BACCARAT FIGURINES III (1/3) by Sean Spencer CATEGORY: SRA RATING: NC-17 Slash (Sk/M) WARNING: Explicit but always loving consensual sex between members of the same sex. SPOILERS: none KEYWORDS: Skinner/Mulder, Slash ATXC: no ARCHIVE: yes MSSS: yes DISCLAIMER: Walter Skinner, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are the intellectual property of Chris Carter and 1013 Productions and FOX. No infringement nor copyright is implied or should be inferred from their use in this work of fiction. All other characters are mine. SUMMARY: Deputy Director Skinner tries to maintain a low profile to preserve harmony at home and at work. Relatives putter around in a haunted house. Features "odd" and "even" days. BACCARAT FIGURINES III (1/3) by Sean Spencer CHAPTER ONE DEPUTY DIRECTOR DRAWN OUT DAYS It was already eleven o'clock and Skinner still wasn't home. Mulder sighed and looked at the photograph Skinner had at his nightstand. It was the picture taken on their fifth anniversary three months ago. It was a wonderful study of both of them, in black and white. No one would doubt that the two handsome men in the picture were lovers. Mulder had chosen that particular shot from the contact prints the photographer had submitted. It showed both of them laughing, very relaxed, both in crisp white shirts with an arm on each other. Mulder was looking in the distance while Skinner was looking at him. Even Mrs. Jackson had liked the picture and she'd been glad when Mulder presented her with a copy. It turned out that the photographer was famous with his craft and had wanted to include it in his next show. Skinner however put an end to that stupid notion and even secured the negatives. Fortunately, the man good naturedly turned it over, sympathetic to the sensitive nature of those negatives if it ever got into the wrong hands. Mulder liked looking at the picture when he was missing Skinner and he found that he was doing this with much more frequency nowadays. Skinner was now Deputy Director for two months and it seemed that he was never home. His job was taking up all of his time and he'd promised that once he'd adjusted to his new position, things would get better. It was just that these past few weeks were painfully reminding him of his days in his old apartment when he was alone. Only Taylor's occasional amusing antics kept him occupied. Taylor likewise was quite happy with the turn of events because Mulder always took him for long, long walks whatever the weather. Mulder was still with the X-files and fortunately, the new AD wasn't Ashcraft so things were going relatively smoothly. But he and Scully were still adjusting to the new AD. However, because Mulder still had the same responsibilites, he still had much of the same schedule. A lot had changed in their personal lives, however. Skinner rented another apartment in the same building, to solidify the pretense that he was a bachelor living alone in his condo. He now had a set of drivers cum bodyguards who made sure that he reached his destinations safely. Fortunately, those drivers were only for official work so they could still be free for the occasional and now rare weekends in the cabin. The presence of those drivers prevented Skinner's spontaneous phone calls to him lest they be overheard. He called now only when absolutely necessary and there was none of the comfortable small talk they used to have. Skinner likewise travelled a lot more, checking on the field offices. There was even a whole two weeks when they didn't see each other because of their hellish schedules. Their lovemaking had been affected also. Skinner was so tired all the time that Mulder felt guilty about asking for or even initiating sex. The three times they had indulged in it had been less than ideal because Skinner had been rougher and Mulder even got really hurt once. It seemed to him that Skinner just wanted to get it over with and wasn't taking his time like he used to. But Mulder only had to feel the ring on his pinky and look at the time when he would somehow feel better, because he hoped that the Skinner he used to know would eventually resurface. ........................ Skinner tossed his briefcase on the chair out in the hallway. He loosened his tie as he started undressing as he entered the bedroom. As he was pulling out the shirt from his pants, he saw red when he spied Taylor sleeping on their bed with Mulder's arm over the dog. "Off the bed," Skinner commanded the dog as he shook it awake. The dog complied and followed Skinner's command to leave the room. In the process of getting off the bed, the agent stirred. "Fox, how many times do I have to tell you not to let Taylor sleep on the bed?" "Okay, okay, he's off the bed," Mulder muttered, irritable that he was awakened. It was already midnight and he had a long trip to California tomorrow. Skinner had disappeared into the bathroom and was brushing his teeth and washing up. By the time he returned, he saw that Mulder was back to sleep on his side of the bed. He nudged the younger man and Mulder sleepily stirred so Skinner had to nudge him again. Mulder managed to move over groggily and Skinner got under the covers. He turned off the lamp that Mulder had left burning on his nightstand. After a few minutes, Skinner was still awake and reached for Mulder. Mulder didn't even move and when Skinner put a practiced hand into the agent's shorts he was offended when Mulder stiffened. "I'd rather not, Walter." "Why not?" Skinner persisted with his hand. "I'm tired and I have a flight at seven," Mulder was still trying to squirm away. "Come on , Fox," Skinner continued. His hand was now insistent in Mulder's crotch. Mulder, in a fit of pique, had taken Skinner's hand and threw it off him. He withdrew to the other side of the bed and was enraged when Skinner continued to close the gap between them. "I told you, I don't feel like it," Mulder repeated, trying to be calm. Skinner then came to his senses as he heard the break in timbre of Mulder's voice. He turned on his bedside lamp and took a deep breath. "Are you mad at me for working late again?" Skinner paused when he realized that he'd been through this before with his ex-wife. Mulder, however, shook his head. He blinked at the harsh light. "I just don't feel like it," Mulder said in a small voice. He was still turned away from the older man. "But we haven't made love in two and a half weeks already," Skinner said, his voice rising uncharacteristically. "Come on." "Please, I don't feel like it." By now, Mulder was at the very edge of the bed. Skinner put a hand on his shoulder and again Mulder flinched. The older man got angrier when he felt that Mulder was protectively holding his shorts in his hand. "It hurt, it hurt last time," Mulder finally said in a rush and the rest came tumbling out. "I told you it hurt and you kept on going and everything's different." Skinner listened and was appalled with Mulder's revelations. Skinner tried to think of the last time they made love and he couldn't frankly remember the exact circumstances, especially if Mulder had said that it was painful. "Why didn't you tell me?" Skinner was now fully alert and sat up. "I told you that the last thing I want to do is hurt you. What do you mean that everything's different?" "You're always in hurry now and you rush through," Mulder muttered reluctantly. "I know you have a lot on your mind, but when you start doing it, you zone out. Once, I didn't even come but you didn't even know. And when you hurry, it burns really bad." It was during times like these that Mulder often wondered if his lover ever experienced anal intercourse firsthand. It was always difficult asking about previous sexual encounters with other people, no matter how many years one has been with one's partner. Obviously, Skinner was more experienced than he ever was but that didn't mean that they traded information on how knowledge like that was obtained. All he knew was that the older man's male sexual partners were fleeting encounters in his youth. Sometimes, he wondered if Skinner actually knew what it felt like to be entered so roughly, how much different and unpleasant and downright painful it could feel. "Oh, baby, I'm sorry," Skinner was contrite. He embraced Mulder and was surprised when he bumped into something hard. Mulder sheepishly took out their portrait from under him. He'd fallen asleep clutching the picture and that made Skinner feel worse. "I'm sorry; it won't happen again, honey." Mulder finally sighed and relaxed with not a small amount of relief when Skinner settled for cuddling. Skinner removed his arm gingerly from under the head of Mulder, who'd fallen asleep after a few minutes. The younger man was now softly snoring and was dead to the world. Skinner was very upset with what Mulder had told him and the photograph on his bedside table had been staring back at him accusingly. He couldn't forget how Mulder had been physically afraid of him, with his hand securing the waistband of his shorts. It seemed that the events of three months ago had been a lifetime ago. He really was inundated at work and Mulder was being neglected in the process. Not just neglected, but had been harmed. Skinner fell asleep much later, after hours of soul searching. CHAPTER TWO APHRODISIAC CAREER Things eventually improved as Skinner got the hang of the workload and he only had Mulder to thank for being so patient and understanding. His late nights were confined to times when Mulder was in the field and he made it a point to be home earlier when Mulder was in DC. Of course, there were still the period of adjustment but things worked out. Skinner only had to remember his failed marriage with Sharon to prod him to make sure that he didn't commit the same mistakes with Mulder this time around. By now, he was mature enough to know that a committed partnership was actually a give and take affair, with each partner not keeping track of his actual number of gives or takes. Skinner took things slowly and had to admit that the only way Mulder was ever going to regain confidence with the older man in bed was for Skinner to woo him back. Not a few hours were spent with just heavy petting and Mulder was finally able to relax enough that things were back to normal in bed in no time. Mulder for his part made it a point to initiate more of the sex, because Skinner wanted to make sure that they were having their lovemaking only when Mulder was ready. So it was with a great measure of gratification for Skinner that a few weeks later, he had Mulder under him bucking wildly against him as he thrust powerfully into him. He knew that Mulder was highly aroused from long experience by the flush and dampness on every inch of his skin, the pitch in his voice at every moan and grunt and the way his sphincters were fully relaxed, providing just the perfect friction on Skinner's straining engorged member. Skinner had a protective arm under Mulder's sweaty stomach which tightened and heaved with each thrust of his hips. When the timing was just