Konferensi Pembangunan yang Berkelanjutan

diprakarsai olehJose Ramos Horta dan TImor Aid.


Konferensi ini didukung oleh:


HIVOS (Netherlands)

Catholic Fund for Overseas

Development (CAFOD)

Trocaire (Ireland)

Embassy of Finland

Timor AID





Canada Fund.


Dukungan lain dari:

Protimos Foundation, Ecological Architects Australia, RECOFTC, Environment Australia, International Union for Conservation and Nature, Icelandic international Development Agency, Northern Territory University, Norwegian Government, BP Solar, Oz  Green, Mineral Policy Institute, Australian Computer Society , Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria, RMIT Department of Geospatial Science


Penasehat Konferensi:

Mario Nunes -ETFOG, Joaquim Fonseca - Yaysan HAK, Aderito de Jesus, SAHE,

Domitrio Amaral -Haburas, Angus Mackay & George Bouma, EPU UNTAET, Carlos Alberto Baros Forindo- Ema maTA Dalan ba Progresso ETTADEP.


Panitia konferensi & telepon/emailnya:

Maria Isabel Da Silva , Americo Da Silva , Ajerino Vieira  tel: 0438836980, Annalisa  Koeman tel: 0419182212, Carrie Deutsch 0438003037, Russell Anderson tel: 0418 630 237. Email: rander12@scu.edu.au, Selma Hayati,


Others who worked on the Conference:

Marc Beuniche, Selma Hayati, Susie Russell, Sue Lennox, Alfredo Issac, Filomeno da Silva Soares, Steve Malloch,  Bret Eartheart and all those others that have volunteered some of their time. (xxx)