By Sean Spencer





RATING: NC-17 (M/Sk Slash)


WARNING: Loving consensual sexual activity between members of the same sex.




KEYWORDS: Mulder/Skinner, Slash


SUMMARY: Special Agent Mulder takes Deputy Director Skinner to new places.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just a short piece that took me exactly 118 minutes to complete. That's what happens when a little alcohol (I promise I was sober) and dancing (with rhythm—against all stereotypes) in a totally cool place does to me. I know it's not spring right now but I sure felt like it was!


DISCLAIMER: Walter Skinner, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are the intellectual property of Chris Carter and 1013 Productions and Fox Television. Infringement or copyright is not implied from their use in this work of fiction.






Crystal City, Virginia

April 30, 1997

5:30 p.m.



Mulder grinned to himself as he went up the elevator. It was an early warm spring evening and he knew Skinner was home, early for once. As he turned the key in the lock, he could hear Taylor scratching the door on the other side. The dog greeted him profusely and was rewarded just as profusely with generous pats.



He found the DD in the den, stretched out on the couch where he was listening to music. It was another stressful day at the office, Mulder knew and Skinner was trying to wind down.



The agent surprised Skinner by jumping on him, much like Taylor would have done (if the dog were allowed to do so), eliciting an "ooomph" from the older man. Mulder greeted his lover with a warm kiss then proceeded to pull him off the couch.



"Fox, I'm tired, okay?" Skinner complained. He thought Mulder was being amorous and wanted to make love.



"No," Mulder laughed. "I have a surprise for you. I guarantee you that you'll just sit, but I want you to change into jeans first."



"What do you have up your sleeve?" Skinner growled suspiciously, trying to see if Mulder had anything in his hand.



"Come on, it won't be a surprise if you don't play along," Mulder said patiently. "Please get out of those and come with me."



The DD's eyes narrowed but all he could see was the smiling face of the younger man. He did have that grin on his face, that special grin which meant he was up to something. Skinner pursed his lips but reluctantly followed Mulder upstairs.



By the time he got up to their bedroom, he saw that Mulder was rooting in his closet and handed Skinner his jeans and a thick sweater.



"Where are we going?" Skinner asked as he changed from his office clothes. Off came the wool trousers and white shirt and tie. And because the shoes didn't go with the jeans, the socks also had to go and was replaced with one of Mulder's socks to go with the only pair of rubber soled shoes the older man owned.



"Just trust me, okay?" Again Skinner was rewarded with that exasperating grin.



Before they left the apartment, Taylor was all excited, too. He had seen both of them in casual clothes and that meant that they were going to the cabin.



"Sorry, Taylor, you're not going," Mulder told the dog as he gave Skinner his most casual jacket. "Stay."



Skinner played along, still in the dark as to what Mulder had planned. As they waited for the elevator, the younger man buttoned up his jacket to the neck and proceeded to do so with Skinner's jacket, too. They got into the elevator where Mulder punched the button to the basement parking lot.



As they got out of the elevator, Skinner stopped when he saw that there was a huge gleaming red BMW motorcycle parked just out of the elevator. It was the racing model, the kind where the driver and passenger needed to lean forward for better aerodynamic design. Even parked in the basement, the BMW looked FAST. There were two helmets on it. Mulder laughed maniacally at Skinner's surprised face and tossed him one of the helmets.



"It's a K 1200 RS," Mulder explained as Skinner went around the bike admiring it openly. "It has a 1200cc in-line four cylinder engine and they say it's the most powerful BMW bike every made. But mainly I like the way it looks.



"No, I didn't buy it," Mulder continued to laugh, already anticipating Skinner's question. He put on the helmet. "I'm just test driving it."



The older man still had his helmet in his hand.



"Come on, Walter. I told you you're just going to sit and no one will recognize us with the helmets. It's going to be FUN!"



Mulder already was gunning the engine. After another split second, Skinner got on behind him. Before he could even adjust his seating, Mulder was off and Skinner clutched on for dear life.



At least Mulder started off slowly because it was still the tail end of rush hour. Skinner gulped to himself and didn't notice his tightening grip on Mulder's waist as the agent turned the machine into the expressway. Then Mulder really took off.



It was frightening at first, not having the quiet safe surrounding of a car's interior around you on the expressway. Plus he was unused to leaning so forward in a vehicle. But eventually, the roar of the engine, the wind whipping through their clothes and having Mulder's lithe body strong under his hands relaxed the older man. It really was fun. And it seemed that Mulder was determined to push the machine to its limits and they left most of the cars behind.



Mulder was just barely within the speed limit.



As they weaved through traffic, it thrilled Skinner no end when they passed by a familiar car, which turned out to have AD Ashcraft at the wheel. Mulder slowed down a little and they both gave a mocking wave at the AD, the one who was always giving Mulder such a hard time. Then they whizzed by the puzzled AD in a cloud of dust.