right, Skinner's hand went lower as he proceeded to his lover's penis and with just the lightest of caresses on Mulder's frenulum, brought them both to a breathless completion. Mulder gave that tight little scream he usually made when he couldn't let go because the neighbors might hear. "Was it good, honey?" Skinner already knew the answer. He was anxious to make it good for Mulder because of his previous claim that their lovemaking hadn't been that good the past few months. They were still connected by Skinner's already soft penis. Mulder moaned in assent as he nodded, pressing close to Skinner. Reluctantly, Skinner dismounted, feeling the warmth of his own semen and the remains of the lubricant seeping out of Mulder's rectum as he withdrew. He knelt up on the bed and reached over Mulder to his nightstand where he cleaned off both of them with the damp washcloth. Mulder, in one of the rare times he was awake after lovemaking, turned impulsively to Skinner and kissed him fiercely, knocking back the older man against the pillows. Skinner was caught by surprise and laughed gladly. "Hey, I didn't know I was that good." "But you are," Mulder had to tell him, playing with the hairs on the older man's chest. "All I could think about since this afternoon's conference was that the big powerful Deputy Director on the podium was all mine and no one else's. I had a hard on the whole day since then and once I had you in me, I couldn't get the image of you on that podium out of my mind. That of all the people there, I'm the only one privileged to see you all hot and sweaty like this." As usual, Mulder's overactive imagination had come into play again. That afternoon was one of the rare Bureau-wide meetings held in the big auditorium of the Hoover. Skinner had a long speech and had been nervous about it, because it had been his first official task to preside over there as Deputy Director. He was happy to avoid Mulder's eye in the crowd for he knew that he would just get all flustered in case Mulder had it in him to put a devilish grin on his face. He hadn't known how much of a turn on it had been for Mulder until now. Like a possessive child, Mulder was placing light pecks on his chest, neck and face, muttering as if to himself "You're all mine". Of course, that heated them both up and by the time Mulder had changed his litany to "You're my big man," they were ready for another bout. Mulder seemed to revel in the fact that the Deputy Director was on him. For once, Skinner didn't mind that Mulder kept calling him "sir". Skinner furiously penetrated Mulder, the agent's anus already relaxed from his previous come. It was times like these that Skinner didn't hurt him even when he was in a hurry. Mulder sighed with contentment and growing excitement as he felt himself culminating, followed shortly thereafter by Skinner. CHAPTER THREE BAD LUCK BRIEFS Agent Gutierrez impatiently looked at his watch he waited for the DD at the back entrance of the Crystal City condo. It was past nine thirty and DD Skinner still hadn't emerged. Gutierrez already had verified that Skinner was still upstairs in his apartment when the housekeeper had informed him that the DD had just overslept. It was a freezing March day and there was no question that Gutierrez would have to wait in the car. He hated waiting in the car, even when it was the only oasis of warmth at the moment. Like the other eight agents provided with the responsibility for the security of the Deputy Director, Gutierrez had come to know Skinner quite well in the five months he was on the rotation. Skinner commanded quite a lot of respect in the Bureau. Gutierrez prided himself in being a good judge of character and Skinner's hard working serious ex-Marine demeanor had made an impression on him. Skinner's habits were regular and predictable. He was considerate to his security personnel and was aware that they were more than drivers. Skinner was usually in the Hoover by seven thirty and sometimes stayed there until all hours. So it was quite uncharacteristic that he was so late today. Gutierrez had been cooling his heels in the car, in the lobby then back in the car since seven o'clock. He knew that Skinner had gotten home early last night at five thirty and he was wondering what was taking so long. He sighed with relief when he saw Skinner's broad shouldered form emerge from the double doors and he pulled up the car and the DD got in. "Good morning, Agent Gutierrez," Skinner said as he got into the back seat. The agent looked at his boss from the rear view mirror, surprised at the light tone in Skinner's voice. The Deputy Director was usually terse and business-like. "Sorry about that. I overslept." "That's okay, sir," Gutierrez answered as he put the car into gear and drove from the apartment building. What was unusual was that Skinner had ridden in the back. The DD almost always rode in front. Gutierrez surreptitiously glanced at his boss from the rear view mirror as he eased onto the expressway and saw that Skinner was looking out the window with a far away smile on his face. That was unusual, too. Most days, even out here in the car, Skinner would already be going over some of his papers as soon as the car was on its way to the Hoover. Gutierrez then did a double take later when he saw the red mark on his boss' neck just above the crisp white collar. Gutierrez had to smile when he finally added up the evidence. So the Deputy Director got some last night and the agent wondered who the lucky woman was. The other eight agents assigned to Skinner's security detail met about a month ago for security debriefing by the most senior agent. It had been an uneventful debriefing , almost boring because there was nothing to talk about. Skinner's activities mainly was centered on the Bureau and home. Of course, there were official functions that he attended with appropriate dates, but Gutierrez knew that most of the women were driven home. Sometimes however, Skinner stayed over at the women's apartments but that was rare. It had caused them no end in amusement at another security debriefing about three months ago when they all realized that Skinner didn't stay over in his date's apartment whenever Agent Parker was his assigned bodyguard. They all concluded that because Parker was a woman, the DD felt uncomfortable about doing that. They all thought Skinner was so old fashioned, because Parker didn't make no bones about her own dates to them and all knew that she had an adventurous streak of her own. Since then, they agreed that if there was a scheduled evening function it was better if Parker wasn't assigned for that night, to give the DD more leeway on his dates. But twice since Gutierrez knew him, Skinner had made calls in the car and Gutierrez instinctively knew that Skinner seemed to have a significant other. Skinner's voice had grown soft and murmuring into the phone and Gutierrez distinctively heard him say "darling". Skinner also called this particular "darling" when he sat in the back, but never when he rode in the front. Somehow, with Skinner seeing someone probably on a regular basis, had made Gutierrez feel better. Scuttlebutt had it that Skinner had an ex-wife. So when he finally deposited the Deputy Director at the Hoover, Gutierrez felt he knew him enough to tease him a little. "Uhm , sir," Gutierrez said, just before Skinner got out from the car. Skinner paused. Gutierrez pointed to his own neck. "The ladies might get scandalized in the elevators." He grinned when Skinner colored then the Deputy Director chuckled good naturedly and rearranged the collar of his shirt. He really did have a good time last night, Gutierrez said to himself as he drove down to the Bureau car pool to return the car. It was the first time Gutierrez ever heard him laugh spontaneously. It was a month later when Gutierrez was yawning on the way home. Skinner had pulled another late night and it was midnight already when Gutierrez was leaving the Crystal City apartment. He glanced at the backseat. "Jesus," Gutierrez moaned tiredly, when he saw that the DD had inadvertently left his second briefcase in the car. He deccelarated and turned the car around back to Skinner's building. Skinner sometimes had two briefcases and this one was the important one, the thicker and bigger one. Gutierrez grabbed the offending briefcase and went over to the lobby and cursed again whe he saw that it was empty, with no doorman in sight. He shrugged to himself and went up the elevator. Gutierrez knew that he couldn't have left the briefcase with the doorman anyway because of the sensitive nature of the papers that might be contained in it. He punched the seventeenth floor and was glad that the elevator was fast. Gutierrez reached Skinner's front door and rang the doorbell. It was just that everyone was tired in that late hour when Skinner opened the door. "Good evening, sir, you left this in the car," Gutierrez explained. The DD was in his shirtsleeves and had a drink in his hand. Skinner's surprised expression at what Gutierrez held out for him told the agent that Skinner hadn't even known that he'd inadvertently left the briefcase in the car. "Thanks, Gutierrez," Skinner said gratefully as large yellow dog was frisking at Skinner's feet. Gutierrez looked up at the blur of movement and saw a younger man in briefs walking through the living room. Gutierrez' eyes widened in shock, it was then that Skinner looked back and everyone froze. "Shit!" The man had released the curse and had run up the stairs. "S-sorry, sir, I didn't mean to intrude," Gutierrez was stammering his apologies. He aware that he might be babbling at that moment. Skinner for once looked uncertain, then the hard expression returned to his face as he pulled Gutierrez inside. Before he knew it, Gutierrez found himself in a smaller room off the living room. It was a den. Gutierrez could hear two sets of furious heavy steps upstairs as he sat down on the edge of the couch. The den was furnished with modern furniture just like the rest of the living room and to pass the time, Gutierrez went over to the bookcase. As he was nervously scanning the titles of the books, he saw a small framed picture on the shelf. Like a scab that shouldn't be picked, Gutierrez just had to look and scrutinize the picture. It was a blurred photograph of someone Gutierrez vaguely knew but just couldn't place. The young man on the photo was handsome, with a full lower lip, a rather big nose and sad eyes even when he was grinning into the camera. Gutierrez gave a guilty start when the door opened and Skinner came back. "I'm sorry, sir," Gutierrez said even before Skinner closed the door behind him. "I didn't mean to invade your privacy like that." Skinner tiredly motioned for him to sit and Gutierrez sat down on the couch. "Would you like a drink?" Skinner asked. Gutierrez had never seen him so tense and the eyes behind the DD's glasses were unreadable. "I can't, sir," Gutierrez declined, although he did want one bad by now. "I'm driving home." Skinner gave a heavy sigh and