Holiday poems


Thanks, Denny!

Some Things That Easter Brings


Easter duck and Easter chick,

Easter eggs with chocolate thick,

Easter hats for one and all,

Easter bunny makes a call!

Happy Easter always brings

Such a lot of pleasant things!


Page Ideas - Easter


Use the egg shape template and cut light pink, raspberry, lavender, purple and purple dot eggs. Use the scallop scissors to cut one or two eggs and separate to leave a space- place a little dot at each up point

Arrange on bottom of your page- some leaning, some straight -Then place some ivy stickers around the bottom. Use a purple dot bow on one of the raspberry ones along with
a few purple flowers- draw some pink squiggly lines and add a few black dots around the eggs.

For a more "boyish" page use red, green, yellow ,light blue eggs. Use dot stickers and a few flowers and hearts to decorate eggs. Use little chick stickers around and on top of the eggs and sticker at the bottom.

Another idea is to use pastel eggs (yellow, light blue , lavender and pink). Use daffodil, butterfly and bunny stickers. Use hearts and dots to decorate eggs. Use the floppy eared bunny behind the eggs.

Grass was cut from green paper. Any of the eggs could be cut from scraps and if you place it behind another you can use a half. Each has about 6-8 eggs on it.



I think that one of the things I’m most grateful for on Thanksgiving is that, when the Lord was deciding who would need help at this season and who would be in a position to give help, he permitted me to be among the givers. (Bill Gold)

Page Ideas

Take a strip of evergreen paper (1/2" thick)....lay it down the side of your page for a border. Use about 4 Mrs. Grossman' "Autumn Wreath" stickers....cut each sticker in half, then "weave" the sections around the strip of evergreen paper so it looks like a garland winding up. Use Mrs. G's "Leaves" tucked in and around the garland. Title your page, "Thanks"

Page Toppers

Count Your Blessings

I can't believe I ate the whole thing!

I'm Thankful For ....


(Cora May Preble)

I'm not afraid on Halloween
Because my Mother said
I should not fear those funny things
But laugh at them instead.
For orange faces in the night
That stare with eyes so wide,
Are only pumpkins on a porch
With candlelight inside.
And there are no such things as ghosts...
Those figures shining white,
Are only children just like me
Wrapped up in sheets so tight.
I do not fear a single thing
On Halloween you see,
Because I know they really are
Not what they seem to be.
For ghosts and goblins, witches, spooks,
And other scary folks
We hear about on Halloween
Are really only jokes.

Titles - Halloween

Carving out memories

Come as you aren't

Cutest Little Pumpkin in the Patch

Costumes and Pumpkins and Candy, Oh My!

Don't be scared…It's just us

I Do Believe in Ghosts ... I Do ... I Do!

Mommy's Lil' Pumpkins

Which Witch Are You?

Who Said Boo?

Witches, Goblins and Ghost, OH MY
