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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore


Activities listed here are for the whole parish and regular scheduled activities. For activities affecting smaller groups, see Latest News.

Feasts Days, Holidays & Special Occasions

Aug 31 - 22 Sun
Sep 03 - St. Gregory the Great, pope, doctor
Sep 07 - 23 Sun
Sep 08 - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sep 09 - St. Peter Claver, priest
Sep 13 - St. John Chrysotom, bishop, doctor
Sep 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Sep 15 - Our Lady of Sorrows
Sep 16 - St. Cornelius, pope martyr
              St. Cyprian, bishop, martyr
Sep 19 - St. Januarius, bishop, martyr
Sep 20 - St. Andrew Kim & companions, martyrs
Sep 21 - 25th Sun
Sep 23 - St. Pio of Pietrelcina, priest
Sep 26 - Ss. Cosmas & Damian, martyrs
Sep 27 - St. Vincent de Paul, priest, religious founder
Sep 28 - 26th Sun
Sep 29 - Ss. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael,
             Archangels, Feast
Sep 30 - St. Jerome, priest, doctor
Oct 01 - St. Therese of Lisieux
Oct 02 - Guardian Angels
Oct 04 - St. Francis of Assisi
Oct 05 - 27th Sun
Oct 06 - St. Bruno
Oct 07 - Our Lady of the Rosary
Oct 09 - St. Denis
Oct 12 - 28th Sun
Oct 14 - St. Callistus
Oct 15 - St. Teresa of Jesus
Oct 16 - St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Oct 17 - St.Ignatius of Antioch
Oct 18 - St. Luke
Oct 19 - World Mission Sunday
             SSVP Mass for the Annointing of
             the Sick and Elderly - 3.00pm
Oct 20 - St. Paul of the Cross
Oct 23 - St. John Capistrano
Oct 24 - St. Anthony Mary Claret
Oct 26 - 30th Sun
Oct 28 - St. Simon & Jude

School Vacation and Holidays 2008

Public Holidays 2009

School Vacation
Mar 08 - Mar 16
May 24 - Jun 22
Aug 30 - Sep 07
Nov 15 - Dec 31
All Sundays in the Year &
May 01 - Ascension of the Lord
Aug 15 - Assumption of The
         Blessed Virgin Mary
Nov 01 - All Saints Day
Dec 25 - Christmas
 All Fridays in the Year except when it is a solemnity.
 Ash Wednesday - Abs moved to Feb 02
 Ash Wednesday
 - Fasting moved to Feb 02
 Good Friday
 - Mar 21

Regular Meetings, Events & Opening Hours

Adoration Room Opening Hours & Mass

Open : 8:00am -10:00pm

Closed on: New Year's Day - 12:00 noon

Mass: 1st Friday 10:00pm


Baptism - Infant

Baptisms are held on alternate (odd) months

starting with January

   Preparation: 1st Sun, 4:30pm

          Actual: 2nd Sun, 4:30pm


Book Shop

Every Sunday from 7.00am to 12.00pm


Canteen Schedule

Every Sunday 7am to 12pm


Charismatic Praise & Worship

Mon (except 3rd Mon), 8:00pm 

 Parish Hall - Level 2


Children's Catechism Classes

Sun:   8:45am - 10:15am (PreSchool & Primary)

        10:30am - 12:00pm (Secondary)


Columbarium Opening Hours

       Mon-Fri:   9:00am - 9:00pm

             Sat: 11.30am - 7:30pm

            Sun:   8:00am - 1:00pm


Divine Mercy Devotions

Fri (except, 1st Fri - Sacred Heart),

     5:30pm - Church


Elders Group

1st Sat, 3:00pm - Canteen

Line Dancing:

 Thurs 2.00pm - 4.00pm - Canteen


Holy Hour

1st Thursday, 8.00 pm


Legion of Mary

   English - Tue, 8:00pm -

                 St. James Room

Mandarin - Fri, 8:00pm -

                 St. Louis Room

   Filipina - Sun, 9:00am -

                 St. Joseph Room



   Sun, 8.30 am - 12.15pm

   (Closed 19 Nov 06 - 20 Jan 07)


Line Dancing

   Every Thursday - 2.00pm - 4.00pm




Wed,  7:45pm - 10:00pm

   - SFX Rm Level 2 Parish Ctr

   - Baptism - Easter


SFX Kindergarten

Operating Hours & info


Society of St. Vincent de Paul

2nd  & 4th Tue, 8:00pm

       Our Lady of Grace Room, Level 1


Thrift Shop

Every Fri & Sun

8.00am to 12.00pm



3rd Fri of the month, 8:00pm

Church of St. Francis Xavier * 63A Chartwell Drive * Singapore *  558758