Hi, everyone! Welcome to my world of fractals. In the galleries below you will find fractal images I created within the last month. Enjoy!
Gallery one
Gallery two
Gallery three
Gallery one
Gallery two
Gallery three
Gallery four
Gallery five
Gallery six
Gallery four
Gallery five
Gallery six
I would like to know what you think about my fractals. Drop me a line! And....
...if you like computer generated art, click here to visit my Computer Art Page. There you will find a lot of colorful digital images created with Adobe Photo Deluxe.
Who I am?
E-mail me!
All images displayed on this Website are Copyright 1998-2000 Serguei S. Sidach. They can be used for personal, non-commercial purposes (I would appreciate a link to this page). If you wish to use them for a monetary reason contact me by E-mail.
Updated 08.01.00
Take a ride on "The Sightseer"! Click on the rail below to explore sites dedicated to art, photography, design, fashion, computer imagery.
The Rail
Visit "The Infinite Fractal Loop" where hundreds of fractal sites will open for you the world of eternal chaos and eternal order.