ran a hand over his bald head as he gathered his thoughts. He sat down opposite Gutierrez. "I know I would just look stupid if I told you that it isn't what you think, Agent Gutierrez," Skinner began. "It is exactly what you think." "Sir, it's none of my business..." Gutierrez was about to rise to leave but Skinner held up a hand. "No, it is your business," Skinner finally snapped at him and drew another deep breath to calm himself down. "I am currently a homosexual relationship with Agent Mulder." So that was why the man was familiar, Gutierrez mused when Skinner mentioned the name of the agent. Gutierrez had seen the agent only a few times in the one year he'd been at the Hoover. "All I want you to know is that my ability to stay in this relationship is presently hinging on what you will reveal to anyone else," Skinner said, his teeth clenched. "If it ever comes down to me choosing my job and Agent Mulder, there is no question that my job is something that I could give up just like that. Before you get the wrong impression that I am in the habit of seducing younger agents, I would like to tell you that Agent Mulder and I have been in a monogamous relationship for five years now." "It's okay, sir," Gutierrez said, "I always keep my mouth shut and if I can say so, sir, I could see that your personal life has never interfered with your work." Skinner seemed to visibly relax after that. He led his driver out of the apartment and Gutierrez again apologized. "I know Agent Mulder might be upset," Gutierrez said, just before he left. "Please tell him I'm sorry and that he shouldn't worry." ................................................................. Skinner sighed heavily as he walked up the stairs. He found Mulder sitting up tensely on the bed with Taylor's head on his knee. Skinner smiled ironically to himself. Mulder had just recently converted to Jockeys for his underwear and it now was highly probable that he would go back to boxers by tomorrow. "I'm sorry, Walter," Mulder stated in a low voice. " I know you've always told me not to go walking around the house in my underwear. What if OPC launches an investigation?" "Then let OPC investigate," Skinner said. "I had a talk with Gutierrez and he seems to be the type to keep his mouth shut. But of course, only time will tell if he keeps his word. By the way, he told me to tell you that you shouldn't worry." "I am worried," Mulder declared miserably. "What if you lose your job and be a laughingstock as Deputy Director? You know that no matter how good you are in your job, everything would be overshadowed by sensational news." Skinner just shrugged. "I know your fears are well-founded, Fox," Skinner said as pragmatic as ever. "But at this time of night, there is nothing more we can do. Plus if I so much as try to talk to Gutierrez again, he might feel threatened that I am trying to fire him. Come on, let's get into bed." Both of them slept fitfully however. It was a sensation of deja vu that Skinner and Mulder were extra vigilant the next few days. Gutierrez was hard to gauge, because he maintained his usual affable and bland self. Skinner felt uncomfortable with him the first time he rode with him again after three days but things went smoothly after that. He had no way of knowing that Gutierrez was fairly embarrassed more because of his invasion of the privacy of his boss than the revelation about his sexual proclivities. Mulder, too, was more than uncomfortable when he spied Gutierrez in the Hoover two months later. Gutierrez smiled at him in recognition, but Mulder had to fight down the urge to punch out the guy in the hallway. That would only cause more trouble. Mulder was feeling pretty down for the last two months. It was one thing for Scully to know about his relationship with Skinner. After all, she was his best friend and they've known each other for a long time already. However, it was another thing for other Bureau personnel, especially male personnel to know about him and Skinner. But Gutierrez seemed true to his word and no one was the wiser. CHAPTER FOUR NATURALISTIC PREMIER Skinner was finally adjusted to the heavy responsibilities such that they were able to go to the cabin regularly again. He found that he was enjoying the new challenges his job offered. He was feeling pretty potent the past few weeks with he and Mulder having sex on a daily basis again. He was embarrassed by the recent trend of what turned him on, that of dominating Mulder more thoroughly than usual. But Mulder seemed not to mind and also liked Skinner's reactivated libido. Skinner had to admit that having the increased work load agreed with him. So one weekend found Skinner and Mulder taking their regular walk in the woods. Skinner left Taylor in the house, saying that he didn't want the dog with them for once. They hiked a while and Mulder wondered why Skinner was taking a circuitous route, away from the usual path. But he made out a flash of red through the trees and as they neared it, Mulder realized that it was a large flannel blanket. Skinner's intentions were made clear when he started kissing Mulder's neck. "Come on, Fox, wouldn't it be great if we made love here?" Skinner breathed as he kissed the skin of the younger man which was covered with the light sweat of their exertions through the woods. "We've never made love outside since Belize and it would be nice to do it right here." "I see you've had this planned in advance?" Mulder had to moan as Skinner slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped a hand inside to pet his chest. They sank to the blanket and Skinner proceeded to make love to him. At first, Mulder thought that Skinner would want it fast, but the DD was taking his time and seemed to revel in having Mulder naked on the blanket; he had to admit that Mulder's pale smooth skin overlying the bright red textured pattern of the material made a satisfying sight. For once, Mulder was fully taken up by the experience and gave up any thoughts of discovery. Skinner had him in his mouth and the wet hot mouth of Skinner contrasted sharply with the light cool breeze. "Look at you, baby, you're so hard and ready," Skinner sighed as he smiled down at the totally mesmerized agent. "I want you to come first for me, honey." Skinner took out the tube of lubricant from his pocket and generously smeared Mulder's pink parts with it. "I want to see all of you, baby," Skinner said, "Can you squat for me?" Mulder dazedly complied and planted his feet on the blanket as he carefully squatted. It was awkward but also arousing to have his genitals dangling so freely. It also gave better access to his nether parts. Skinner took Mulder's scrotum in his hand and gently kneaded his testes. Then Skinner took out the anal vibrator and carefully inserted it up the agent's rectum. Mulder had to hold on to Skinner's powerful shoulders to keep his balance. "Deeper, Walter," Mulder gasped. Skinner had to be careful in gauging the depth of the vibrator's penetration through his lover's body. He'd asked their doctor about the usage of the vibrator a few months ago and he had been warned that in the squatting position, the vibrator had to be used judiciously. Mulder's body was shuddering as Skinner varied the pattern of the in and out motion with occasional rotation of the cylinder. He didn't bother to turn on the vibrator because from experience, he knew that Mulder would come in a hair trigger's notice when the machine was on. "You should see yourself, honey," Skinner encouraged lovingly. "You're so beautiful...Oh, baby, come for me, baby." Skinner's other hand concentrated on Mulder's penis and the younger man was soon arching helplessly against him as his penis squirted its seed. Skinner immediately withdrew the vibrator lest Mulder impale himself with it as he collapsed. The older man carressed the shudders away and when Mulder opened his eyes, Skinner turned his face to him. "Can I come in now?" Skinner asked, as he started unbuttoning his fly front. Mulder nodded and turned on his front and splayed his legs. Skinner gently reinserted the vibrator and when Mulder's orifice was ready, he plunged in. Mulder was so slick and soft and hot and smooth but Skinner consciously restrained his thrusts, mindful of not hurting his Mulder. When Mulder started to thrust back against him, Skinner knew that Mulder was ready for the deeper penetration and he raised both of them to their knees as his thrusts gained power. "You're so big, Walter," Mulder managed to gasp. Skinner's thick long member filled him up just right. "Who's your big man, Fox?" Skinner growled as his hips continued. "You, Walter!" Mulder howled. "Only you!" Mulder came again and was followed by Skinner's copious ejaculation into Mulder's gut. Mulder's eyes finally came open after a few minutes. He liked being completely nude under the still fully clothed Skinner; he could feel the roughness of the denim and the softness of the flannel shirt. Skinner was taking his time regaining his breath, playing with Mulder's hair and breathing in his scent. When Mulder started to wriggle from Skinner's weight, the DD withdrew and he took out his handkerchief as he wiped off the semen and lubricant from Mulder's creases. He threw off the handkerchief once he'd wiped himself off as well and spent the next few minutes kissing the nude Mulder under the trees. Mulder au naturel was intoxicating. "Oh, honey, I love you so," Skinner said, crushing the younger man to him as Mulder just as uninhibitedly clung to him. "You're so beautiful." Eventually, they had to leave. They headed back to the cabin to the joyful barks of Taylor, who thought they'd forgotten about him. Mulder exhaustedly crashed on the couch as Skinner took a brief shower. When he left to walk the dog, Mulder was still sound asleep. By the time Skinner returned, it was getting dark. The kitchen lights were on which meant that Mulder was now fully awake. He found the agent cooking dinner at the stove. He had that post-coital flush that Skinner thought suited him so well. "I was getting worried, it's almost dark," Mulder kissed him deeply as he stood by the kitchen door damp from his shower, with the sauce spoon on one hand. "So now you know how I felt on our first Thanksgiving here," Skinner said ironically as he remembered his own frantic thoughts at the time Mulder had left the cabin in a huff when they had fought about calling his parents. Mulder grinned evilly at him then went back to the stove. Skinner was struck at how domestic they seemed, especially with the dog underfoot. There was nothing to beat going home to a happy sexually fulfilled partner, eager to please him. A nice warm cabin by the lake with the whiff of something good in the air just completed the picture just fine. It just gave him a nice warm feeling inside, as if everything was all right in the world. Skinner was pleased with the way Mulder had adjusted to his new AD. There was a conspicuous absence of incident reports and official reprimands. Skinner made surreptitious