back in the hospital again... with hopes of being sprung on Thursday. Plans are already being made for NEXT year's camp -- which he will surely attend cuz he'll be sO darn strong by that point he won't know whAt to do with himself! But for now, he's looking forward to coming over and spending the night with Derek -- very soon! (as soon as his counts are high enough!)


And sO is SCOTT!

Today Scott is a free man! All of his tests came back GOOOOOOD! They removed his Pik-Line and he doesn't have to see a doctor again for a whOle sOlid month!!! WHOOOO HOOOOO! For the next year he will see a Dr. once a month. Next year it will be only every 3 months. The following year, TWICE! And then... just once a year forever! He is feeling sOOOOO good! This weight has been lifted from his shoulders and he is TRULY one HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY young man! Please join him in CELEBRATING!!! :)


Scott started back to school today and is one HAPPY HAPPY kid! He's looking forward to having a GREAT year ... he hope's he can get through ALGEBRA! (I'm sure he'll do fine! He's fought WORSE beasts than that!) From here on out, we will be updating this page once a month -- when Scott has his check-ups. I believe the next one is around Sept. 19th??? Somewhere in there. So check back with us then!