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Nickname: Outlanders

Of all vampires, the Gangrel are perhaps closest to their inner nature.

These nomadic loners spurn the constraints of society, preferring the comfort of the wilderness. How they avoid the wrath of the werewolves is unknown; perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Gangrel are themselves shapeshifters.

When a mortal speaks of a vampire changing into a wolf or a bat, she is probably speaking of a Gangrel.

Characters Available

Character Name

Concept & Description

Games Played

Steph Briannan       Eco-Guerilla (Visionary/Bravo): You have a genuine love of the out of doors. It kills you to see your fellow man so callously obliterate it. Even when you were a mortal, you performed illegal, nearly terrorist acts in an attempt to stop the rape of the Earth. Now, you have real power. But, you also know that there is usually more to that greedy capitalist you always blamed…


Alan Kennedy      Admirer of Nature (Architect/Loner): You’ve been a vampire for several years now. However, you never got along well with those of your clan who tended to be eco-warriors. You mind had a scientific bent, but that grated on your fellow clanmates who hated technology. However, you got along well with the other Kindred in Seattle, who saw you as a welcome relief to the ‘normal’ Gangrel. So, when the rest of your clan separated from the Camarilla, you stayed behind, to do what you can to preserve the wilds from within the city.


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