To ED or not to ED:That is the question.

Once again, the time is here to decide to apply Early Decision or not. To further complicate things, there is rolling admission, early action, and early decision. What is the difference and which one might be right for you? This is one of the most important issues facing candidates and their families right now in the college search process.

Rolling admission is usually offered by the larger state universities, is usually not binding, and offers the student the advantage of the chance to apply -- and hear a decision from a school on an ongoing basis. Early action is a choice offered largely by only the most selective schools offering an early response that is not binding. Early decision is an option involving a binding decision that commits a student to a school, usually around the Christmas holiday.

All of these early plans are intended only for students who KNOW that there is only ONE school for them. This should, in part, be based on an impression received from visiting that school. There is a current tidal wave of students applying early to college (it is estimated that nearly three-fourth's of this year's sixth form at Hill will pursue some kind of early admissions process). The thought is that doing so will necessarily enhance your application. It is, however, the nearly universal opinion of professionals that such "necessity" does not exist. Every school is different, and in a rapidly changing college admissions environment, policies can change from year to year. The advice, therefore, is: DO NOT APPLY EARLY BECAUSE IT WILL GIVE YOU AN "ADVANTAGE." The proper advice instead is: APPLY EARLY IF THERE IS CLEARLY ONLY ONE CHOICE FOR YOU!

This issue becomes more complicated when it comes to Financial Aid. In many cases, a student is better off waiting for April so that s/he can compare FA offers from several schools. Some schools, however, offer their best FA packages to ED candidates. You should check, therefore, with each individual school re their specific policy for THIS YEAR. Calling and/or emailing a school with such a question can be a way of connecting with someone on that admissions staff and thus provide you with an "in" at that school. It will also give you an additional impression of that particular school and thus may help you decide to apply there early or not....