inquiries and found that Mulder was performing up to par in the last months. One of his apprehensions about his climb up the ladder was that Mulder would have a hard time with the new AD. But Mulder was surprisingly more mature now and could handle authority figures much better. Skinner didn't know if it was just due to the passage of time or due to Mulder's enduring relationship to a particular authority figure. CHAPTER FIVE MALL BULLDOG A few days later found Skinner in the mall. He was able to leave work early for once and was now shopping. Because it was a weekday, his agent was following him around, trying to look inconspicuous. Skinner needed some new shirts and other things. Because of his larger than normal neck size, it was sometimes difficult to buy shirts that fitted him. Then, out of habit, he got some shirts for Mulder, too. Somehow, the agent had trashed four shirts on his latest traveling foray. By this time, Skinner had given up asking Mulder why he seemed to go through his shirts as if these were disposable. Even the economical Mrs. Jackson had thrown up her hands at being handed another set of shirts to darn. And the stains on them were sometimes beyond belief. Popped buttons and torn pockets were one thing, but bile stained, bloodied or green-acid-eaten-away- shirts were something else. Shirts for work was easy to buy for Mulder because they basically wore the same type of dress shirt, although Mulder had more of the light blue kind while Skinner confined himself to white shirts. After making the purchase, Skinner wandered over to the more casual wear and got some things for Mulder there as well. He could already accurately gauge Mulder's tastes in casual clothes and it was rare that Mulder returned any of the things he bought. Mulder hated shopping in the malls and had gladly turned over the task to Skinner. The older man wryly noted that as he did more and more of the clothes shopping, he had improved Mulder's wardrobe surreptitiously. As Skinner stood in the underwear section, he observed that most if not all the men shopping in the men's section were accompanied by their wives or girlfriends. He was guilty of such a thing too when he was married to Sharon. It seemed that women didn't trust men in their judgment in choosing their own clothes. More than once, Skinner could remember fitting something in the fitting room and going out so that Sharon would approve the fit and style of the clothes. All around the country one can find women clustering around the entrance of men's fitting rooms waiting for their husbands or boyfriends to come out. Skinner then picked out more tasteful boxers for Mulder. He was back to wearing boxers these days, saying that briefs for him was bad luck. Fortunately, Mulder's boxers were more streamlined because Skinner was buying those for him too. There were less weird prints circulating in Mulder's underwear drawer although sometimes, Skinner still bought Mulder some of those if anything caught his eye. A brief foray into the socks section replenished their socks supply. Skinner's socks were mainly dress socks while Mulder needed more of the cushioned athletic ones for his running. Skinner could freely go around and shop for Mulder in the department store because Gutierrez was the one with him. If it had been another agent, Skinner knew that there would be talk about Skinner buying clothes obviously so much smaller than his size. He had come to appreciate Gutierrez' discretion. The young agent was as tight-lipped as ever and had kept his word about not blabbing. Skinner was sorry that Gutierrez' tour of duty in his security team would be over in two months. It was of course a waste of an agent's training just to be a glorified bodyguard even if they were fresh agents from regional Bureau offices who just needed to get used to the Main HQ before starting in the various departments at the Hoover. It was also more prudent to rotate agents because it kept them on their toes, with less slip-ups because the longer one was responsible for the security of one person, the more likely one could become lax. When he got home, he found Mulder engrossed in front of the television with the latest primetime science fiction serial. Taylor was at his feet. Mulder absently returned his kiss and nodded when Skinner showed him his new clothes. With his attention no longer riveted at the television at the next commercial, Mulder turned his attention to Skinner's purchases and grinned appreciatively at the older man's choices. "Do you like those, honey?" Skinner asked as he sipped his scotch. "Are the shirts okay?" "Yeah, these are just right," Mulder said. He pointed to one T-shirt. "Did these come in different colors, too?" Skinner leaned forward and saw that Mulder was referring to one of the Ralph Lauren shirts. He shook his head and hitched up his tails of his shirt from his trousers and Mulder knew that the bigger man wanted his back scratched. As Mulder watched the show, he scratched Skinner's back for him and Skinner sighed with satisfaction as Mulder settled on a particularly itchy spot. Once the show was over and Skinner's back was itch-free, they heated up Mrs. Jackson's dinner and ate it companionably in the kitchen. Later that night, just before he turned off his lamp at the nightstand, Skinner reflected that it had been a good weekday. He started off with a good workout that morning on his machine. The office was relatively stress free with none of the usual meetings that got nowhere, the problems at work presented to him had their solutions, he was able to squeeze a few minutes of shopping, Mrs. Jackson's stew was particularly good, and he and Mulder just made love, leaving him in just the right mood to fall into a deep sleep. END OF BACCARAT FIGURINES III (1/3) BACCARAT FIGURINES III (2/3) by Sean Spencer WARNING: Slash NC-17 Skinner/Mulder DISCLAIMER IN PART ONE CHAPTER SIX URTICARIAL SCARE It was three a.m. when Ray Cormier got to his clinic. Such strange hours weren't unusual in his general practice because of his clientele. But the last few days had been particularly exhausting because of the seemingly endless requests from his patients at all hours. He was barely awake now as he pulled up the driveway. He wasn't surprised that there was a dark car, a late model luxury one already waiting at the parking lot, near the entrance door to his clinic. Cormier saw the big bald bespectacled man with the bulbous nose get out of the car. The look of anxiety and guilt was barely suppressed. Cormier got out of the car and greeted the man with just the right amount of concern and sobriety. He peered into the car and saw the hunched figure inside. "Good morning, Mr. Mulder," Cormier said as he was bending over. "I'll just open the clinic and we'll have a look at you in a jiffy." He opened the double doors to his clinic with his key and set about turning on the heat and lights. He let the couple in and they patiently waited at the hall. Cormier knew these two relatively well, although they had only appeared together once or twice as a couple in all the years he'd been their doctor. Cormier knew that they worked for the Bureau and that their appointments were for the "even" days. His secretary knew what that meant, though Cormier doubted that his patients ever caught on with the way he scheduled them. "Even" days meant that he confined his appointments to the closeted ones while the "odd" days were for his patients who were out. These two were definitely still in the closet, probably because they were in law enforcement. He kept those "even" and "odd" days mainly for patients like these, who would feel very uncomfortable with sitting in the waiting room next to a drag queen or someone with green hair. It also tended to increase compliance in their keeping appointments. Cormier tried to hurry up with opening up the various doors to the examining rooms and the storage areas. He could see the obvious discomfort of the younger man. Once he had the examining room ready, he ushered the younger man into it and told him to get into the paper gown. Ray waited for the requisite few minutes and tried not to keep his eyes from closing. He'd been in practice for fifteen years. No, he wasn't gay but he confined his practice to these men for the last ten years mainly because it was a vow he made since his brother died of AIDS. His wife and kids complained about the irregularity of his working hours, but they rightly agreed with him that it was seasonal irregularity. He just wondered what it was this past two weeks that had him taking calls at all hours. It wasn't even a full moon and he'd been here almost every night for emergencies such as this. Just last night, he had to carefully extract an unusual gadget from a patient's rectum. He already had a nasty collection of his extracted stuff, so that he could orient new patients more clearly on the injudicious insertion of materials up their asses or on their penises. But this couple was a puzzle. Cormier knew that these two were ultra conservative and had been particularly devoted to each other, for years now. By what he remembered, for gay men they even had very unexciting whitebread kind of sex. So he had been confused an hour earlier when the older man had made a frantic call. Cormier finally called in the bigger man into his office. It was his usual strategy to call in the partner and interview him briefly for the description of the series of events and to instill in him a bit of guilt so that this episode won't be repeated. "Mr. Skinner," Cormier said, indicating the bald man to sit down. "I'd like you to make a brief rundown on what happened before I examine Mr. Mulder." As expected, Skinner blushed, turning his bald pate into an interesting color. Then he stammered that they had wanted to make love in the bathtub and had tried a new lubricant which was supposed to work well in water and was flavored. Skinner fortunately had the tube of lubricant in his pocket and had given the offending material to Cormier. Cormier looked at it dubiously and read the ingredients. Apparently, the lubricant had worked and they had made love. However, after two hours, the receptive partner started having the most severe case of pruritus ani. Skinner himself denied any symptoms. Of course, Cormier had to make sure that this wasn't an STD so he asked about the number of sexual partners Skinner has had for the past months. He was satisfied when the bespectacled man had reared back as if in shock at the idea that he was unfaithful. Cormier tried not to sigh as he got into the examining room and saw the younger man trying not to scratch through his paper gown. Cormier suddenly remembered him as the patient who was always uncomfortable whenever he was examined. After confirming Skinner's story with his partner, Cormier also asked about any extracurricular sex the younger man was having, but Mulder vigorously shook his head at the idea. Cormier's cynical eye misted for a second and told himself that there was love after all in a gay