· Deforestation · Forest burning · eneven distribution of water resources · Poor water quality and poor health · Lack of testing laboratory · protecting water catchment areas around the city – poor water quality in Dili · 7 areas lacking water · Climate change · Need training for management of water resources · Control import and use of chemicals · Need legislation and fines for polluters (traditional and government) · Falling water table · Lack of information about water quantity and quality · Salination of coastal groundwater · Over extraction of water from ground water – by pumps.




Deforestation and deliberate burning of forests- bare earth, erosion, landslide and reduced water availability

·     Education programs involving local people

·     More sustainable farming practices and land use




Poor water quality and poor human health (water borne disease)


·     Short term - treatment of water (eg boiling) and alternative sources eg rainwater harvesting

·     Medium term – fence livestock and poultry out of water supply catchment, install sanitation and hygiene education

·     Long term – village level through to whole catchment protection (erosion control and reforestation)

Protecting water catchments in urban areas

·     Reforestation

·     Set up common land forestry to head off private land struggles

·     Need a strong forestry department

Lack of effective legislation to protect water resources

·     Laws to prevent water pollution by mining and industry

·     Strengthen the role of traditional law in preventing deforestation and pollution

·     Need a strong a well resourced Forestry Unit