The Hill Schoolís CEEB Code is 394080.
Memorize it!
The College Advisers Office phone number is (610)
326-1000. To office FAX number is (610) 326-7655.
Obtain your social security number and a small
photograph of yourself. Applications may require both
of these items.
Request applications in August and ideally, no
later than October. Inquire about electronic
applications and the Common Application. Be sure to
check out the CollegeView workstation in the College
Advisersí Office and the Ryan Library.
Make a copy of each application to use as a rough
draft. Do not write on the original application until
you are sure about what to say.
Complete all application forms yourself.
File a copy of every document you mail to the
colleges. Materials do, on occasion, get lost in the
If you are sending the Common Application:
a) keep the original; send only copies; b) type
the application or use the application on disk; c)
add a supplementary note to each individual
institution; d) complete and return promptly any
supplementary forms.
Complete your information on the Secondary School
Report Form before giving it to your College Adviser.
On both Teacher Recommendation Forms and
Secondary School Report Forms, there is a section
stating your rights under the Buckley Amendment. You
are given the option to waive your right to access
these specific recommendations. Waiving your right
tells recommenders that you trust them to write a
positive recommendation.
When listing activities on your application,
arrange them in decreasing order of importance.
Students applying to music or art programs should
prepare tapes and portfolios to be submitted with
Limit yourself to between six to ten
- two or three ěreachî schools;
- three or four ěon targetî schools;
- two or three ěsafetyî schools. All
applications should be to schools that you
would be happy to attend.
Be aware of all application deadlines.
File a Transcript Request Form in the College
Advisersí Office for each college to which
you are applying. Check the daily bulletin
for notices regarding college representatives
visiting our campus. You must register in
advance for these meetings in the College
Advisersí Office. Student/athletes must
complete the NCAA Clearinghouse form
available in the College Advisersí Office.