partnership. From his records, Cormier remembered that this patient only had one male sexual partner all his life, which was even a rarer feat, enough for Cormier to give him a medal. Most of the patients he saw in his clinic were notoriously promiscuous, notwithstanding the AIDS epidemic, whether they were in or out. Monogamous couples like these were very few and far between. "Would you like Mr. Skinner with you?" Cormier said, kindly. Mulder nodded and Cormier ushered in Skinner. Just like an obstetrician, Cormier confined the partner to the head of the examining table and fortunately they held hands as he completed his examination. These two really were sweet and Cormier didn't miss the glint of the ring on Mulder's finger. Fortunately, there were no systemic signs of severe allergy, with blood pressure normal, heart rate understandably fast, no rashes on the skin, no abdominal pain. The perineal exam however was something else. The perianal skin was very erythematous but no bullous formation was present which was a good sign. "Mr. Mulder, I'll just do a rectal, all right?" Cormier warned and the younger man tensed up. This one really hated rectals, unlike some of the patients he knew. Mulder hissed. "It hurts," Mulder moaned. The distress on Skinner's face was apparent, although he was trying to hide it. "I'm sorry, Mr. Mulder, but this will only take a minute," Cormier through long practice and kind words was able to get the examination done quickly. The anus was boggy in consistency from the edema, the sphincters with the tone typical of an anal receptive partner, and the anoscope revealed that there were no hemorrhoids nor fissures which meant that Skinner must be really careful. Presently, Cormier saw traces of fresh semen and the offending lubricant in the rectal vault, which of course was not unexpected. He took some swabs just for completion's sake. "Mr. Mulder," Cormier said, "the surrounding skin is very swollen and red and it most probably is due to severe contact dermatitis. You're very allergic to the lubricant. I take it that this is the first time you used it?" Mulder nodded. "There are still some left inside and if you pass it in your stool, the allergy will just get worse. I'm going to have to evacuate as much of the lubricant through the anoscope. It'll be uncomfortable but only for a few minutes. Then you'll feel better when I apply some Lidocaine ointment. This will provide immediate, but temporary relief. You'll have to apply hydrocortisone cream there twice a day and anytime after defecation. You must keep yourself really clean for the next five days. I'll also give you antihistamine tablets and antibiotics. And hot sitz baths three times a day. You got all that, Mr. Skinner?" The older man nodded, and Cormier felt sorry for him because the big man looked like he was close to tears. Cormier irrigated Mulder quickly and efficiently being careful to suction the liquid feces as much as possible to prevent any more of the lubricant from getting onto the perineal skin. The Lidocaine jelly provided seemingly magical relief. Once Cormier got to his office, he saw that Skinner was the shaky one. Just to complete everything, he examined Skinner's genitals to make sure that he wasn't developing an allergy, too. "Come on, Mr. Skinner," Cormier patted the broad shoulder as his other patient was zipping himself up. "It's not that bad. He'll have to stay at home for three days at the most, mainly because I will be prescribing very powerful antihistamines that might make him woozy. I've seen more cases like these since those flavored lubricants came on the market. There won't be any lasting physical effects." "I really didn't want to use it, but he was insistent," Skinner moaned into his hands. " He said he wanted to try it in the tub, but the last time we made love in the water was a year ago and he said it wasn't as smooth as he would like it." "Hey," Cormier further reassured the older man. "You have a normal active sex life with your partner. It's not against the law to try something new once in a while. You just made a mistake this time and I bet that this thing won't be repeated." " I just don't want him getting sick so much," Skinner said. "He's been in and out of the hospital so many times." "You take very good care of him," Cormier admitted. "I could see that you've been following the anal precautions we've previously discussed. There is no sign of overt damage due to carelessness in the area. It is quite evident you only want the best for him." Mulder shakily entered the room and Cormier repeated his instructions. By the time they left, an itch-free Mulder was smiling although Skinner was still grim. Mulder walked normally to the car and got in. Skinner gave a grateful glance at Cormier before they drove away. Cormier sighed again with exhaustion. It was now five o'clock and there was no use going home. He locked the clinic doors and ensconced himself onto one of the examination rooms and took a nap on the table. .................................................... Mulder tried to make light of the situation on the way back home but kept quiet when he saw that Skinner was seething. "I just wanted to try it," Mulder said in a small voice. "The guy at the shop said it was supposed to be okay." "It's not okay," Skinner almost spat out. "It's not okay when you have to stay home for three days because of a few minutes of fun. I'm sure you won't be so jolly once the effect of the Lidocaine wears off." Skinner became contrite after a few minutes. He drew Mulder to him to make the younger man feel better. "I think that next time we try anything new, we should discuss it with Dr. Cormier first, the way I discussed the use of the vibrator with him," Skinner said. "In light of your new found allergy, I think it prudent that we avoid using stuff like that until you have a test or something." "I don't think that discussing our sex life to the minutest detail and asking for permission for each new move in bed is a good idea," Mulder frowned. It gave him the creeps that someone else, even if he was a doctor, should know so much about them. "I'm tired, Fox," Skinner said. "Let's talk about it some other time once you're better. I have a meeting with Freeh in four hours and I'd like to take an hour of shut eye before that." "Okay," Mulder acquiesced. He leaned against the DD and slept the whole way back to the apartment. It was six o'clock once they got to the basement parking and the antihistamine had kicked in. Mulder was mildly incoherent when Skinner guided him to the elevator. He just barely made it to the bedroom and Skinner dressed him into pajamas to decrease the scratching opportunities. Skinner was able to grab a couple of hours of sleep and hurried through his morning routine, forgoing his workout. He talked with Mrs. Jackson, telling her to remind Mulder to drink his medications at the proper time. She was alarmed that Mulder was sick again and Skinner didn't feel like elaborating on the exact nature of his illness. She reassured him that she'd take care of Mulder and that she would take Taylor for his morning walk. She also told him that he would be the one to call Scully to inform her that Mulder will be absent today. Skinner profusely thanked her as he rushed out the door. Mulder woke up that afternoon, totally disoriented but very itchy. He went to the bathroom and gave a sigh of relief on lying down in the tub in hip deep warm water. He almost fell asleep in the tub again except for Taylor coming in and licking his face awake. Mulder dried off and found out how difficult it was to apply the hydrocortisone cream in that particular area. He got into a fresh pair of Skinner's pajamas and got back in bed. Having heard his footfalls, Mrs. Jackson entered later with a tray of lunch, which Mulder devoured. He wondered why she put a hand on his forehead to check for fever and blushed as he realized that Skinner hadn't briefed her on the nature of his sickness. He allowed her to fuss over him, straightening the bedclothes and fluffing his pillows. It was nice to be attended to hand and foot. But Mulder was still glum because he knew that Skinner might be annoyed with him. He was the one who had wanted to make love in the tub and had gone to great lengths to find that particular lubricant. Skinner, in fact, was dubious and it had taken most of Mulder's power of persuasion to convince the older man about its usage. Mulder just knew that when Skinner got back home, he would be given the cold shoulder probably for a few days. Mulder scratched himself as he watched Oprah and Rosie, shifting channels every few minutes. Mrs. Jackson returned to take away the tray and to make sure that he downed the rest of his pills for that day. He took another sitz bath. Mulder inevitably gave in to his heavy eyelids. He subconsciously felt Skinner slip into bed a few hours later. Skinner shook him awake. "Let me see," Skinner said gruffly. Mulder was at first confused but the older man was patting his buttocks. Mulder turned on his side and loosened the drawstring of his pajamas while Skinner turned back the bedclothes. The older man helped Mulder lower his trousers to his knees and surveyed the damage. He hissed. "Is it bad?" Mulder contorted himself trying to look. "It's very red," Skinner said impatiently as he grabbed the hydrocortisone from Mulder's night stand and applied the ointment himself. The cleft of the younger man's buttocks and both cheeks were red while the actual perianal area was very red. Mulder sighed with relief as he felt the hydrocortisone starting to work. Skinner's finger was gentle as it even went through the orifice to apply more of the substance up inside. Once he finished, Skinner gave Mulder an affectionate slap on the buttock and helped him back into his pajamas. At least, Skinner wasn't giving him the cold shoulder he'd expected. "Remind me to put more of the ointment before I go to work tomorrow," Skinner said gruffly. Mulder recognized that Skinner was in his short-tempered teddy bear mood and snuggled up to the torso of the bigger man once he came back from the bathroom. It was just a relief that he wasn't as mad as he thought he would be. Mulder's suspicions on the teddy bear mood were confirmed when Skinner grudgingly started kissing his hair. As long as Mulder didn't say much and cuddled up to him, Skinner would eventually be buttered up to. The younger man was finally rewarded by long slow strokes on his back as Skinner read some of the papers he occasionally took to bed with him. With the aid of the antihistamines, Mulder started drifting off to sleep. It was nice also to spend quiet evenings like this, just curled up in bed with Skinner, an arm flung over the broad chest and his face in that special place that was his alone on Skinner's neck. Skinner was still wearing his glasses as he perused his papers. "Honey, I need to move, my arm's numb," Skinner whispered quietly as he gently pushed away the agent. Mulder mumbled and refused to budge. It was too