IV. Comments:
In the process of arriving at the science competencies we are
trying to identify the necessary components for success in science
for the future technological world. Identification of problems,
delivery systems, proposed model programs and experiemental courses
should be taken into consideration.
A. Technology
Science and technology are complementary interacting disciplines.
A report of the Project 2001 phase 1 technology panel defines
technology as "the application of knowledge, tools, and skills
to solve practical problems and extend human capabilities."
Technology is the study of the "human-made" world, while
science explores natural phenomena. The application and development
of technology relies on a science knowledge base. Technology is
oriented toward creating a system of a pragmatic object to meet
a specific societal need. The "technological method"
is a problem-centered approach, governed by human needs and the
desire to solve human problems.
A report by the NSTA states, "Each candidate for graduation
will demonstrate quantitative and scientific literacy, including
an understanding of the transforming role of technology in a world
society." The report recognizes the future projections which
call for more "scientifically, mathematically, and technologically
literate persons...aware of the interdependence of math, science,
and technology; capable of thinking in a scientific way; knowledgeable
about the key concepts of science, math, and technology as a human
With this recognition of the importance of technology literacy
for future graduates of the Taipei American School it is surprising
that appropriate courses have not been included as specified electives
to meet a new set of requirements for graduation. Such technology
courses could reinforce basic scientific principles. Technology
education is an evolving discipline which prepares individuals
to comprehend and contribute to a technologically-based society.
We strongly recommend that we initiate discussion of curriculum
integration and develop model courses in technology with appropriate
evaluation of courses and programs throughout a pilot period.
Several of these programs have been developed at the International,
National and State levels. One example is a course known as "Principles
of Technology", an integrated Physics/Technology course that
has gain considerable attention in the United States. I developed
this course, so we have a good resource of the mission and outcomes
included in such and integration process. With the new school
strategic planning it could offer TAS an excellent opportunity
to persue this possibility for students that sometimes, for many
varied reasons, fall through the cracks of an educational system.
B. Specific Content Areas (Section III)
Because of the overwhelming amount of scientific information that
is available today, careful selection of the most relecant and
applicable information is essential. Selected topics should be
covered in depth. A historical
development of some topics will enable students to understand
the development of major scientific theories.
Success is highly correlated with attitudes and habits as well
as ability. Science classes should be sufficiently challenging
to insure that students develop the habits and skills needed to
be successful in college. Advanced Placement and International
Baccalaureate Program courses should be encouraged wherever appropriate
because of their rigor, enrichment and extension activites it
provides to your existing curriculum. These programs may be especially
useful in conjunction with the schools philosophy and mission
to educate all learners.
Students who wish to have a stronger background in science should
be encouraged to take four years of high school science and mathematics.
This recommendation applies to students who desire the broadest
possible background as well as those who plan to pursue a career
in science and technology. These students should be encouraged
to elect one year of biology, chemistry and physics. One-year
sequences in the three disciplines provide a much broader background
if starting in the 9th grade with biology, chemistry in 10th grade,
physics in the 11th grade, with an additional year of advanced
work in one discipline. This will offer the opportunity for students
to be involved in theoretical and experimental research during
this last year of study.
All students should have continuous exposure to school science
prior to high school. The competencies described in the previous
sections build on those experiences. All science classes K-12
should be presented so that the broadest possible pool of students
including women, minorities and disabled develop positive attitudes.
The most appropriate mechanism for the incorporation of technology
into the science curriculum of students merits special consideration.
Science educators should integrate appropriate technology examples
and applications into their courses. Extensive cooperation and
planning between science and technology educators in this effort
would be beneficial. Team teaching may be appropriate in some
C. Integrated Science Classes:
While nearly all students enroll in biology, and chemistry, physics
typically has much smaller enrollments. The failure of most students
to take chemistry and particularly physics (the most basic of
the sciences) means that many lack the broadest possible high
school science background. This avoidance may cause students to
self-select out of college science courses and lead to perceptions
that certain career choices are closed to them.
Alternatives to the traditional one-year sequences in the specific
science disciplines might address this problem and should be explored.
A number of alternatives may be elected for this change in sequences,
such as combinations of integrated courses. Models should be encouraged
and piloted.
TAS could initiate and test a variety of integrated science courses
in which appropriate topics from the different science disciplines
are taught every year. The exact nature of the integration would
be left up to the school and its staff. These courses could emphasize
interrelationships between the different science disciplines and
technology. Physics would not be neglected since it would be taught
every year in the required science classes.
It is not clear why Earth/Planetary science is most commonly taught
at the middle school / junior high school level. Integrated science
classes would be a potential mechanism to introduce more Earth
/ Planetary science in the high school. The study of any science
topic is ultimately based on the fundamental scientific knowledge
and processes of that discipline. Therefore, any science topics
can be used as a vehicle for introducing fundamental science knowledge.
D. Assessment:
Modification of science classes and teaching methods to meet the
recommended competencies could be accelerated and enhanced by
the development of authentic assessment methods. This is a difficult
area because improperly designed achievement testing may drive
the curriculum in an undersirable direction as teachers may "teach
to the test." Every effort should be made to develop authentic
assessment methods for classes which use inquiry methods and emphasize
science process skills.