They couldn't talk, what with the glass shields on the helmet plus the roar of the engine. Mainly, they were communicating by touch. It really was something, effortlessly moving through traffic and being one with the machine. Skinner didn't care where they were going and didn't care if Mulder didn't know where he was going, too. He could feel Mulder's body taut with excitement as he steered through the traffic.



After a while, Mulder got off the expressway and they got on the minor roads. Everywhere they went the red BMW caused a stir in the spring evening. More than once, some women in convertibles honked their horns in greeting which caused both of them to laugh and shake with mirth. A group of teenagers in a rickety pick up were all agog as they passed by and let out a loud set of war whoops as Mulder gunned the engine and they left the pickup behind. Both of them were only vaguely aware of where they were.



When it was starting to get dark and wide spaces of outlying farms were all around, Mulder slowed down and then turned off at a dirt road. He came to a complete stop and switched off the engine. Once the noise stopped, actually even before the engine completely turned off, Skinner knew and then heard Mulder laughing as he took of his helmet and shook his now sweaty hair.



"I told you it was fun!" Mulder cried out joyfully. He was like a little kid like this with a very big and very expensive toy. Skinner took off his own helmet as he had stood up to stretch his legs. Then he grabbed Mulder and kissed him deeply and lovingly.



"Now it's my turn," Skinner said, gently pushing him aside as he got in front. They put on their helmets again with Skinner ignoring Mulder's protestations if he knew how to work the bike.



Mulder hung onto Skinner somewhat apprehensively at the rear of the vehicle as the older man got used to the bike on the dirt road. After all, his Mastercard was still at the dealer. He saw the BMW dealership in downtown DC at lunchtime and gazed enviously at the bikes (and the cars of course). It was Scully who gave him the idea. She jokingly told him to take a test drive with one of the machines. So after work, Mulder went back to the dealership and it was all done. They even lent him the helmets and didn't blink an eye when he asked for two.



After a few minutes, the DD had the hang of it and they were back on the country road, heading back to the expressway. Skinner drove a little bit slower than he did, mainly because it was getting dark. Mulder clutched tightly at the big body of his lover, liking the feel of the hard muscles of Skinner's abdomen through the jacket and sweater. After about twenty minutes on the road, Mulder looked up and wondered why Skinner was slowing down and turning around. Then he saw that they were headed to a motel, one with neon lights blazing. He could see that it was a sort of rundown low building and was a mom and pop affair with all doors leading directly to the outside. Only one or two cars were in the parking lot.



Skinner turned off the bike and took of his helmet.



"Just wait here," he said smiling at Mulder. The agent shivered with anticipation. It wasn't like Skinner to just up and do this. Within a minute, the DD was back with a key dangling from his hands.



Skinner carefully stowed the bike near the farthest motel room. Then they went inside.



The moment the door was closed behind them and the lights were turned on, Skinner eagerly started undressing Mulder.



"They always said that motorcycles and sex went together," Skinner growled deep in his throat as he peeled off Mulder's leather jacket. Mulder chuckled as he in turn frantically unbuttoned Skinner's jacket. It didn't take long before they were both naked on the bed. The bed sheets were worn out, the room had a musty smell and to their disappointment there weren't any condom dispensers (for lubricated condoms) or other suitable substitutes in the bathroom. But that wasn't about to stop them, especially with saliva and Skinner's eager mouth strategically placed. They were both sweaty and funky, both having come from a long stress filled day at the Hoover and the bike ride but that didn't stop them either.



It was fast, deep and wild and it was just a perfect conclusion to an exciting fun-filled evening. They didn't have to worry about the sounds they were making even with the predictably thin walls of the establishment; after all, they were at the last room. As they breathlessly clutched each other after they finished in a sweaty tangle of arms and legs, they started laughing again and playfully rolled some more on the bed, reveling in being together and having each other for each other. After all it was springtime.



"I love you, Walter," Mulder laughed again at the still heaving body of the DD over him as he turned onto his back.



"God, how I love you, too, Fox," Skinner answered. "Don't ever change, will you?"



"I have no intention to," Mulder murmured.



It took Mulder some time to recover (as usual) and Skinner waited for him. Once the agent was fully awake and they dressed, they returned the key to the bored apparent daughter of the mom and pop. She perked up at finally realizing that the bike was theirs.



Mulder drove back at a more leisurely pace and they ate at a small diner. Mulder dropped off Skinner back at the apartment. After all, the dealer was in downtown DC and they couldn't be risked being seen together once their helmets were off their heads. Skinner strapped on his helmet at the backseat and patted Mulder's thigh just before he went into the building. There was a new unmistakable spring in his step.






Feedback highly appreciated



So you could have an idea of what the bike looks like (that particular red one) there's a nice JPEG at




"A beacon in the night."

Mulder in reference to Skinner

