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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore

Our History

1958 -

Stained glass panel above entrance

In 1957, the archbishop of the diocese His Grace Michael Olcomendy, inaugurated the Church of St. Francis Xavier Building Fund. It was to cater to the needs of the growing Catholic community of Serangoon Garden Estate, including the neighbourhoods of Braddell Heights, St. Helier's Avenue, Brighton Crescent and Plantation Avenue. The initial estimated cost of the building was a then princely sum of $225,000.

The task fell on Rev Fr Phillippe Meissonier and his committee of 24 members to build the church. The church was designed for a congregation of 1,000 people, a presbytery for two priests, servant's quarters and a parish hall.

They achieved the job in a record time of 18 months, just in time for the feast day celebrations in December 1958.

The blessing of the church came on 11 January 1959 and to everyone's surprise, Fr Meissonier was not named the parish priest, but was Rev Fr Rene Challet, assisted by Rev Fr Henry Saussard.

The current church has been rebuilt under the guardianship of Rev. Fr. John Sim. By 1997, $2.9 million was raised for the project! The parish hall and presbytery was first rebuilt. This includes a columbarium and chapel. Upon completion, renovations to the church building itself begun and mass was said in the multi-purpose hall built large enough for 700 people.

The main church building was completed in 2000.

The 3rd phase of building the Parish Centre & carpark was completed in 2004. The Official Opening by Archbishop Nicholas Chia was held on 15th August 2004. Guests included the Member of Parliament for our constituency Mrs Lim Hwee Hua who was just appointed Minister of State for Finance and Trade & Industry, the ex-MP Dr. & Mrs. Lau Teik Soon and members of Inter-Racial Confidence Circle.

Rev. Fr. Anthony Ho took over as Parish Priest from Rev. Fr. John Sim (who moved to Risen Christ) on 15th Feb, 2005.

On 1st Dec 2007, Fr. Gerard Weerakoon was posted to the Church of the Holy Spirit and Rev. Fr. Brian D'Souza has taken over as assistant parish priest.

Church of St. Francis Xavier * 63A Chartwell Drive * Singapore *  558758