comfortable to move and Mulder tried to gain a few more minutes. After two more requests from Skinner, Mulder finally shifted and kissed Skinner's neck before detaching himself. Mulder was drooling into his pillow early the next morning and groaned when he felt Skinner insistently patting his hip to shake him awake. Skinner pulled down his pajama pants again and with a wet washcloth, cleaned the area and then applied more of the cream. "Is it better?" Mulder mumbled. "Maybe," Skinner answered. "But I'm not so sure." Mulder heard Skinner take his morning shower. It was barely dawn outside and the grayish cast in the room was interrupted by the sharp beam of light from the bathroom. Since he had nothing better to do, Mulder waited for Skinner to emerge from the bathroom so that he could watch the older man in his morning ablutions. It was rare that he did this because on most weekdays, he had to get up at the same time as Skinner and most weekends, he was out cold. After a few minutes, the sound of water from the shower stopped and Skinner got out. From Mulder's vantage point on the bed, he had a clear view of Skinner through the half open bathroom door. Like always, each of the movements of the ex-Marine were spare and showed off his muscles beautifully. The only time Mulder ever saw his partner's hair in a disheveled state was after his shower and on waking up in the morning. Skinner was drying off his hair, then his face and neck, his torso, between his legs then his legs and feet. He tied the towel around his waist as he faced the mirror and then meticulously combed his hair. Mulder grinned when Skinner spied Mulder's sink area and muttered darkly under his breath as he grudgingly straightened out the haphazard toiletries for the nth time. Then Skinner raised each arm to apply his deodorant. After which, he started shaving. There were no wasted movement in the way Skinner shaved. Just the right amount of shaving cream was sprayed from the can onto his hand then applied over the strong jaw and upper lip. He even used a straight razor, expertly flicking the shaved cream onto the sink with the barest wrist movement. Within a few minutes, the shaving was done and Skinner wiped off the excess cream with a towel, then aftershave was applied. All his toiletries were stored back into the medicine cabinet then the sink wiped off, leaving no trace that the sink and bathroom had ever been used. He walked out of the bathroom and then opened his closet. The underwear drawer was opened, the towel around his waist discarded then he stepped into his briefs. The white undershirt followed and dark socks were pulled on as he sat on the chair beside the closet. And then he surveyed his clothes, thinking for a brief second on what he would wear for the day. As usual, the heavily starched inevitable white shirt was taken out of the laundry plastic bag; after which he put on the trousers of his charcoal grey suit. Belt followed then the highly polished shoes. Tie in a Windsor knot and another shuffle through a drawer and a handkerchief was put into his right pocket. Wire rims last. Skinner then shrugged into his suit jacket and was now officially the Deputy Director. Skinner then bent over the bed as he shuffled the papers he'd slept with into manila folders. He reached over to kiss Mulder goodbye. He was surprised to find the younger man awake and was yawning as he stood up. "It's barely six, Fox," Skinner whispered. "Go back to bed." "I've been in bed the whole day yesterday, Walter," Mulder yawned again as he grabbed Skinner's briefcase and went down the stairs. "The least I can do is eat breakfast with you. " Skinner smiled as he followed Mulder, whose hair was standing on end and having to hold the pajama trousers with one hand to keep it from falling below his hips. "It's low fat granola," Mulder said as he set out a bowl and poured the cereal into two bowls. "But you hate cold cereal," Skinner said as he started on his own bowl. It truly was endearing of Mulder to wake up early just to eat breakfast with him. "As long as it's not cornflakes or anything that resembles it like Wheaties, Total," Mulder said as he spooned the granola into his mouth. "Granola looks like it's a different species altogether. And the doctor said I should eat a lot of roughage." Skinner regretted that he had to eat so quickly. He reminded Mulder to confirm his doctor's appointment tomorrow and then left after kissing Mulder a goodbye. Once Skinner was out of the apartment, Mulder spewed out the half-chewed granola from his mouth and threw away the rest into the sink. He still hated cereal but he hadn't wanted Skinner to leave without something resembling breakfast. The older man was working so hard for the past months and Mulder wanted to make sure that he was getting three meals a day. As far as he knew, there were only two episodes of hypertension since Skinner had been DD, but he didn't discount the possibility that Skinner would hide the true state of his health. CHAPTER SEVEN ODD AND EVEN Sitting in Cormier's waiting room sure made Mulder uncomfortable. He didn't know that he was on an "odd" day. Cormier had rescheduled him on the next available follow up instead of waiting for an "even" day. The doctor rarely did this for the closeted patients except when a close follow-up was required. The waiting room was full of the leather bondage type of people with a smattering of effeminate types and one with a serious love of piercing. Mulder couldn't keep his eyes from the guy, taking in the nose ring, about five earrings per ear and the tongue stud. He'd never felt so out of place in the clinic before. He was the only person in the waiting room in a Polo T-shirt and jeans. There were two leather clad men who were giving him the eye, causing Mulder to look away in nervousness. He was just glad that he didn't come from the office or else he would have been the only one there in a suit. That would make him really stand out. Adding to his discomfort was the intense desire to scratch. After twenty minutes of being squeezed between a drag queen and a leather jacket, he almost gave a sigh of relief when the nurse called him. The guy on his right had been pressing his knee to him quite insistently. The nurse led him to a cubicle and told him to put on the paper gown. Dr. Cormier came in after a few minutes and apologized about scheduling him with the irregular clientele. Hopefully he said, it wouldn't be repeated. He briefly checked Mulder and saw that the allergy was subsiding as expected and that there were no side effects with the various drugs he was taking. Cormier gave him a prescription for more medications including some bulk laxatives and then dropped his bombshell. Mulder was supposed to abstain from anal intercourse for a month. Cormier had to refrain to keep from chuckling at the young man's face, which had fallen quite noticeably. "We want the area to completely heal," Cormier explained to lessen Mulder's dismay. "The tissues down there would bleed and eventually scar if you engage in vigorous activity . Scarring in turn would cause a lot of problems in the future, especially if the passage narrows." Mulder left the clinic after checking to make sure that none of the more interesting clientele of Cormier hadn't followed him to his car. As he drove back home, the implications of Cormier's warning began to sink in. Except for the time they were separated for eight months so long ago, this was the first time he and Skinner would have their lovemaking severely curtailed. The times when either one of them were ill didn't count of course. In some ways, the previous separation was easier because they weren't living together then and were pointedly ignoring each other except for the occasional meetings in Skinner's office. Of course, there were other ways of making love but for the past two months, Skinner had been pretty ardent and had only been satisfied with frequent actual intercourse between them. He himself had been caught up in Skinner's renewed libido, too, and to him, nothing could ever beat being as one with the older man in the actual physical sense. Mulder had no choice and glumly waited for Skinner in a blue funk. With the antihistamines discontinued, Mulder meanwhile used up his energy running with Taylor in tow. Tomorrow, he would be back to work and during his run, he was thinking up plausible reasons for his absence that would pass muster with Scully. After all, this latest escapade was indeed embarrassing and there were things even Scully shouldn't know about him. Skinner arrived that night relatively early for him at six o'clock. Skinner wasn't as upset as he thought he would be about the curtailment of their activities. He accepted the news with grace and they spent the night playing gin rummy with Skinner losing most of the time because Mulder could keep track of the cards. The next few days were occupied with work as Mulder readjusted to going back to the grindstone. He had to endure a few minutes at the Bureau clinic with a note from Dr. Cormier to Dr. Rivera explaining his absence from work the last few days. Just like always, Mulder couldn't meet Rivera's eyes as the astonished doctor read the referral form. Thankfully, Rivera just gave him a quick physical. It was the first time Mulder had ever been incapacitated by something he'd done on a sexual whim. It helped that he were on a case out of town again. The usual three days were spent in a regional office, sifting for clues that the locals missed. Once they were back in DC, Mulder watched with envy as Scully left the airport with her husband. Skinner was now too high profile to even fetch him from the airport. So it was with some temper that Mulder slammed his car shut when he got out of it at the apartment parking basement. He angrily wrestled with his bags through the double doors leading to the elevators and impatiently waited for a ride up the building. Once he got in, however, he was surprised when there was a figure in the dark that caught him up in an embrace with the familiar haze of aftershave. He was literally being ravished by Skinner right there by the front door. "Wal...Walter, I haven't even...showered," Mulder was trying to push away from the intoxicating kisses of the older man. "That's okay, I have," Skinner breathed. "Sometimes, I like you like this." Mulder felt his clothes being hastily peeled from him and he couldn't believe it when he felt Skinner's mouth on him. They were soon busily writhing on the floor, the living room filling with their heavy sighs and gasps. Mulder arched his back as he came in Skinner's mouth and then reciprocated. In a few minutes, Skinner grunted happily when he ejaculated into Mulder's own mouth. "So, how was your trip?" Skinner laughed once they got their breaths back. Mulder chuckled and nestled on the carpet with the older man. They were both of various stages of undress, Mulder still in his regulation suit although there was nothing regulation about the way his shirt , belt and trousers were open