

 · Unequal distribution of resources/unequal bargaining power · Recognition of CNRT at the village level by UNTAET · Lack of understanding by the people of UNTAET/CNRT structure/function · UNTAET’s priorities are not compatible with the people’s priorities, resulting in incomplete programs · Too much expectation from the people about UNTAET · Nepotism · Lack of transparency from UNTAET about taxes · Lack of co-ordination between CNRT/UNTAET · How to ensure genuine participation · CNRT/UNTAET centralised administration · Community does not understand the regulations and emergence of political parties in East Timor · Inherited bureaucratic structure · Corruption · Conference as an example of centralisation- districts do not participate · UNTAET/CNRT not sensitive to social issues · UNTAET has appointed district chiefs in a non-democratic way · Indigenous system of representation vs western forms of representation.





UNTAET / CNRT excessive centralisation.


(no time to discuss)

How to ensure genuine participation

·        Community empowerment through consensus, training for government and non-government people.

·        More direct participation in D-M plans and policies

·        People decide which decisions should be made by higher levels


UNTAET/CNRT are not sensitive to local issues

·        Housing: improve cooperation among local and international NGOs, and use local materials.

·        Education: provide free education and give priority to disadvantaged children

·        Health: strengthen the community health system (eg training, fix clinics)



UNTAET appointment of district chiefs in a non-democratic way.


  • Inform the community that there will be an election
  • Make regulations for the elections in a democratic way
  • Have discussions to reach consensus on the election process