and twisted. Skinner's pajama trousers, in turn, were around his knees. Once they found the floor too hard, they both stood up, with Skinner putting his nightclothes to rights, while Mulder shed his clothes right then and there and went up to take a shower. Skinner shook his head as he gathered up Mulder's discarded clothes and luggage and brought it up to the bedroom to dispose of properly. Once he came back from his shower, Mulder crawled into bed and snuggled against Skinner as the older man watched the late news while Mulder started to snore. He awakened when Skinner nudged him insistently. "I want to congratulate you, baby," Skinner said. "I just got your efficiency rating from your AD. It's the highest in your unit, even higher than Scully's. So you're a pretty damned good agent even when I'm not your supervisor. It's just that you haven't had objective feedback for the last five years. I just wanted you to know." Skinner very rarely if at all notified him of his actual status in the Bureau because such data were classified from the underlings. "So is that why I got that particular homecoming?" It was good to hear that another Bureau superior agreed to what Skinner already knew about his skills as an agent. "Agent Mulder, are you blushing about the news?" Skinner teased. "Everyone seems to have noticed that it has been a long time since you ditched your partner, no incident reports have been filed against you, your paperwork is now superb and your relations with the local law enforcement staff is agreeable to all concerned. More importantly, you have not incurred any injuries to your person and the insurance people are rejoicing. You have been one good boy for the past months." "So shouldn't I deserve a kiss?" Mulder pretended to pout. Skinner chuckled and bestowed a quiet kiss of congratulations on his forehead. Mulder grinned happily as he settled back under the covers. Mulder's next follow-up was on an "even" day three weeks later. This time, the patients in the waiting room were all avoiding each other's eyes and the room was quiet. Each was huddled behind a magazine and Mulder had to settle for the Advocate while the rest were reading Time, Newsweek and National Geographic. Of course, he was much better with nary a trace of the effects of the offending lubricant. But reading the graphic descriptions on the proper technique of anal intercourse in another magazine was making him uncomfortable this time. It had been a difficult three weeks, only made tolerable by the fact that he had to be frequently out in the field. Cormier this time did a rectal on him, unlike his last follow up. The physician was satisfied with the healing and gave him a slight reprieve. Mulder blushed again when Cormier gave him strict guidelines on what Skinner could stimulate him with, but actual intercourse was still out until next week. Mulder couldn't wait on going home. Next week, of course, Skinner finally unleashed himself and roared into Mulder like a freight train, to the agent's delight. But Skinner was a gentle freight train and things were back to normal. "That was great, honey," Skinner moaned as he dismounted from Mulder. He got up and went to the bathroom. After cleaning up himself, Skinner went back to the bed where Mulder was still lying down spread eagled on the bed. The older man cleaned off the agent and gently checked that no harm had been done. With a hand on Mulder's shoulder, he urged the agent to turn onto his back as he wiped off the traces of semen from the bed and from Mulder. "Walter, thank you," Mulder said once Skinner got back to bed. Skinner laughed and told him that after all these years, he didn't need to be thanked. "But it's the polite thing to do," Mulder said defensively. "I always like the way you make love to me." "Always?" Skinner teased. "Well...when you're not in a hurry," Mulder clarified. He still had sore memories of the time when Skinner just made Deputy Director. "What's the best parts of our lovemaking for you?" Skinner's interest was peaked. He was surprised when Mulder blushed and took his time in answering. "When we're face to're taking your time so slowly and you're so big inside me...and you're so deep..." Mulder began, "And the lube's just right, not too cold...then you ask me if my legs aren't tired...I love that about you, Walter...when you're always asking how I'm doing when we're in the middle of it...I also know when you're trying to hold back in coming so that I would come first." "I'm glad you appreciate my technique," Skinner said drily as he ran a hand through Mulder's hair. "What else?" "I really love it sometimes when you forget to remove your glasses and it's even better for me when you're in a white shirt," Mulder revealed. "It always reminds me of my first time with you when I thought you were the stern and gruff AD. I like it too when you're close to coming and you make those small sounds. What about you, Walter?" "I like it when you're so aroused you're almost incoherent," Walter began. "It's great when we're face to face, but sometimes when we do it with you lying on your front, I really love it when I have a clear view of your buttocks and it gives me a rush when I part it. Then once I'm in you, and we're going at it really hot, you rise up on your knees and the feel of your stomach under my hands when I'm supporting you. It has this special feel when I come inside and when I withdraw. I love the way you smell too. Then once we're finished, it isn't complete for me until I clean you up. I'm glad you allow me to do that." "Unlike you, I like it better when you're completely naked," Skinner added. They were feeling especially close to each other. It was the first time they ever did these true confessions thing and Mulder was feeling vulnerable again. He was lying on top of Skinner under the covers, with his head on Skinner's chest. Skinner was alternately rubbing his back and running his hand through his hair. Then he felt Skinner's hand straying to his buttock and Mulder sighed when Skinner once again had his right index finger going in and out of Mulder's anus. At first the younger man was still except for parting his legs. But he found that he needed to move and his squirming brought his hardening penis against Skinner's right hip. Mulder couldn't help himself and found that he was grinding against Skinner's hip with his right leg thrown carelessly across the older man's leg. "That's it, honey, you're so hot," Skinner encouraged him as he continued the in and out motion of his right index finger. Mulder had been deprived of his anal stimulation too long and was now making up for lost time. Skinner maneuvered his hand and managed to gently scrape against the younger man's prostate. "Right there, Walter!" Mulder gasped and ejaculated after Skinner pressed on his prostate again. This time Mulder was limp after having come twice for the night. "Good night, Fox," Skinner kissed the younger man and wiped him clean. CHAPTER EIGHT AQUARIUM UNCLE Mulder looked up with apprehension at the large Georgetown townhouse. He tried to smile bravely at Skinner before they got out of the car. He still couldn't believe it when Skinner's Uncle Charles had invited them over for dinner. Mulder hadn't wanted to come and had argued with Skinner for accepting the invitation without telling him. For once, Skinner rightfully got angry at him for whining about it. He probably wouldn't have his job now if it hadn't been for Skinner's relatives. So now, he stood with Skinner by the front door, feeling stupid in his new blazer and tie. Skinner even told him what to wear. He was surprised that the older man hadn't slicked down his hair with water to make him presentable, just like what his mom did to him when he was a little kid. It was the first time that one of their own relatives was meeting them as a couple. A major part of Mulder's apprehension, however, had more to do with unpleasant memories. For him, seeing relatives for dinner meant reprimands and resentful silences. It didn't help matters any that this Georgetown building had a glaring resemblance to Bill Mulder's Boston townhouse. "Relax," Skinner murmured as he gave Mulder's arm a squeeze. Skinner rang the doorbell and was surprised when Uncle Charles answered the door himself. The old man greeted them warmly, saying that it was good that Skinner looked well. "So this is your...partner?" Uncle Charles asked as Skinner thrust Mulder forward. The handsome younger man looked positively nervous. "You've met Fox Mulder before at the hospital, Uncle," Skinner said. "Pleased to meet your, sir," Mulder held out his hand but was surprised when Skinner's uncle gave him an embrace just like he'd done with Skinner. "So I heard that you're the newest family member," Uncle Charles smiled kindly. The dinner went smoothly with the old man having an open mind about their relationship. Mulder's resentment about Skinner keeping him in the dark about his relatives evaporated when he learned the whole story. It turned out that Skinner and Uncle Charles were especially close and had known about his existence since the MJ files fiasco. Uncle and nephew kept in touch with calls at the office and not at home. They were only invited now because Uncle Charles' wife wouldn't have understood, being the very proper lady that she was. She'd even strongly disapproved of Skinner's divorce so it was accurately predicted that it would have been asking too much of her in her old age to understand Skinner's new lifestyle. However, now that she was dead, Uncle Charles felt it was time to renew seeing his favorite nephew. "You don't get to be my age and seen much of the world's troubles without becoming tolerant over some things that would have shocked me when I was younger," Uncle Charles explained. He took it seriously when his dear sister had told him to keep a close eye on her son at her deathbed. The old man was genuinely curious about Mulder and about his background. Skinner had to smile when he realized that Mulder was being grilled much the same way Sharon had undergone the same treatment when she'd met his mother for the first time. Mulder initially stammered in response and was intensely uncomfortable. It was always difficult talking about his family. It was even more difficult talking about your relatives over a steak dinner. The food was always getting stuck in his throat. Meeting one's in-laws was hard enough without having to reveal that your father was dead by an assassin and your sister kidnapped. "Your mother doesn't know about you and Walter?" Uncle Charles asked in surprise. "Fox's mom is old fashioned, too, Uncle Charles," Skinner smoothly interrupted when he saw that Mulder was getting distressed at the line of questioning. "As of now, we feel that she wouldn't understand." "But you are her only child, aren't you?" Uncle Charles probed. Mulder nodded and was relieved when Skinner skillfully steered the conversation to a more general topic. It helped immensely that Uncle Charles had an interest in the paranormal and the old man and Mulder had a lively discussion about ghosts. By the end of the evening, Uncle Charles had a genuine affection for the agent and there was talk about seeing both of them again. "See, it wasn't so bad," Skinner said once he started the drive home. Mulder slumped in his seat and loosened his tie. Skinner felt the beginnings of a headache, something that meant that he had been clenching his jaw too much throughout the evening. They were both wrung out. "I was just waiting for him to tell me to open my mouth to check my teeth," Mulder said tiredly. "Do you think he liked me?" "Yes, especially since you're the only one who ever took a serious interest in his sighting of that ghost in his house," Skinner chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if he calls you for all your ghost paraphernalia someday to check out the veracity of his story." Skinner's suspicions were right. Within the month, Uncle Charles called up Mulder at home and they set up ghost hunting nights. It wasn't unusual for Mulder to spend a night once a month in the Georgetown house as the two vainly tried to document the elusive ghost. Mulder inevitably became close to the old man and Skinner looked on in benign amusement as Mulder started treating Uncle Charles as a his own kind elderly uncle. Mulder didn't have memories of his maternal grandfather while his paternal grandfather had been a man to stay away from since even Bill Mulder had feared him. Things were getting serious between Uncle Charles and Mulder when the agent set up an aquarium for the old man. Pretty soon, dinner with Uncle Charles became an almost weekly affair for the three of them, regularly set at Thursday nights if their schedules matched. It came to the point that Mulder would even come over even if Skinner wasn't available. It was nice having a relative accept them for what they were and it was even nicer that Uncle Charles had accepted Mulder so wholeheartedly. Meanwhile, Mulder still continued to send Hallmark cards to his mother on a regular basis, although none of them were ever acknowledged. As far as Skinner knew, the last time Mulder ever saw his mom was four years ago after the MJ files. Now that four years had passed since he last saw her, Mulder was missing his mother terribly but never talked about it with Skinner. The agent saw it as his mother not wanting to see him because he was a terrible son, instead of the other way around, that Mrs. Mulder wasn't seeing him because she was a terrible mother. His now infrequent nightmares centered on feelings of abandonment, feelings engendered by his unfeeling mother. These last few months, Mulder's old obsession of finding Samantha was more acute, because to his mind, that was the only way that his mother was ever going to acknowledge his existence once again. Skinner rolled his eyes much like Scully would have done once he learned that Uncle Charles was now Mulder's partner in finding Samantha. Uncle Charles' more vast resources and staff were recruited in sifting through endless data to look for Samantha. Apparently, the two were now fast friends and it just made Skinner glad that Mulder had another friend to rely on. It was just icing on the cake that Uncle Charles was his favorite relative. Mulder made it his mission to check on Uncle Charles' aquarium regularly as a way of keeping in constant touch with the old man. CHAPTER NINE PERFUME ON MY SHIRT COURTESY OF THE GOOD LITTLE AGENT It was another late night for Skinner. Mulder woke up groggily on the bed as he heard Skinner come into their bedroom. It was past midnight and he could see that Skinner didn't have a good time at the dinner. Skinner had tiptoed into the room, trying to avoid making noise as he undressed and washed. Skinner seemed to take a long time in washing and when he slipped into bed, he flinched when he realized that Mulder was somewhat awake and was embracing him. Mulder sniffed and came fully awake when he smelled the perfume on Skinner. "Walter, that's perfume," Mulder sniffed again, trying to keep the quaver from his voice. "Well, the prim and proper lawyer from the DJ Scully set me up with turned out to be not so prim and proper," Skinner groused. "She couldn't keep her hands off me the whole night. Whatever gave Scully the impression that I would be safe with that...that hussy?" "Hussy; Walter?" Mulder relaxed. From the genuine tone of his voice and his honest indignation, Skinner was telling the truth. "No one uses that word anymore." "Slut then," Skinner said. "Once we were in the car, her hands kept straying everywhere. I swear, Fox, that was an octopus if I ever saw one. Even the presence of the driver didn't deter her one bit. You should see all the lipstick on my shirt." "Because I bet she found you so cute in your tuxedo," Mulder said good naturedly. "You really are hard to resist in your tux, Walter." "I just wish that I could take you to these stupid benefit dinners," Skinner sighed. "Aside from being so boring, I have to have a blind date each time. It's getting to be a pain having to deal with these blind dates. Maybe it would be a good idea to try one of those escort services...after all they're professionals and we could explain the situation..." "Don't you dare!" Mulder said indignantly. "She had her hands all over me," Skinner said in bemusement, "I guess I haven't lost it with women, huh?' "You haven't lost it with anyone, Walter," Mulder was starting to get jealous. Skinner could see that and continued on with his blow by blow account on how he had to fend off his date. Mulder's frown just became darker. When Skinner finally smiled, as his account got more elaborate, the younger man realized that he was being teased and playfully punched him. ............................................... Scully noticed a profound change in her partner since Skinner was made Deputry Director. Mulder was a lot more serious in his work and their closure rate just continued to climb. At first, with AD Wilson, she thought that the adjustment period would mean more reprimands just like when Skinner first became their AD the first year she and Mulder were partners. But it seemed that Mulder was being very careful with his work and was anxious to show Scully that having Skinner for his lover didn't mean that he would slack off. Mulder was more settled now these last few months, compared to the time when Skinner was first made DD. She had the distinct impression that Mulder was unhappy for about a few months. But now, Scully could see that Mulder was positively glowing, especially more so on Monday mornings when she knew that they came from their weekend retreats. "So, I guess sex with the DD has been good?" Scully had to tease him as they sat down for lunch in a booth in their usual Monday morning pub. "Sculleee!" Mulder hissed, looking around the restaurant in embarrassment. He could feel his face going hot and Scully was smirking knowingly at him. He looked at her for a moment then he had to ask. "Am I that transparent?" "Yes, Mulder," Scully confirmed, patiently. "Every Monday morning, you return to the basement like you've been recharged. You're very cheerful and breezy and it's actually funny by the way you try to look so nonchalant..." "Breezy, Scully?" "And you have this pink glow on your cheeks," Scully continued unabated. "Mulder, I can even tell on weekdays when..." "Scullee!" "But Mulder I told you you're quite transparent," Scully stated. "And for the past few weeks, it's almost everyday, hasn't it? Or should I say every night?" Mulder was too embarrassed to answer that. She was now such a good little agent that she barely missed such details anymore. "I guess he's insatiable," Scully said. "So I guess it's true about what they say of bald men." Mulder was now covering his reddened face with his hands. Their burgers were promptly brought by the waitress and for once, Mulder didn't wolf it down like the usual way. He was desperately trying for a quick retort but for the life of him he couldn't think of something in Scully that would indicate the same thing for her. Up to now, her private life has been just that, private. She was still enigmatic about her love life. "I'm just thankful, Scully," Mulder opened up, looking at her with earnestness. "We're going on our sixth year now and you know how unusual that is for people like us." Scully smiled kindly and her eyes grew wide when Mulder took off his watch and showed the inscription to her. It wasn't lost on her that the watch was so expensive. "He's the romantic type," Scully was surprised. It was hard to reconcile the stern and gruff and by-the-book DD with the side that Mulder obviously loved so much. That was why she had been so startled when she witnessed the stolen kiss between the two men in the airport so many months ago. "Well, he is," Mulder found that his voice had a defensive tone. "But he's romantic only to me." "And that's the way it should be," Scully said with finality. They finished their burgers and they rose to leave. There were a lot of other agents in the restaurants and Scully nodded and smiled at some of the ones she knew. Both of them paid for their bill at the door; it wasn't so unexpected when the machine wouldn't accept Mulder's charge card. The double doors suddenly flew open and a whole slew of Bureau personnel came in with Walter Skinner in the midst of it. Skinner almost lost it then, seeing Mulder arguing with the cashier. Most likely he was overdrawn again and seeing the younger man in such a typical Mulderish predicament almost brought an affectionate but highly uncharacteristic grin on Skinner's face. Only Scully was able to see ghost of a repressed smile as Skinner schooled his features to its usual Bureau mode. "Oh, Mulder," Scully said, trying not to grin herself. "Let me pay for it. You owe me one for this." It was completely surreal for Scully as Mulder and Skinner nodded to each other, desperately holding on to the fiction that this was just an encounter between an agent and his previous boss at a Bureau watering hole. "Good afternoon, sir," Scully said cheerfully as she signed for Mulder's lunch She found that it was quite easy to be cheerful to their old boss because of what Mulder had let slip during lunch. Her partner had merely confirmed her suspicions that Skinner must have been pretty horny for the past months. And here was their old boss trying to maintain a semblance of decorum between the three of them. Sometimes, life with these two was downright bizarre. Skinner nodded at her too before proceeding through the restaurant with his party. Before they went through the doors, Scully glanced behind her and saw that Skinner was working the tables, greeting the people that he knew. Well, she must say that Skinner has refined his networking abilities to a new high. "That was close, Mulder," Scully said as she got into the car. "He almost smiled at you in a not so professional way." "Can I help it if I'm so irresistible?" Mulder deadpanned. Scully hit him on the arm as he tweaked her nose.